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Author Topic: Night Sweats  (Read 1336 times)


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Night Sweats
« on: September 17, 2020, 06:20:32 AM »

Have been awake all night with really bad sweats, feel shattered. This has been going on all night and the worst it's been.  Can't take HRT and last time I saw gp her advice was to try antidepressants ( I don't want to go down that route) or to just 'get on with it' I feel like I am going crazy and is having sweats most of the night normal, I also get them during the day, sorry for the rant xx


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Re: Night Sweats
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 07:55:29 AM »

Hi Debs165

Do rant away but sorry to hear about your sweats and flushes - they are a right pain aren't they?!

If you are really unable to take HRT (we can help with this if necessary) then yes there are certain anti-depredssant medications that can be used instead  which are prescribed for women who are unable to take HRT due to some breast cancers for example.

Unfortunately these are the only two things which really work ( HRT better than ADs but there are certain types of the latter which work better than others. Somewhere I did a post with details of a paper about this so will see if I can find it...).

Other than that there are just various things to mitigate the worst effects which are probably well-documented elsewhere - relating to body weight ( if over-weight then reduce this as this will help), and diet, as well as clothing et. Maybe post another question specifically about non-medication methods of dealing with sweats and flushes?

Whereabouts are you in menopause and have the sweats been going on for long?

Hurdity x


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Re: Night Sweats
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2020, 06:05:35 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

No I can't have HRT due to blood clots, ended up having major surgery...long story! My gp basically says try anti depressants or just get on with it!
Gp thinks I am perimenapausal but I think I'm further along, been getting sweats for months but has definitely got 100 times worse over the last month or so x


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Re: Night Sweats
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2020, 07:54:31 PM »

Good advice from Hurdity. There is a blood pressure medication which is used to control hot sweats. It's called Clonidine or Dixarit. Friends have had good success with it.

Taz x