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Author Topic: feeling generally rubbish  (Read 831 times)


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feeling generally rubbish
« on: September 03, 2020, 12:07:02 PM »

reaching out for hugs again ...

had premature menopause at 32-39 .... and went through whole infertility thing.   Adopted successfully, a little 6 year old boy who is now 14.
From age 42 - 50 I was on Evorel patches, which actually were really great - I really liked them and they helped me feel human and broadly normal.
Anyway last Autumn I turned 50 and was INTENDING to very very gradually reduce the patches over one year, so i felt in control and then went into full menopause slowly and at the right times as my peer group.

But this coincided with the national shortage of HRT, so i was unable to get my lovely normal patches renewed.  I was not happy about this, and I was given what was available at the time (not much choice) - some daily pills - which I hated and which just gave me flushes and horrible headaches for three solid weeks. So, I thought, why not bite the bullet and just go into menopause as I was already 50 and my normal patches were not available. So i reduced the pills to every other day, then every three days, and then nothing by December.

So, at first, light hot flushes every day, about 5 - 6. This was not ideal, but was ''OK''. I used to get a couple of night sweats too, but it was manageable ....  but in the hot weather oh my goodness, trully unpleasant hot flashes, still about 6 per day.
cooler weather has improved this a bit.
The hot flashes are not more numerous, but they are more 'sickly' and feel highly irritating. They don't last very long, but they are nasty.    Also I have had several night sweats with a dreadful rapid beating strong heartbeat where I feel shaky and shivery afterwards (not to mention moist!) which has panicked me. I have had a few other hot flashes with a rapid and strong heartbeat as well, and they unsettle me greatly for 5 mins and I can't hide them.  I worry when I will get the next one, and keep thinking 'what if it's when I'm in a meeting, teaching a class, playing in my orchestra, when I'm in the dentist's chair where i cannot hide them and escape.....? [yes I know, overthinking it's true, but that's the nature of the panic, you worry about the next one all the time]

I was hoping that 8 months down the line without HRT  I might be over the very worst .... but it does not feel like that. So sorry to moan, but i feel I have completely lost confidence. and feel the menopause has now gripped me in its clutches.  I feel like I have a big sign over my head screaming RUBBISH MENOPAUSAL WOMAN. This has also coincided perfectly with an irritable teenage son going through the 'difficult years' and it is NOT pleasant let me tell you.
feeling really just fed up   :'(    And also nervous since because I am now 8 months WITHOUT HRT, I sort of feel i've come this far, I do not want to go back on it .... only to have to go through this 'cold turkey' again.  In some ways, if i knew things would be improving soon, I'd be prepared to stick it out and just get through it ... Although HRT worked for me, I am loathe to go back on it because sooner or later there will be a time when I have to come off it, so I might as well do the cold turkey now.

but I've lost myself, I feel like I am nothing but a menopausal vessel.


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Re: feeling generally rubbish
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2020, 12:26:17 PM »

Quality of Life Girl, QofL!  Do you keep a mood/food/symptom diary ....... to chart progress.

You know after 8 months that your symptoms are at the least uncomfortable.  If you were taking medication for diabetes would you stop to see how you feel?  What's to lose if you return to an HRT regime, it's not giving in! it's replacing what your body probably still requires.



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Re: feeling generally rubbish
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2020, 02:28:02 PM »

thank you.  I wonder, are the normal ranges of HRT all available again?  Or are people still having to have limited choices?

plus, i am still nervous about going back on HRT because my mother had breast cancer (but survived) and I am uneasy about taking it again (even though apparently if you take it for premature menopause the risk is still low because you are only replacing hormones that would naturally occur, rather than extended hormones that would naturally have stopped).

For me the annoying part was having my usual Evorel patches taken away before I had the choice because of the national shortage


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Re: feeling generally rubbish
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2020, 04:03:49 PM »

First :hug: PoF

I hear you wrt not wanting to go through the horrible HRT withdrawal stages again & that you prefer not to resume use, so I really hope you soon get past the worst of it.  The night sweats with the racing heart & panic are truly dreadful.  I hate them & several years postmenopause have yet to find a regimen that completely sees them off, though my HRT does reduce the number & severity of them.

I was in your situation 2.5 years ago, suddenly without HRT & didn't see myself ever taking systemic again.  You may find that if you decide to grit your teeth & push on through you will be OK after a while, but there's really no knowing for sure.   I'd say try to trust your gut instinct - if the thought of going back on HRT makes you more uncomfortable than the uncertainty of whether your current situation will improve, go with what feels best to you for now.  You can always reconsider & go back on HRT in the future if you continue to feel unwell indefinitely.  There is now no stipulation that we should stop at a certain age, assuming there are no contraindications to continuing.

To answer your question about Evorel availability, maybe have a look at the attached link?  Evorel Sequi & Conti are available again, at least in theory!

I hope you soon feel a lot better, but keep posting for more hand-holding meanwhile.  There will always be someone who understands.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 04:29:41 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: feeling generally rubbish
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2020, 04:34:58 PM »

Oh have a  :hug: too