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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Terrified to go to doctors  (Read 1712 times)


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Terrified to go to doctors
« on: August 11, 2020, 06:53:14 PM »

I think the best and easiest way to get this across is to do a dossier of events.

2016-Was perimenopausal at the time 49-50 yr old and on sequins hrt, 200mg cyclical oral utrogestan nd 100mcg evorel patch. Foolishly due to overwhelming non medical worries, I got addicted to a large amount of illicit valium 75mg. In the middle of the year the NHS psychiatric services take me and get me on legit script.
Sept 2016 - I start to realise that my mental health is much worse when I am not on the utrogestan. I speak to fellow benzo dependent women and realise that the metabolite of progesterone is cross-tolerant with valium, so, without telling my GP, I decide to take 100mg oral utrogestan daily, my old psychiatric nurse notices I am more stable.
Mid 2018 I start to get abnormal bleeding, see GP in Dec 18, come clean to her with my fears re cross tolerance and valium, and she allows me to stay on regime and we arrange a scan.
Jan 2019Scan shows womb lining slightly thickened, so a hysteroscopy is arranged.
Jan 2019Hysteroscopy tests negative for cancer. I explain to gynaecologist about the valium/progesterone thing and back at GP's I am given an extra vaginal 100mg to take. New regime 100mcg evorel patch plus daily utro one oral 100mg and one vaginal 100mg.
June 2019All goes well until June, bleeding starts up again, so I see another GP who reduces my evorel to 75mcg, this is when I was told by GP, in our area transvaginal ultrasounds no longer done, for thickened womb lining tests as they are no longer reliable.
I'm ok with night sweats, so long as bleeding stays away.
Late 2019Bleeding starts up again, intermittent, sometimes no bleeding sometimes yellow/brown or reddish brown discharge. In March I have a massive period with clots and real pelvic pain. Breast tenderness on and off throughout, but not troublesome.
I am too scared to have my progesterone regimen adjusted so I go onto gel and take 2 pumps, 50mcg, discharge reduces, GP said yellow/light brown ok, but start to get very pale pinkish brown, so little pink I wonder if I am being paranoid.
August 2020Breast tenderness, more sever pelvic pain today and yesterday, dark brown discharge, and now I am having red blood like a period.
I read that cortisol inhibits progesterone and I am under a great deal of stress.
This is just adding to the stress.
I cannot reduce or even change the utro regimen as both that and valium act on GABA receptors, I am reducing right down to 29mg valium this week, but scared to go to my GP as the appointments are so rushed, I am fearful they will just make me change progestin, the effects of this will be diastterous, the gynaecologist said this in his letter to the GP.
I am undiagnosed autistic and have meltdowns where I injure myself and break things, had them all my life.
A change in the progesterone will mess everything up, I just don't know what to do to control this bleeding, dunno why its here, I get night sweats from too low a dose of oestrogen, but don't want to go up in dose and risk more bleeding.


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bump pls?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2020, 05:48:13 PM »

bump pls

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2020, 06:35:26 PM »

Hello Dandelion

Im so sorry you are having a hard time.  Listen the gp will take note from the gynaechologist mine always does and they wont change what is working for you. That would be crazy.  I am 3 years post menopause and had a massive bleed a few weeks ago lasted 8 days due to my oestrogen falling from 2149 to 500 as I had to come off the hrt for a bit.  This is despite being on the mirena coil.  I also have days of brownish/spotting and was told this is just your own hormones still kicking around.

Im so sorry I dont know anymore about the the other things just wanted you to know that you are not alone.  Take care xxx


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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2020, 07:18:12 PM »

Hi I think your problems may be coming from swapping and changing from patch to gel and changing the amounts of oestrogen. You are now taking half the amount of oestrogen that you were originally taking.

Any new regime can take up to 6 months to settle and so the bleeding could be because of this.

It could also be that you are not post menopausal and that your body is not ready for a continuous regime. X


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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2020, 07:45:11 PM »

Hello Dandelion

Im so sorry you are having a hard time.  Listen the gp will take note from the gynaechologist mine always does and they wont change what is working for you. That would be crazy.  I am 3 years post menopause and had a massive bleed a few weeks ago lasted 8 days due to my oestrogen falling from 2149 to 500 as I had to come off the hrt for a bit.  This is despite being on the mirena coil.  I also have days of brownish/spotting and was told this is just your own hormones still kicking around.

