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Author Topic: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.  (Read 1492 times)


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Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« on: October 05, 2020, 06:04:28 PM »

Hi there,

I have been having this issue everyday for a year now. I already have breathing issues that I'm now starting to get used to it, but this concerns me - I cannot sleep on either side at tbedtime, if I try to I can only describe it as a feeling like my organs are squashing, and then I stop breathing and jolt up as its so so scary like I'm going to die.

I have been sleeping on my back because of this for a year and now back is in severe pain. I vry everyday because of it and question whether I want to live like this anymore. I worry that I may have a serious illness or disease - something heart or lung related; cancer, clots...I'm so sscared.

It's hard to get an appointment fast also due to this pandemic and in the meantime my health anxiety has sky-rcketed.

My last check up was a few months ago - heart fine, they listened to my braething, all good - oxygen good.  So I'm baffled as to what this might be. Haitul hernia? a gastrtic issue?

I won't know anything until I get a thorough check up, but I only hope its hormonal.

Has anyone experienced the same? The fact that I've been browsing quite a few menopause forums including this one and noticed no one experiencing these symptoms makes me very worried.


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2020, 07:04:45 PM »

Is this when you have gone to sleep?  Could it be sleep apnoea?


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2020, 07:07:54 PM »

Is this when you have gone to sleep?  Could it be sleep apnoea?

Not sure, actually should have been clearer. The weird squashing of organs feeling followed by not being able to breathe happens any time of the day if I decided to lay on either side. It sometimes happens even when I'm sitting upright in the chair, and lean forward to type on my laptop for example. Then I can't breathe. It's so odd, it freaks me out.


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2020, 07:44:34 PM »

I haven't had anything like that during the day, although I have woken myself up at night unable to breathe where it feels like pressure on my insides - it is scary - probably because your body wants you to wake up and breathe fast!  :o   I have always had to go through relaxation exercises when I go to bed to get comfortable, and relaxing seems harder these days.

It is probably worth looking around for a class for some exercise that involves breathing exercises, like yoga or pilates.  There are some online and socially distanced in halls. This will also help you strengthen small muscles, and posture.  It is amazing what knots one can tie oneself in with breathing.  I have noticed that if I sit too long at the computer I breath very shallowly and don't use my tummy, so it gets tight and I end up virtually not breathing at all.  I need to get up and walk around after half an hour.  It has definitely been more of a thing in the last few years.

Like CKLD always says, muscles get lax  ;)

I hope your tests come up soon.


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2020, 08:41:19 PM »

Hi loonarider, I don't have time right now to go into details, but your symptoms could be due to a hiatus hernia when, depending on your body's position, your stomach can leave the abdomen and go to your chest, pressing your lungs and heart. This condition is benign but depending on the size of the hiatus hernia it could cause these symptoms. Do you  have acid reflux or heartburn symptoms?


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2020, 07:30:23 PM »

Hi loonarider, I don't have time right now to go into details, but your symptoms could be due to a hiatus hernia when, depending on your body's position, your stomach can leave the abdomen and go to your chest, pressing your lungs and heart. This condition is benign but depending on the size of the hiatus hernia it could cause these symptoms. Do you  have acid reflux or heartburn symptoms?

Hi Uptick,

I have a strong feeling it could be haitul hernia or even silent reflux. I notice that after eating, even if it is relatively small, I have to walk around because if I sit I feel super congeste in the chest and diaphgram area, a lot o tightness. It feels like just below my breasts is expanding. So I feel there is deifnitely an issue with digestion. I don't get the common heart burn symptoms, the feeling of burning up my esophagus. But I think my most recent sore throat and persistent cough might have something to do with it as well (again, possible silent reflux).

Haitul hernia sounds scary considering it's your stomach putting pressure on your vital organs :( I hope it's something that can be treated, and I'm also very apprehensive about getting have a tube put down my throat to look at my inards. I wonder if there is an alternative?

So glad you mentioned haitul hernia, as I've been going out of my mind thinking I have clots in my lungs or a clcot travelling to my heart...It is pretty instant if I lie on my side or lean forward its very uncomfortable pressure felt on my organs it seems, and the I feel instantly breathless like I might keel over.

P.S. I called the ambulance yesterday because I thought I was going to die in my sleep. ECG, oxygen levels, blood glucose all normal range...Guess we will see whaat the doc says this week.

