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Author Topic: Too old for the pill?  (Read 1422 times)


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Too old for the pill?
« on: August 14, 2020, 12:24:40 PM »

Any advice would be appreciated. I am now 55 years old, still having periods.  Was taking HRT, then needed to take contraception, so despite being 51 at the time convinced GP to put me on Qlaira (on recommendation reading other posts on this site).  Absolutely fab, no problems or significant side effects. 

About 5 months ago GP said could no longer prescribe Qlaira due to my age and put me on cerazette, but have felt absolutely awful since, severe lethargy, aches, boils and horrid moods making me very difficult to live with.   Two months ago GP also put me on evorel sequi patches, which has helped a bit, but still very moody particularly last 2 weeks of cycle.   

Bit squeamish about having coil fitted, wondered if any suggestions for alternative to cerazette?  Or different HRT that counteracts the negative effects of cerazette?


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Re: Too old for the pill?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 09:16:52 AM »

Hi StroppyNic


Well no wonder you're feeling rough - I mean what on earth was the doc thinking of changing you from a pill containing repalcement oestrogen to a progestogen only pill? Even though you were still having periods this particular pill lowers oestrogen levels anyway.

I am presuming you still feel you need contraception because you are still having periods although it is extremely unlikely you would be fertile?  However if you are also taking Evorel sequi then you are likely to be getting far too much progestogen! Although you are squeamish, the Mirena coil will provide contraception and then you can add oestrogen at a level that deals with your symptoms?

The ridiculous thing about not prescribing Qlaira is that the oestrogen in that one is the same as in HRT ie estradiol and is not the stronger synthetic one as in the other COC pills. I know there are higher doses for two days ( 3 mg) -  but I'm not sure of the reason why it should be stopped since tablet HRT can be taken without limit, provided you have no risk factors for cardiocascular disease/stroke etc.

What is your BMI like - are you normal healthy weight? Healthy blood pressure, non smoker, good diet, plenty of exercise, no hereditary predisposition to heart/circulation problems? If you're OK healthwise, can you ask your doctor to make an exception? Can you  ask to be referred to a specialist?

Sorry not to be of more help. It's possible others may be along but it is that sparse time of year!

Hurdity x


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Re: Too old for the pill?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2020, 03:55:30 PM »

Thank you, I have decided to stop the pill and see how I go just on HRT for a few months.  If no better will definitely ask GP to be referred.  Once again thank you for your time, helps enormously knowing not just me and support and practical suggestions, Nx


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Re: Too old for the pill?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2020, 07:55:43 PM »

I was put on cerazette after coc too and didn't get on with it.

I had tablet hrt and went up from femoston 1/10 to 2/10 in the end, and just used condoms.

I don't think I have ever had the comfortable stability that I had on the pill, but neither have I had the difficult week off and the lack of libido it induced.