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Author Topic: Oestrogen  (Read 944 times)


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« on: September 24, 2020, 05:32:09 PM »

Would an oestrogen blood test show if my body is absorbing or would it just show it was in my system thank you. I am on my fourth type of HRT and the only sympton it has helped are the flushes. X


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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2020, 06:41:35 PM »

I have had several blood tests to see if I am absorbing as recommended by both of the specialists I have seen! It just gives a snapshot but they can then tell if absorbing enough! That’s what I’ve been told anyway! Hope that helps !

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2020, 07:03:53 PM »

It's definitely worth having your oestrogen levels checked although it would seem a lot of GPs are reluctant to agree to it.   

Of course it not 100% reliable but it will give you a good idea of how well you are absorbing your HRT.   For example, if your results give an oestrogen level of 600 pmol, even if you allow for fluctuations throughout the day, it means you are absorbing your HRT well.  Equally a very low result below 100 pmol means that you are not absorbing well.

For women who are worried about osteoporosis, it's important to know that their oestrogen levels are above 300 pmol.   

Blood tests are more useful for women who are post menopause and not producing their own hormones.  You will probably be experiencing fewer hormone fluctuations by then too.


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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2020, 07:23:43 PM »

That was better explained Mary G! My last blood test I was still only at 272 on 6 pumps of gel so now have been on Sandrena and should get blood test results tomorrow to get a good idea of absorption! Hoping it is working better! Small improvement of some symptoms but no where near where I want to be


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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2020, 04:28:41 PM »

I just feel so worn out all the time. Tried for twelve months with different HRT nothing helps. When I ask for my oestrogen to be checked doc just says no need. My mental health is so bad I just want to disappear  :'(

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2020, 04:55:32 PM »

Aww Baby you are not on your own there. I've been on gel/utrogestan for 12 months, didn't help anything other than hot flushes and seemed to have made reflux worse over the months, unless that is coincidence(?).... Drs will not check hormone levels at my age (64), they say there is no point!

I stopped HRT altogether a few weeks ago whilst having tests on my hoarse vocal chords and scans on my thyroid.
My hot flushes have returned but mainly only get them after sleeping, when I get up in a morning or whenever I go for my first wee!! They are bearable so far.
I don't seem to feel any different on or off HRT, so I'm guessing it maybe doesn't always suit everyone?

I am going to ask to try "last chance saloon" lol of Femseven conti when they are back in production, so that I can be completely transdermal and see how I am with that. My meno clinic chappie suggested that 12 months ago but they were out of stock of course. But I live in hope they will be available soon.

I don't know what the answer is, I'm also worn out, got aching muscles and joints, weepy, joie de vivre has run away etc etc etc. Am going to try magnesium and vit B supplements along with my vit D to see if they help.

Its not flippin easy this menopause lark, we can only hope things improve with time. Be kind to yourself, try some deep breathing if it helps, watch some daft programmes on TV to make you laugh and eat/drink whatever you like and stay safe xxxx


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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2020, 05:18:52 PM »

I too am trying Magnesium and Vit D ! I just take each day as it comes and mostly am in a zombie state! Find it hard most days going to work but at least that takes my mind off things when I’m there! No results back yet so will have to wait til Monday! I too have been trying for over a year! Tablets gel patches now Sandrena! If this doesn’t work I will think about stopping and see where I’m at! Had the coil fitted yesterday so hoping my moods will now stabilise without taking Utrogestron which I really couldn’t deal with!
Good luck with it all


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Re: Oestrogen
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2020, 05:23:23 PM »

This is the trouble when you speak to the docs they just think you have a mental health problem because HRT works according to them then you see these forums and it clearly doesn't for all women.