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Author Topic: Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75  (Read 825 times)


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Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75
« on: August 26, 2020, 01:54:56 PM »

Hi Ladies, hope you are all well. Well finally I have gotten a prescription for HRT-only took me 5 years to get it.  ::) long story which I'm sure you will see if you search me but way too long winded to go into one.

So, I'm 38 and I got prescribed the mirena coil and estrogen patch 75.
Anybody else on this combination? And has it worked?
I'm completely nervous about getting it but I just want to feel well again.  ???


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Re: Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2020, 06:39:10 AM »

Hi Peri- wrecked
I'm on the mirena-patch combo (sometime gel also)
For me it's not 100 % perfect- I'd say about 95-97 %.
I still get anxiety on and off,occasional insomnia and the feeling of being overwhelmed but compared to 18 months ago ,Its more manageable.
Im still having periods but they are very light- before the mirena I used to flood alot. I started on everol 25 then went up to 50 then 75. Tbh I've felt really bloated on 75 so dropped down to 50 again &change my patch every 3 days instead of the 3-4  days 
My specialist wants the coil replaced in 2024 so will have done 5 years.
Hope that puts your mind at rest.


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Re: Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2020, 06:58:49 AM »

Hi scrubdub,
Thank for taking the time to reply to me. I'm so anxious about starting anything but I'm so drained from symptoms and rarely good that I feel I must go e it a go. Did it take long to see improvements? My first experience of peri/menopause was severe anxiety and panic attacks.i overcame that through a lot of hard work so I'm desperate not to end up there again . I still get anxiety now  but it's manageable but my other symptoms are not.bad hip and back pain. Pain in any joints- knees, wrists,elbows and ankles.  I guess I eont know until I try it. Thank you for you response. I hope things improve for you 


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Re: Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2020, 07:10:58 AM »

It took a good month to settle down - they put me straight on everol50 but It made me feel panicked so we dropped down to 25 then build up to 50.
I tried everol 75 but that just made me feel very bloated so I'm on E50 and I can add a pump of oestrogel if needed - that's the joy of the gel. My Gynae was happy with me doing the E50 every 3 days &top up with a pump if I need too.
My joints ache but I work in health care  so think it's more related to that.
Think it's just a case of seeing what works for you.
I'm still having CBT every 3 months to help with anxiety which is very helpful.
I was expecting to feel back to normal again once I had the coil patch - but Think this is the new normal! I'd rather have this than feeling suicidal and down as I was 18 months ago. Hormones have a lot to answer for!!


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Re: Finally got prescribed HRT-mirena coil and estrogen patch 75
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2020, 09:08:21 PM »

I hear what you are saying about feeling suicidal and down......i never thought I'd feel like that but I was there at rock bottom a few years ago and I was begging my doctors telling them it was hormonal...... I actually tried to get admitted to hospital but they wouldn't take me. 🙄 after a few months I found the strength from god knows where to pull myself together and keep going. I read books after books and just forced myself to keep going. I'm at a good place now compared to then but I know what life and fun can be like and I want that back. I remember springing from the bed every morning and loving the sunshine and ready for the day. I drag myself from the bed these days    and the sunshine still lifts my spirits but I'm lacking the joie de vivre  as they say.
Fingers crossed it works. I've already had trouble with my doctors surgery sending my prescription to the wrong pharmacy today and I have to try and fix that tomorrow cos the pharmacy that got it doesnt have the patches I need and are offering 2 separate patches to make up 75. Not a good start to my HRT adventure.  :-\