Do you know of any medications that would be good for haitul hernia and silent reflux that I can mention to my doc?

Thank you for your response! :)


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2020, 07:33:43 PM »

I haven't had anything like that during the day, although I have woken myself up at night unable to breathe where it feels like pressure on my insides - it is scary - probably because your body wants you to wake up and breathe fast!  :o   I have always had to go through relaxation exercises when I go to bed to get comfortable, and relaxing seems harder these days.

Yes, that sounds like what I experience, only mine is all day and triggered by eating also. :(

It is probably worth looking around for a class for some exercise that involves breathing exercises, like yoga or pilates.  There are some online and socially distanced in halls. This will also help you strengthen small muscles, and posture.  It is amazing what knots one can tie oneself in with breathing.  I have noticed that if I sit too long at the computer I breath very shallowly and don't use my tummy, so it gets tight and I end up virtually not breathing at all.  I need to get up and walk around after half an hour.  It has definitely been more of a thing in the last few years. [/quote]

Those are some really helpful pointers. Thank you, will deifnitely look into exercises with a focus on breathing. I have wondered whether these feelings in my chest and stomach area are musculoskeletal or something more insidious, so many questions LOL, but I guess it would be a good start to learn some relaxation techniques.



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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2020, 05:17:20 PM »

Hi loonarider, I don't have time right now to go into details, but your symptoms could be due to a hiatus hernia when, depending on your body's position, your stomach can leave the abdomen and go to your chest, pressing your lungs and heart. This condition is benign but depending on the size of the hiatus hernia it could cause these symptoms. Do you  have acid reflux or heartburn symptoms?

Hi Uptick,

I have a strong feeling it could be haitul hernia or even silent reflux. I notice that after eating, even if it is relatively small, I have to walk around because if I sit I feel super congeste in the chest and diaphgram area, a lot o tightness. It feels like just below my breasts is expanding. So I feel there is deifnitely an issue with digestion. I don't get the common heart burn symptoms, the feeling of burning up my esophagus. But I think my most recent sore throat and persistent cough might have something to do with it as well (again, possible silent reflux).

Haitul hernia sounds scary considering it's your stomach putting pressure on your vital organs :( I hope it's something that can be treated, and I'm also very apprehensive about getting have a tube put down my throat to look at my inards. I wonder if there is an alternative?

So glad you mentioned haitul hernia, as I've been going out of my mind thinking I have clots in my lungs or a clcot travelling to my heart...It is pretty instant if I lie on my side or lean forward its very uncomfortable pressure felt on my organs it seems, and the I feel instantly breathless like I might keel over.

P.S. I called the ambulance yesterday because I thought I was going to die in my sleep. ECG, oxygen levels, blood glucose all normal range...Guess we will see whaat the doc says this week.

Do you know of any medications that would be good for haitul hernia and silent reflux that I can mention to my doc?

Thank you for your response! :)

Hi loonarider, sorry for the late reply. It sounds like silent reflux (which I have), it can cause all your symptoms and if a hiatus (or hiatal) hernia is present it can be more frequent and severe than without it. I wonder if you also notice any bloating?

Medication is the same for silent reflux.

 . Antacids (any meds containing one or two of these): aluminium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate, magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate (Rennies, Gaviscon, milk of magnesia, etc)
 . H2 receptor antagonists that block histamine-induced secretion of gastric acid in the stomach, cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine,  usually along antibiotics for short-term healing of peptic ulcers induced by Helicobater pylori or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
. PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole, lanzoprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole and esomeprazole. They completely block acid production from stomach

Each one is recommended for specific cases and sometimes they can mask more serious conditions and usually have to be discontinued before endoscopy. Speaking of which... I loathe this procedure, but needs be. I'd ask for total sedation because I have strong throat reflexes and couldn't stand the tube for enough time to get a biopsy. Most people have no problem though. I'm afraid there isn't a better alternative procedure for these sort of issues. You'll be fine.

Have you already had your appointment? Keep us posted.



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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2020, 11:50:17 AM »

Thanks Uptick for the reassurance.

My appointment is tomorrow afternoon, so will be here updating you all :)

Yes, I think I may need to  be sedated for the endoscopy if and when it happens. My gag relfexes are off the charts! ;)


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2020, 01:25:41 PM »

Good luck 😉


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Re: Breathing issues at night made worse when lying on either side.
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2020, 02:21:24 PM »
