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Author Topic: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP  (Read 4627 times)


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Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« on: September 29, 2020, 10:38:51 AM »


Following my post last week (and thanks again for all of your replies) I spoke to my GP today and gave her my symptoms - ad hoc pain (like a gnawing in my tummy), dry mouth, coated tongue, feel as I have too much saliva, throat clearing, burping, water hard to go down etc etc. I've also lost 4lb in a couple of weeks but do put that down to smaller meals, no chocolate or crisp. I don't have these all at once but over a day these are my general symptoms.

I didn't get chance to ask her many questions - but she will see me, examine me, re-do bloods and has, in the meantime,  given me a prescription for lansoprazole. This threw me as I have mentioned to her before my absolute fear of medication.

My husband thinks I should have left it a little while longer, he is convinced this is all stress and anxiety. The problem is I'm now even more anxious about the blood tests, the medication and I guess she may eventually send me for an endoscopy - I feel terrified.

I know people go through a lot worse and I am grateful she is seeing me and the blood tests etc but I just want it all to go away (I know it won't, of course).

Thanks for listening. x

« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 01:34:48 PM by Lynda07 »


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2020, 11:16:05 AM »

Different meds are designed to solve/ease different conditions.  I dreaded taking The Pill, I would have it in my hand for ages B4 swallowing it. However, because I was so ill when I was prescribed anti-depressant medication I had no choice  :-\ .  Once medication was found that suited me, I was OK. 

Your GP is being thorough.  What's the worst that can happen with the Lansoprazole?  Your Husband is correct in it may be anxiety and stress but it ain't getting better.  Is it?

In the main we are in control of what investigations we go for.  If these rule out anything more serious will you feel more inclined to try the Lansoprazole?


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2020, 11:26:55 AM »

Thank you CLKD. You are right. I am grateful my GP is being thorough, despite the fear I feel, that's my health anxiety rearing its ugly head again.

I guess I have two choices - fetch the lansoprazole, take them and see how I go, I wonder if the GP has prescribed them to see if they work, as in if they do it's likely to be reflux. Or hold off until I see her on Friday to discuss further - I really don't know what to do. I read the side effects, see the ones that warn about the worse case scenario and then just feel terrifed.

And as for the anxiety, it's not getting better at all, you're right there too.

Sage 🍃

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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2020, 11:42:20 AM »

Hi Lynda, I think you're right, your GP has prescribed them to confirm it's acid reflux. Don't worry about side effects, most of them happen only after long term use. And long term effects of acid reflux are scarier than the side effects of the drug!


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2020, 11:47:47 AM »

Thank you Sage, you are right. I do appreciate the reassurance though.

Sage 🍃

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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2020, 11:56:04 AM »

You're welcome, hope you feel better soon.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2020, 01:06:55 PM »

Thanks Sage.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2020, 04:35:55 PM »

Lynda, please try the Lansoprazole. I too absolutely hate medication but the awful reflux symptoms will be mightily relieved by these tablets, trust me. I have a friend who’s husband took them for a while but then she made him come off them and take a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a full glass of warm water every morning and this worked just as well after a while so you even try that first. X


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2020, 04:57:35 PM »

Hi Justjules

Thanks for that. I've been thinking about the telephone appointment all day. I didn't get chance to ask any of my questions or say half the things I'd written down.

Although I have symptoms they are no where near as bad as some people's sound. For example since the initial episode of having to sleep half upright a few weeks back I've not had any real night time issues. The symptoms I do have are worrying - because I worry - but I feel they are managable with Peptac as and when needed. So I was hoping to suggest to the GP that I kept my eye on things and cut some things out of my diet. I didn't get time to tell her that because I've just started taking ACV and probiotics, my plan was to let the Dr know what was happening in case she was concerned but to report back in maybe a month. I really didn't expect to be put on PPI straight away. I am going to ask her on Friday if I can hold off for a while - but don't want her to think I am dismissing what she says.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2020, 07:27:35 PM »

Well what you put in your body is entirely up to you. Sounds like a good plan that you have so maybe go with that and as you say, report back in a month. Please don’t ever be terrified of an endoscopy....I was so terrified of having one but honestly, I would go for one tomorrow without hesitation. If you have the sedation, which I would definitely never do one without, you don’t know you’ve had it done!  A nice little sleep and tea and toast after.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2020, 07:58:45 PM »

Justjules, you must have read my mind, I am terrified of an endoscopy although part of me thinks at least then I would know what I am up against, if anything. A nice sleep and toast sounds a heck of a lot better than what I thought it might be - and to be honest, rather that and a diagnosis than tablets without a diagnosis.

I do feel better for reading what you have put as I guess somewhere down the line it may well happen. Thank you again.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2020, 08:54:52 PM »

Good luck for Friday. I also read the side effects and my hubby tells me off ( nicely). My son has had lansaprozale, then omeprazole and then esomeprazole. He has bad acid reflux alongside coeliac disease. He doesn't tend to take them now, it has eased a bit. He also has had the cider vinegar in water and said thst really helped, he also tried bicarb, but i can't remember what he did :-\ My hubby has suffered with it lately ( a side effect of the infusions he was having) he has bisodol. I did buy him the gaviscon advance tablets, he said they really helped, but they are not cheap.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2020, 06:16:56 PM »

Thank you Penguin99.

My husband is the same, he says just take them and if you get a side effect you know what it is. I did have a couple of bad experiences with medication when I was younger so think it stems from then.

I definitely think the Apple Cider Vinegar in water is helping me already. You’re certainly right about the Gaviscon tablets not being cheap,

Thank you again.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2020, 01:32:08 PM »

Hi Lynda, I think you're right, your GP has prescribed them to confirm it's acid reflux. Don't worry about side effects, most of them happen only after long term use. And long term effects of acid reflux are scarier than the side effects of the drug!

Speaking of side effects of long term use of PPIs, I've just came across this article on BMJ and a prescribing update is being sent to GP's to monitor blood glucose in patients on long term PPIs based on this study.


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Re: Possible Reflux - now spoken to GP
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2020, 05:12:16 PM »

Thank you for posting those links Uptick.
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