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Author Topic: Finally plucked up the courage....  (Read 1839 times)


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Finally plucked up the courage....
« on: October 09, 2020, 03:55:23 PM »

Finally plucked up the courage to contact GP surgery regarding abnormal uterine bleeding as per this thread.,51207.135.html
Spoke to nice receptionist who let me email a typed list of bullet points as I cannot talk in real time on the phone due to communication difficulties.
I am fortunate because when bleeding started I got a good GP, and when telling the receptionist about my difficulties with GP who wanted me off HRT, GP's who said scans not reliable, she managed to find a GP for me to write to - the same nice GP who I saw in December 2018 when I first plucked up the courage to see about my abnormal uterine bleeding.
Here is what I have emailed, along with Dr Currie's email, so they can see I have corresponded with her.
* Long and complex case, prescribed diazepam 28mgs. 54 year old postmenopausal experienced abnormal uterine bleeding on and off since June 2018 with various medical interventions.
* Been Corresponding with NHS Gynaecologist Dr Heather Currie MB BS, FRCOG, DRCOG, MRCGP. Associate Specialist Gynaecologist at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, I have an email she thinks I need a vaginal exam and a scan.
* Discovered I was addicted to valium in 2016 and was on 75mg.
* Was on sequi - 200mg oral utro and 100mg evorel. My mental health deteriorated on the days I wasn’t taking utrogestan.  Being assessed for Autism Spectrum Condition on 13th October this year- Autistic people have uncontrollable rages, due to stress. I started banging my head deliberately, scarring my wrists by biting, breaking my property in a rage.
* In 2016 found out that progesterone's metabolite- allopregnanolone is cross tolerant to valium. Without seeing my GP I changed from sequi 200mg oral to daily 100mg oral utrogestan. Even the psychiatric nurse noticed I seemed more mentally stable after going on daily utrogestan. 
* I started having slight abnormal bleeding in June 2018 most days and didn’t have courage to see GP.
* I finally saw yourself in December 2018 and you kindly referred me for a scan and kept me on daily 100mg utrogestan and evorel 100mcg while awaiting gynaecologist evaluation.
* Had scan and hysteroscopy, under general anaesthetic, no cancer found. Gynaecologist said my cervix was stenosed. He could not even get an implement 2mm thick in my vagina.
* Gynaecologist changed regime 100mcg evorel patch, 100mg oral utro and 100mg vaginal, to avoid first pass from oral utrogestan, bleeding stopped.
* Bleeding started up again in June 2019, another GP reduced evorel to 75mcg, sweats started but bleeding stopped.
* Bleeding started again at end of 2019 and got quite bad with pelvic pain and clots, tender breasts.
* Jan 2020 Feb 2020, tender breasts, bleeding ranges from brown discharge and red blood and black/dark brown liquid/small dark clots with bits of “stuff in toilet” Use 1 pad a day but used 3 pads one or two days and two for one or two days.  Intermittent mild pelvic pain most days. Breast tenderness.
* In March my pelvic pain was so bad I had to take paracetamol. I seemed to have a long period with clots, and stringy bits on tissue when I wiped. It was like a long heavy period.
* In early April, without telling my GP, due to evorel shortages, I started 3 pumps of oestrogel privately bought by MHRA pharmacy, but still got bleeding and discharge although not as bad as March. Lowered dose to 50mcg. This week a male GP did a telephone routine review, they now know I am on gel but dont know about discharge and bleeding. Still need fan in bed. GP now knows I am on oestrogel but I was too scared to tell GP about bleeding.
* In September I got worse pelvic pain for few hours one day, red blood, this is the longest bleeding episode I have had, red blood, dark small clots, bits in toilet, dark brown discharge. Tender breasts. Breast tenderness has never been a bother, but strange as I am 54.
* When I urinate there are spots of red/brown matter in the toilet bowl.
* If I change progesterone regime/delivery method, with it being cross tolerant to valium, it will put me in a serious withdrawal, and increasing it will be like adding valium, given both act on GABA receptors.
* I cannot change to allopregnanolone free progestin as that would also be like a huge withdrawal with disastrous consequences.
* I have an autism assessment on Tuesday 13 October at 9am and don’t know how long it will last.
* I have a CPN phone appointment on Tuesday 20th October at 3pm otherwise I am free.
* Kind Regards My Name


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Re: Finally plucked up the courage....
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2020, 06:37:52 AM »

Well done. X


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Worried as 45 year old friend has cancer of womb
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2020, 09:24:59 AM »

Well done. X
Although Dr Currie said cancer is caused by lack of progesterone, a lady who is not yet in menopause has to have hysterectomy as she has cells in her womb.
I've never had kids which puts me at risk.