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Author Topic: Update  (Read 3529 times)


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« on: September 30, 2020, 06:50:20 PM »

I just wanted to thank all you lovely ladies that advised me about VA last week I’m waiting to speak to my doctor which is quite difficult at the moment as you can only have a phone consultation. My HA has really ramped up with everything.

I wondered if you could give me some more advice. I have what I think is a pile, enter the anxiety thinking it’s something else. It feels very sore, swollen and it feels like it’s drawing up there (not
Literally lol) I think it must be inside on the right side. It hurts on my bum cheek that side and also in the tailbone a bit. I’ve been using Anusol I thought it was getting a bit better yesterday but it’s flared up painful again tonight. What with the soreness at the front as well I’m feeling really fed up and anxious. Does this sound typical of a pile? Any help ladies please would be really appreciated everything is worrying me at the moment. Thank you for reading xx


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Re: Update
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2020, 07:18:54 PM »

Hi Jaypo, No I’ve never heard of this before. Is it a similar feeling to piles?


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Re: Update
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 09:13:46 AM »

Hi kp64,

I’m on 12 years of external piles, 3 years of internal piles and 3 years of fissures (which is a tear that bleed when you poo and feels like you’re pooping glass). And about 11 years ago hemorrhoid thrombosis were I had to rush to emergency for a emergency operation to remove 5 blood clots. That hurt 😢

I’m not sure what you mean by drawing up there, as I have never experienced that. Have you had a good feel around. I know that sounds terrible, but I decided about 5 years ago how do I know what normal or not if I don’t know what I normally feel like. I have two external piles always there (skin tags I believe they call them). But when I have piles it’s a lot bigger and harder to touch, a lot more pain too.

What does it feel like? If it’s a bit internal and you are not feeling it so much on the outside I recommend Proctosedyl suppositories, and proctosedyl cream.
How’s the pain when you poo? How are your poos, are you constipated?

Up your fibre, drink plenty of water.
A spritz bath is great (fill the bath with 5cm of warm water use half a cup of salt) sit there for 15 minutes, great for after you poo.
Witch hazel is great too, I make up my own treatment of 1/2 water (boiled and cooled) 1/2 witch hazel and a small squeeze of aloe Vera gel. Shake well and squeeze on to a cotton ball and stick between butt cheeks.

Remember with proctosedyl or anusol do bot use for more then 10 days. And if you’re still concerned see your doctor. She will have a look and can confirm if piles.

I’m not sure if you can see your doctor in the UK. I’m from Australia and it’s not a problem to see my doctor. I’m currently waiting for a appointment with a specialist as since July I have been bleeding most days due to fissures. But I’ve been no bleeding for 10 days now and the pain is less. At least fissures are really painful when you poo and about 2 hours after then I’m fine for the day. And yes I have virginal atrophy too so I feel your pain.

I hope this helps, please feel free to ask me any questions you want? I’m happy to help



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Re: Update
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2020, 09:25:08 AM »

Hi Ladies, Thanks for replying to me. Got myself into a bit of a state this morning.
I have the VA but also have a sore and a bit of a weird sensation on the outside. My bum feels dry and has got the same sort of sensation as well. I’ve been in medication for HA so my mind goes to worse case scenario all the time. I’ve tried to have a look at the bum with a mirror, it feels a bit like someone has poked you up there. Im using Yes at the moment for the front issues. I was lying in bed and I had a pain like a poker being pushed in my rear end. There isn’t any bleeding from rear end but I think I’m making it worse keep focusing on it. Only telephone appointments in the UK at the moment. I had a bath and it seemed to make front & back worse. I’ve got the frequent toilet trips with the VA as well.
I’m so fed up and down and my imagination just runs away with me, got so bad I don’t want to eat. X


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Re: Update
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2020, 11:18:15 AM »

Hi Lyncola,
I just had a feel in the bottom and quite far in on the right hand side I felt a lumpy bit, I nearly went through the roof when I touched it and it’s still throbbing now so I’m presuming its a pile, oh wow so painful. I’m going to get some medication to put inside and hopefully that helps.
Thank you x


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Re: Update
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2020, 07:18:49 PM »

It could be a healing fissure .......... mayB speak to the practice nurse?


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Re: Update
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2020, 08:47:44 PM »


I’ve just got some Anusol with hydrocortisone to put inside. I have had a pile flare up before but this is so painful.
It’s painful just to touch the opening of the bum. It was a bit like a poker being pushed in. You have to speak to a doctor at my surgery and what with everything going on it’s so busy. What with the front and now the back. It’s very sore and throbbing but I haven’t had any bleeding. I’ll try this out for a few days and see. I actually got so anxious over it I haven’t been able to eat, to much dr google which I Promised myself I wouldn’t do. Hoping I can calm down x


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Re: Update
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2020, 08:51:03 PM »

Pain in the bum HURTS!  :o. Keep up with the VA treatment  :o and be gentle with the 'anusol' ....... little and often ?



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Re: Update
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2020, 04:56:42 AM »

Yes it certainly does. Thank you for replying.  Just wish I wasn’t such a blooming worrier xx


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Re: Update
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2020, 09:24:53 AM »

Hi kp64,

Sounds like a bad pile to me. I feel you would know if a fissures as doing a poo is so so painful.

I’m sorry if this next bit so to much information, but I feel this will help you if I explain how a fissures feels like.

