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Author Topic: Hot face menopause?  (Read 918 times)


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Hot face menopause?
« on: September 14, 2020, 05:25:57 PM »

Hi I am 52, think I may be in menopause, difficulty in knowing for sure as had a partial hysterectomy 8 yrs ago with ovaries left in-situ, so no periods since then, and in absence of periods a bit confusing to know what is going on, last few months have felt very sad and tearful mornings are worst, feel generally invisible, old with no motivation, work full time but am shattered by afternoon, not sleeping well despite being tired, have episodes of my face being extremely hot but nowhere else, just face aid this a type of hot flush?generally feel old and past it, worrying all the time, hair growing on chin.
, does this sound like menopause? Any advice much appreciated thankyou very much  :tulips:



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Re: Hot face menopause?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2020, 05:53:21 PM »

Hi Janecats  :welcomemm:  It does all sound like menopause, but of course difficult for you to be sure after hysterectomy.  I think a lot of us start to feel invisible at this stage in our lives & that can be upsetting for sure.  I really sympathise with the poor sleep & crashing fatigue by afternoon & still struggle with this myself.  I don't know whether you want to consider HRT but that might help a lot with your symptoms.  Other than that, this is the time when many of us find we have to suddenly put our own needs first to help our bodies cope with the transition - getting as much rest & relaxation as you can, regular healthy meals, exercise within moderation in whatever way suits you best.   Maybe have a good look round the forum if you haven't yet, it will help you feel less alone with it.  There is lots of wisdom, empathy, knowledge & experience here & always someone around to hold out a hand when we need it.  Please keep posting & never be afraid to ask anything.  Nothing is taboo here & nothing silly.  I'm sure lots of other ladies will be along to welcome you soon.


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Re: Hot face menopause?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2020, 06:37:48 PM »

Hi wrensong thanks so much for your sweet reply, good to know it could be menopause, first time posting so bit nervous, hrt still not sure, plus is very hard at moment to get docs appt in current sad climate, will maybe try in a few weeks if possible, I will have a look round forum and find my feet, I am sure to post again, thank you take care



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Re: Hot face menopause?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2020, 06:53:21 PM »

Yes, I remember the first time posting nerves!  I think you're right to take your time to see how you feel about possibly trying HRT.  It's a decision we need to be comfortable with & if you're only just starting to have symptoms you may find with any lifestyle adjustments you can make you'll feel well enough without HRT, if that feels best for you.  I think some of the initial worry can be greatly eased by just being more sure of what's happening & of course after hysterectomy there's not the great big clue of erratic periods!  But you are the right age & those symptoms you describe are classic.  So welcome to the club!  More ladies will be along to say hello soon, I'm sure.