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Author Topic: Progesterone troubles continue....  (Read 1426 times)


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Progesterone troubles continue....
« on: August 17, 2020, 10:07:43 PM »

Advice please. Was using utrogestan 12 days a month (trying to, I’m 42, peri and was still bleeding regularly despite having had an ablation 9 years ago) I am on 4 x estrodose pumps daily and testosterone.

 Following endless probs with utrogestan, I decided to try a mirena, I had managed only 5 days of 100mg utrogestan in my usual cycle when I got the appointment for the mirena about 10 days later so I stopped the utrogestan. I had a small amount of bleeding around the time the mirena was attempted to be fitted. But the GP was not brilliant, the whole thing was horrendous and ultimately I ‘passed’ the mirena about a week later. Now I have tried to make an appointment with our area GUM/STD/CASH clinic and frankly it’s impossible. They take a message and say they will phone and don’t or once I missed the call and that was it no second chance.. so that is an ongoing battle to get another mirena fitted. Anyway, I’m now 33 days since the last minor bleed around the time of the mirena fitting. I’m now spotting bright blood, so I guess I need to do a utrogestan cycle to clear the lining but how much will be enough. It makes me so damn poorly I end up bed ridden after 3 days and then it takes a week after I stop it to get back to myself.  Is it possible to use it every other night?? Maybe I would be able to keep the level low enough not to completely wipe me out? Or should I stop the estrogen?? I like the estrogen thoug it really improved my mood although recently that is also wobbling.

I realise there are much more important medical situations people are suffering but good grief getting my HRT sorted during the last 9 months has been a flipping nightmare and I’m not sure if I am just in a worse situation than I was before I started!


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2020, 09:02:17 AM »

3isenough sorry to hear you’re struggling. I’ve no time right now but just to give you a quick answer, yes you can use utrogestan every other day. It was one of the options offered to me by my specialist x


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2020, 09:31:00 AM »

Thanks Perinow, i am going to try alternating Utro as a pessary and ovestin cream plus one extra pump of the estrdose on the utro nights, every other night, for a fortnight and see if i can keep the side effects to a minimum. If i can create enough withdrawal to then have a bleed i think that will have to do. My meno consultant is on long term sick, and there apparently is now one else in the meno clinic who can advise.. ho hum!


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2020, 11:18:00 AM »

I don’t know if you’ll get a bleed, apparently utro alternate nights is considered enough to protect the endometrium and is a continuous regime. If you can tolerate it though , you’re laughing. Good luck x


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2020, 06:14:53 PM »

Just to complicate matters I managed to speak to the sexual health clinic and I have a mirena booked for Monday. Do I need To deal with the lining I have built up for the last 33 days. Or will the mirena break it down??


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2020, 07:54:13 PM »

The mirena will break it down, good luck x


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2020, 08:36:51 PM »

Phew thank you.


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2020, 05:06:25 PM »

Urgh so the clinic appointment didn’t work out either as my cervix is adverse to intervention ... no shit  ;)

I have another app next week with a consultant at the same clinic who can inject some sort of steroid into the cervix. I also made a private gynae app to discuss hysterectomy options the following week.

However I am now day 38 without any decent progesterone and even then I only managed 5 days of 100mg utrogestan. I’ve woken with a bad migraine and feel awful today, could this be my body fighting back with its own progesterone?? It feels like it.


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2020, 05:08:57 PM »

Actually is day 38 from the last bleed which was about 10days after the 5 day utrogestan I think. Anyway I’ve not had any proper progesterone since 1-5th July... other than a badly fitted mirena for a week.


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2020, 08:34:11 PM »

I do t think you need to worry too much about the lack of progesterone. My specialist allows me to do three months without and then 14 days of utrogestan. It’s off license but ok if regularly monitored.

W xx


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue....
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2020, 02:32:47 PM »

thanks Westie


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Re: Progesterone troubles continue.... Hysterectomy??
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2020, 09:23:11 AM »

I guess continuing along the same post is the protocol on here?? anyway, i have progressed with my progesterone issues, I would massively appreciate any help from ladies with experience of hysterectomies including chemical ones...

i have been told i cannot have a mirena (due to an ablation 8 years ago) and two failed attempts to fit it. So that is that crossed off.

I am hoping now for a hysterectomy, the private gynae has ruled out a vaginal hyster due  2 c-sections, and is hesitant to do an abdo hysterectomy privately as he thinks i should have a colorectal surgeon on standby due to a retroverted uterus, two sections and advise from previous gastro that my intermittent (but better now i am on hrt) abdo pain is caused by adhesions...

I am due to have a laparoscopy on the 29th, to check the amount of adhesions there are..... assuming the adhesions do not rule out an abdominal hyster, am i right in thinking in need a total hysterectomy, including the cervix and both ovaries to ensure i do not need ANY progesterone going forwards?

IF i can't have a hysterectomy or the risk of ending up with a stoma is too high, what is peoples experience of a chemical hyster and tibolone. I see it has progesterone in it, but I am running out of options. Everytime i try to take the utrogestan i seem to react quicker and worse...

it is all further complicated by the fact all the investigations are being done on my private health cover, but having had 2 failed mirena fittings at the NHS GUM clinic, they have pushed by NHS surgical referral from May and i have an appointment with the NHS gynae team on the 6th Oct. the lovely Meno Clinic lady i see at the NHS hospital is still on long term sick leave and they jsut keep saying there is NO ONE else to see me.
I am hoping to take the info from the private investigations on the 29th to the NHS appointment...

then bring in the rising covid cases and frankly it is a but like shoving your hand in a blind box and hoping to pull out a puppy and not a rattlesnake!