This is what my fissures pain feels like,  the pain starts a couple of minutes before you poo, I believe it’s the pressure of the poo before it comes out. When you start pushing the poo out it’s like glass coming out. I make a bit noise as the pain is bad. After the poo the pain is really bad for about 5 minutes. I have a lie down in bed or spritz bath. The pain now medium to low last for a couple of hours. The rest of the day I’m okay, sometimes when I pee I feel pain again in my bottom. But after the couple of hours I would say I’m 95% great. I’m on day eleven with no blood but still got a fissure, so you don’t need to bleed to have a fissures. But I know if my poo comes out wrong to runny or to hard I will be bleeding again.

Now if I have a bad piles, which I believe you have,  yes it’s painful when you touch and poo and all day long. Medicine will give you pain relief.

Now if you got it so bad that it thrombosis (blood stops following making the pile large and extremely painful). I walked like I was 99 years old (I was mid thirties) medication made no difference and the pain was bad all night. I usually was more comfortable at night. The pain was a 10 and didn’t stop.
I hope you never experience this.

Please eat a high fibre diet, this will help by not putting more pressure on your pile. If your doing a poo and you are pushing and pushing this will make your pile worse. Take a still softener or fibre supplements to help keep your poo soft. I take Metamucil that you can take everyday.
If the spritz bath bothered your atrophy (doesn’t make much difference to my atrophy for me) maybe make up a bottle of salty water and use a cotton wool ball and stick between butt cheeks.

Please remember the cream or suppository should not be use more then 7-10 days (my doctor told me this). If in 7-10 days of use the medication stop and see your doctor. My doctor told me that the medication can’t be use everyday and you will do damage.

I hope my information helps you, and I apologise to anyone if this is too much information.
Please let us know how you get on.


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Re: Update
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2020, 06:32:52 PM »

Hi Lyncola,
Thanks so much for all the information,
I seem to have pain in the tailbone area to. I’m making it worse I think I’m getting myself absolutely frantic as I read something to do with anal c. It feels a bit pressure like as well. It’s very painful when I put the suppository in and it’s a bit like a nagging toothache. I always get such strange ailments I’m typing this and I’m so stressed it’s unbelievable I can’t eat my stomach is in knots. I can’t sleep properly and was awake most of the night.
I did get in the bath and found this started the pain off don’t know if it was sitting on a hard surface. Even my bum cheeks hurt. Sorry if this is tmi: I only go to the toilet roughly every 2-3 days I’ve always been like this.  At the moment it feels like a poker has been stuck in my bottom. I have a c anxiety and as you can imagine I’m thinking all sorts. Thanks for being so kind xx


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Re: Update
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2020, 06:33:28 PM »

I forgot to say I haven’t had any bleeding


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Re: Update
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2020, 05:25:27 AM »

I’m here for you kp64,

Yes my butt cheeks can get sore from sitting in the bath. I feel like an old person (I’m 46) trying to stand and get out of the bath most days.

so I would never say I got a sore tail bone for piles. Being menopausal I do get sore tail bone which can last for days (had that a year ago) at the moment if my tail bone gets sore about hour of pain. But I would never put it down too piles. For me there’s no connection. But that’s me, I’ve googled and it is a symptom just not as common as other symptoms.

It says- When the hemorrhoidal tissues become inflamed or enlarged, and especially when they prolapse, they cause the levator muscles to pull harder. This moves the coccyx more than normal, causing tailbone pain.

Now I’m a every morning pooper same time every day. Can I ask when did you last poo?

Try not to worry, eat plenty of fibre, use a fibre supplement. Mine (piles, fissures) can last a long time the problem I’m on now, started on 1st July. I’m waiting again to see the specialist. Am I concerned, no I don’t like the pain while pooping that’s about it, the reason why this has been a problem for me for 12 years now. When I first had it, piles the first time I bleed very concerned. I’m more concerned about why my finger tip is sore, because I’ve never had it before. So I’m just like you any new problem that I haven’t had before, it’s panic stations. I Google (doctor google is never very good every problem I’ve ever had it could be the c word) and I go to my doctor.

Hang in there, and if you’re not seeing improving see your doctor. Don’t be afraid to see your doctor in the last 12 years I’ve been to emergency once, seen the specialist 4 times and five different doctors over the years about 30 times. So a lot of people have seen my ass ;D.



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Re: Update
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2020, 08:20:25 AM »

Hi Lyncola,
Thank you so much for your kindness,
I’ve got myself into a right old state.
I’m 56 had my last period 5 years ago and last year had a bit of bleeding had the usual scans and my doctor gave me Estirol cream. I was frightened to use it so haven’t had any of that treatment up there. It’s been quite bad lately so I’m going to speak to the doctor about that.
Stinging on the outside especially after a wee, now this other problem has started.
I’m especially anxious as my sister in law had c and had to have a hysterectomy, she then went for the over 50s routine camera in the bowel and they found it there as well.  I’m not very regular with going to the toilet and last August after having a very bad bout of anxiety my doctor prescribed Sertraline which gave me terrible diarrhoea for about 3 weeks.
That settled but I usually poo every 3 days or so, today is Saturday and the last time I went was Wednesday. I’m not taking the tablets anymore as they seemed to cause weight gain, I stopped in July. It also feels like there is a bit of pressure near the tailbone area. Even to put the suppositories in the bottom was like a poker pain. This is just getting me down now, it’s so awkward with all this virus going on, you can only speak to the doctor by phone and I hate that.  I’m going to have to I think, although that makes me very anxious too. I need this sorting. It’s so nice to talk to you I really do appreciate it. X


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Re: Update
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2020, 08:46:49 AM »

Hi Lyncola,

Sorry for tmi but I’ve managed to go the toilet it’s all normal no bleeding but it was painful as it come out and it now feels like it’s throbbing a bit. Could you get a fissure without blood? I’m so sorry keep asking. Thank you
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