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Author Topic: Utrogestan advice  (Read 1427 times)


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Utrogestan advice
« on: August 31, 2020, 05:22:29 PM »

I am 63 and absolutely zilch nada libido! I wanted to try testosterone therapy. In February I had a consultation at a reputable private meno clinic in the uk who I know prescribe it. They told me I had to go on HRT for 3 months before starting Testosterone. I had been on HRT previously and had a mirena coil for meno symptoms too and had no issues with either. I was prescribed by the clinic Oestrogel (2 pumps per day) and 100 mg Utrogestan daily. Within a month of taking these I started bad anxiety symptoms. I continued taking it but at my next review I mentioned the issues I was experiencing, the doctor wasn't convinced it was the Utrogestan but suggested I take it vaginally every other night. She said, perhaps correctly, that if I was Progesterone intolerant the same would have happened with the Mirena. The anxiety continues unabated. I am fed up, I cant be sure its the utrogestan or maybe the the whole HRT thing? The only good news is I am using the Testosterone now and it seems to work, however with this anxiety I am not really enjoying the effects! I would really appreciate your advice and opinions.


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 07:04:48 PM »

Utrogestan makes me ill. I’m progesterone intolerant and it’s a nightmare.
Utrogestan is described as the gold standard but it literally makes me an anxious depressed wreck. It has the same effect on many women.
I tolerate Provera much better and that’s an older progesterone.
I think it’s hit and miss for us sadly xx


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2020, 07:10:40 PM »

Thank you , thats good to know. I am sure I am not imaging this, the timing seems too much of a coincidence.


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2020, 05:15:27 PM »

Hi Mivvi69


Firstly - it does not follow that you will react the same to progesterone as you do to the Mirena coil. Why don't you go back to the Mirena if this suits you better?

Also I don't know why anyone would want to take daily progesteorne - a depressive and sedative hormone, along with testosterone. In your natural menstrual cycle oestrogen rises to a peak around ovulation and progesterone is negligible. Testosterone also rises. Our libido is at its highest then. Following ovulation progesterone rises and oestrogen generally falls and testosterone also declines. I would say remain with cyclical HRT - get this balanced and then add in T. Great that the T is working despite taking the utrogestan though but yes I would try cyclically or Mirena.

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2020, 05:21:47 PM »

Sorry to jump in but I’m currently on day 6 of Utrogestan and experiencing tiredness all day after taking it the night before. I’m taking it cyclically 12 days  and vaginally but 100mg. The dr advised 200mg orally.
Can I miss just one dose to see if it is the utrogestan making me feel this way?


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2020, 08:08:29 PM »

Hurdity, thank you fir your reply.
Cyclical? I am taking both the estrogen and the urtrogestan continuously


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2020, 07:18:12 PM »

Thank you Birdy.
I feel I am going crazy. Its an almost constant internal tremor, sometimes churning stomach and this feeling of low grade fight or flight response.
I have a review tomorrow with my doctor and think I will insist on stopping the treatment, I can't live with this anymore its been 5 months, and I fail to see what else could be causing this. Having taken hrt patches some years ago I wonder if its anything to do with the new style Bioidentical hormones?


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2020, 01:41:39 PM »

Hi Ladies
At my review yesterday, the meno doctor suggested coming off the Utrogestan and seeing how I am on friday.
Staying with the estrogel and testosterone for now until we can establish if its the progesterone thats the problem for me.
She is also trying to find out what patch I was previously on from my own GP as I can't remember.
I am very low and feeling crappy, anxious and near tears the whole time.
Sorry girls but I am wishing I had never started this and become a nun instead!
Thanks for listening, and any advice would be welcome


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2020, 09:21:47 PM »

I think nuns still menopause  ;D

They do however have the advantage of no men to wind them up...  ;)


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2020, 06:02:51 AM »

Really interesting what Hurdity says. I was advised to take continuous Utrogestan because of irregular bleeding. I have had bad anxiety ever since but never thought of Utrogestan as a contributing factor.


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2020, 02:25:19 PM »

I feel your pain, I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy.
I have decided today to stop all of the HRT and the testosterone. I can't hack these awful feelings. I cant be sure that this is causing my anxiety but it started a month after starting on the meds and nothing else seems to fit, we will see. Does anyone know how long it takes HRT to leave the body?


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2020, 11:00:13 PM »


i’m too have had aniexty and terrible on estrogel as i’ve had hysterectomy i had to add in progesterone to feel some normality but with side effects nausea sometimes can’t fall asleep few flushes back tired feel low mood surges adrenaline through my chest . i’ve had bloods today but i’m going to have a break shedding to much hair on hrt and the one issue i took it for hasn’t resolved improved slightly but that could be the ovestin i use which i will continue but the rest i’m done two years suffering husband left lost job cause mental health went down hill all through hrt . i’m only 41 but this regime is not for me


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Re: Utrogestan advice
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2020, 08:50:06 AM »

Sammie Jane
I am so sorry, sounds like you've had a 'basin full'
I decided that at least coming off it all would give me some idea of whats causing this crippling anxiety.
I assumed through my limited research that it wasn't the estrogel, however your experience suggests it might be.
I came off on wednesday and yesterday I already felt a bit better, but maybe that was because I was taking control of the situation? for now I am continuing with the ovestin as it works for me.
I have a review today, and I doubt the doc will be too pleased I came off everything, but I really couldn't go on, I was a mess. They say 'try this' or 'try that' I felt like an experiment and the cost to my mental health and my bank account racks up!
I have discovered that this is not a science, we are all different and clearly react very differently to the meds, I think if I had known that in February I wouldn't have spent a lot of money and angst putting myself through this, but heyho
I hope you get sorted x