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Author Topic: Advice re bleed  (Read 971 times)


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Advice re bleed
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:03:44 PM »

I had mirena coil fitted for over 10 yrs for heavy periods and it was great- stopped them completely. Had it removed last Nov as I'm 56. I bled slightly a couple of wks later after removal but that's normal. 6 mths later (June 2020) it happened again but stopped after a couple of days. Dr referred me to gynae where I had 2 scans and hysteroscopy - had a small poly removed and have slight thickening of lining of womb but nothing too bad. Biopsies were taken and results came back all fine. The same day I had results I began bleeding again and have been on and off for the past 2 weeks and feeling down, tired etc.  I'm also suffering with anxiety due to covid etc. Totally unlike me. Also on a blood thinner and high BP meds so that doesnt help. Just wondered if anyone else had any similar issues??.


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Re: Advice re bleed
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2020, 07:33:56 AM »

Hi Louelle


Your post seems to have got missed! Sorry to hear about your bleeding, but good that this has been investigated and the results of biopsies show all is well on that score. Do the docs feel that taking blood thinners are partly to blame or exacerbating what could be just a small problem? It is not out of the question that you could still be peri-menopausal at 56. Although this is late there is a subnstantial minority of women who do continue to ovulate beyond age 54, and a smaller number into late 50's. If the bleeding is making you tired then do make sure your iron intake is OK and I presume you have had other blood tests to rule out other reasons for tiredness? How is your diet overall? It has been and still is a difficult time re Covid so understandable to feel anxious. Have the docs suggested anything else to help with the bleeding? Do keep an eye on it and don't hesitate to go back to them if it doesn't stop and hope it eases soon.

Hurdity x


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Re: Advice re bleed
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2020, 03:20:41 PM »

Hi hurdity thankyou for replying --understandable with so many posts.
Not sure if you have seen the 2nd post from today?.
I mentioned blood thinner and he didnt think I'm on would make much difference (clopidogrel). I have been having counselling via work for anxiety as I work for a mental health trust so havent spoken to dr about it. Re diet - I am overweight but have lost over a stone since start of lockdown mainly  due to being anxious- I am a little more relaxed about things but all this has made things worse as I worry about everything!. Dr said to see if antibiotics stopped the bleeding, if not may need medication or back to gynae. Just wondering what causes this type of issue.


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Re: Advice re bleed
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2020, 07:16:23 AM »

Hi Louelle - I haven't been on the forum for a couple of days so only just seen this and your other post. There are lots of different reasons for the bleeding but the main thing is to ensure you do not have womb thickening which can lead to  endometrial hyperplasia which can sometimes lead to cancer if left untreated. Hence the hysterosocopy and biopsy too. Provided all is clear on that score then treatments can be suggested to deal with the bleeding and like I said you may still be in very late peri-menopause? However if you had slight thickening then the bleeding is likely due to this coming away. Maybe the Mirena had been in for some time and your natural periods had not properly stopped?

Try not to worry - the main thing is the internal tests, biopsy etc were all clear. Take things one at a time and hopefully the bleeding will stop soon.

Well done with the weight loss by the way although not so good that this was a result of anxiety. Now you've lost it though, depending how much overweight you are, try to build on this in a positive way so that you can reach or mantain a healthy BMI and that will be the best things you can do for yourself healthwise, at this time :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Advice re bleed
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2020, 10:34:42 AM »

Thankyou again hurdity - well the bleeding has pretty much almost stopped (hopefully eventually  for good!). I'm halfway through the antibiotics (co-amoxiclav) so wondering if these have stopped it or stopped on it's own??. Who knows?.
Will have to see how it goes. The mirena coil stopped my periods completely for about 15 years so all this is a bit odd and I'm wondering if this has 'messed up' my system to put it simply!. Until I found this site I had no idea how many ladies had these issues. It's good to be able to talk to others like this.
 Thankyou again  :)


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Re: Advice re bleed
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2020, 11:45:13 AM »

Hi all
I posted a few weeks ago. I'll recap - end Nov last yr I had mirena coil removed which I have had for many years and it was great as I had no periods. I'm now 56 so was told I wouldnt need another one. I have had no real symptoms of menopause either. Had a heavy bleed after removal a couple of weeks later which doc said was normal. Nothing at all until early June this yr and had a slight bleed so was referred to gynae as presumed post menopausal bleed due to age. Had hysteroscopy, 2 scans, small polyp removed and have slight thickening of lining but nothing too much. Was told all looked ok and had letter 4 wks later stating all tests/biopsies came back fine. That same day (july 28)I started bleeding again and this continued on and off for 2 wks when I then had a 'flooding' episode one evening. Rang doc who said I could have an infection and was given antibiotics and to have blood tests. Bleeding was much lighter after 'flooding' episode and stopped 2 days into taking antibiotics and had none since. Had telephone appt with doc this morning and he said my CA125 level was slightly raised which he thinks could have been due to infection but still wants me to have another pelvic scan to be sure but he is sure there is nothing to be concerned about. :-\. I'm having counselling for anxiety through my work since covid reared its ugly head and now I am extremely worried!. Has anyone any advice or any experience of similar?.
 I now feel sick with worry.