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Author Topic: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)  (Read 1884 times)


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Further to my thread on abnormal uterine bleeding, my surgery only do phone consultations.
My case is too long and complex to describe in a 10min max phone conversation to a GP in my surgery, you never see the same one twice hardly.
I am being tested for autism spectrum condition on 13th and find talking about stressful things on the phone very difficult, my mind just freezes.
I rang 111 and they said I can see one at the A&E, and I am wondering, if I get this printed off and give it to the doctor at A&E will they find it too long, I have abbreviated it as much as I can, while giving all relevant info.
Thanks for reading

* Long and complex case, prescribed diazepam 28mgs. 54 year old postmenopausal experienced abnormal uterine bleeding on and off since June 2018 with various medical interventions.
* Been Corresponding with NHS Gynaecologist Dr Heather Currie MB BS, FRCOG, DRCOG, MRCGP. Associate Specialist Gynaecologist at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, I have an email she thinks I need a vaginal exam and a scan.
* Discovered I was addicted to valium in 2016 and was on 75mg.
* Was on sequi - 200mg oral utro and 100mg evorel. My mental health deteriorated on the days I wasn’t taking utrogestan.  Being assessed for Autism Spectrum Condition on 13th October this year- Autistic people have uncontrollable rages, due to stress. I started banging my head deliberately, scarring my wrists by biting, breaking my property in a rage.
* In 2016 found out that progesterone's metabolite- allopregnanolone is cross tolerant to valium. Without seeing my GP I changed from sequi 200mg oral to daily 100mg oral utrogestan. Even the psychiatric nurse noticed I seemed more mentally stable after going on daily utrogestan. GP referred me for a scan and kept me on daily 100mg utrogestan and evorel 100mcg.
* No abnormal bleeding until June 2018, just mild bits of red/brown, and finally got courage to see GP in Dec 18 who referred me for a trans vaginal ultrasound where my womb was slightly thicker.
* Had scan and hysteroscopy, under general anaesthetic, no cancer found. Gynaecologist said my cervix was stenosed. He could not even get an implement 2mm thick in my vagina.
* Gynaecologist changed regime 100mcg evorel patch, 100mg oral utro and 100mg vaginal, to avoid first pass.
* Bleeding started up again in June 2019, GP reduced evorel to 75mcg, sweats started but bleeding stopped.
* Bleeding started again at end of 2019 and got quite bad with pelvic pain and clots, tender breasts.
* Jan 2020 Feb 2020, tender breasts, bleeding ranges from brown discharge and red blood and black/dark brown liquid/small dark clots with bits of “stuff in toilet” Use 1 pad a day but used 3 pads one or two days and two for one or two days.  Intermittent mild pelvic pain most days. Breast tenderness.
* In March my pelvic pain was so bad I had to take paracetamol. I seemed to have a long period with clots, and stringy bits on tissue when I wiped. It was like a long heavy period.
* In early April, without telling my GP, due to evorel shortages, I started 3 pumps of oestrogel privately bought by MHRA pharmacy, but still got bleeding and discharge although not as bad as March. Lowered dose to 50mcg. This week a male GP did a telephone routine review, they now know I am on gel but dont know about discharge and bleeding. Still need fan in bed. GP now knows I am on gel but too scared to tell them about bleeding.
* In September I got worse pelvic pain for few hours one day, red blood, this is the longest bleeding episode I have had, red blood, dark small clots, bits in toilet, dark brown discharge. Tender breasts. Breast tenderness has never been a bother, but strange as I am 54.
* When I urinate there are spots of red/brown matter in the toilet bowl.



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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2020, 08:36:02 PM »

Hi Dandelion, looks OK. Just make sure you take all your medication with you, A&E people may not be clued up on HRT. Good luck and try to relax 🤞🏻😌🤗


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2020, 08:39:19 PM »

Hi Dandelion, looks OK. Just make sure you take all your medication with you, A&E people may not be clued up on HRT. Good luck and try to relax 🤞🏻😌🤗
Thanks, my goal is to be referred for a scan. 111 said A&E doctors will have access to my gynaecological history.
I hope they refer me.

I'm still thinking of phoning my GP and reading it out over the phone, firstly explaining that I have communication difficulties and could they give me time to read it out, would it be too long for that?


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2020, 08:55:23 PM »

I can't see why not. Go ahead and see what she or he thinks. It's not too long.


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2020, 09:04:11 PM »

I can't see why not. Go ahead and see what she or he thinks. It's not too long.
Hi Uptick, I just remembered, I got a text from the surgery saying not to ring as their phone lines are down, they are sorting it out as a matter of urgency, but have not yet notified me.


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2020, 10:29:07 PM »

You could email the list to them maybe? I'm sure the phone lines will be quickly sorted.

Taz x


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2020, 10:33:28 PM »

You could email the list to them maybe? I'm sure the phone lines will be quickly sorted.

Taz x
Yeah might have to, I can also forward dr currie's email to them.
Got a painter coming in tomorrow, to paint some plaster, plasterer did a really good job. Got a bit of paranoia about painter, as no reviews on fb, recommended himself, says he uses proper plaster paint, made sure he made booking long enough for plaster to dry, which it has. Hope he is genuine and does good job, and plaster doesn't flake.
PS the only thing with emailing GP is that one of them is against HRT and told me she wanted me off it. If I email them I hope I don't get her, I know her name, maybe I could ask receptionist not to pass email to her. Another GP refused scan, mentioned in other thread, hope I don't get her.


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2020, 12:45:49 PM »

Hi Dandelion, well done. Hope it works.

I'm posting an update of Besin's reply on your other thread, so readers can follow the events. Too many threads on the same subject is quite confusing.


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Re: Is this too long to give to a doctor (111 said I can see a Dr at A&E)
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2020, 11:40:04 AM »

Hi Dandelion, well done. Hope it works.

I'm posting an update of Besin's reply on your other thread, so readers can follow the events. Too many threads on the same subject is quite confusing.
Hi Uptick, sorry for late reply, I am still awaiting my response from doctor to email sent 9th Oct.
They told me they had received it.