Im so sorry I dont know anymore about the the other things just wanted you to know that you are not alone.  Take care xxx
I appreciate your reply.
My GP lowered my patch without consent.
The fact that they are in so much of a rush scares me, (s)he might not have time to look at gynaecologists letter.
I'm scared GP will not listen to my knowledge about progesterone metabolite and GABA and take me off prog or change it.
It goes round in circles, because I alter my hrt, bleeding stops, then keeps coming right on back, dunno if the excess cortisol from the non medical stressors are interfering with the utrogestan.
I'm sorry you are going through same thing.
Gynae even said I may have to keep returning to him because of bleeding.
I also have a stenosed cervix, Gynae told me that, he couldn't even get an instrument thinner than a straw inside as my cervix was closed so tight it wouldn't let him in.
Dunno if the stenosed cervix is causing the blood to congeal as I have had bad pelvic pain this last few days and clots.
In other words, maybe bleeding from March didnt actually stop, maybe it just congealed in womb as cervix wouldn't let it out.
Had pain in ovaries also, stenosed cervixex can cause blood to travel back up Fallopian tubes and into pelvic cavity, that was from googling though.


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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2020, 02:38:10 PM »

Hello Dandelion

Im so sorry you are having a hard time.  Listen the gp will take note from the gynaechologist mine always does and they wont change what is working for you. That would be crazy.  I am 3 years post menopause and had a massive bleed a few weeks ago lasted 8 days due to my oestrogen falling from 2149 to 500 as I had to come off the hrt for a bit.  This is despite being on the mirena coil.  I also have days of brownish/spotting and was told this is just your own hormones still kicking around.

Im so sorry I dont know anymore about the the other things just wanted you to know that you are not alone.  Take care xxx
Hi Thanks
I am sorry I missed your reply.
I am still scared to go to my GP.
The discharge turned to dark clots, then mid brown and stopped, now today, its red blood on tissue when I wipe.
I am scared to go to GP because they changed my patch from 100mcg to 75mcg without my consent.
I saw her resoning as the progesterone may not have been opposing the oestrogen.
I am on less oestrogen now, and as I changed to gel over 3 months ago, I am on even less as Hurdity pointed out that the gel is not equivalent to the patch.
I fear that although I am taking all of this progesterone 200mg, it is failing somehow.
I fear that due to my non medical high anxiety issues, the cortisol I am producing is interfering with the utrogestan and stopping it working properly.
I just don't know why my womb lining would be thickened, and still bleed.
The gynaecologist said my cervix is closed, he couldn't even get a really thin implement in.
He said I could end up coming back and forth, if the bleeding persists back in Jan 2019.
PS I also get intermittent pelvic pain and tender breasts like I used to when young, which indicates its hormonal.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 02:39:49 PM by Dandelion »

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2020, 09:34:58 PM »


I am so sorry this is really stressing you I can hear it in your writing.  Please dont be scared to go to the gp, take a copy of the gynies letter with you or point it out when you go.  You need to talk about the bleeding.  I had a hysteroscopy in 2019 as I was getting lots of bleeding as you describe and was scared and I was on the mirena coil but it was all fine and the lady said it was just surges of my own hormones still kicking around despite being post menopausal.  But I can understand you are worried we have to go through so much.  Could you take someone to the drs with you or even have a zoom call or telephone.  Our drs wont see anyone at the moment in the practice.  I think you should speak to them though as like you said the stress is worse that you are putting yourself under and im sure it will be fine.  At the end of the day they want you to be well too.

Dotty makes a good point about changing hrt regimes all the time which I have been guilty of this year (part because I couldnt get the patches they changed me too due to covid)  I dont think its a good idea to swop and change all the time but to take time to stabliise easier said than done when you feel shite.  As I am still on the mirena cail (3rd one) I dont know anything im afraid of other ways of getting progestorone.  I just went on this as a contraceptive around 40 ish and to stop my periods.  I have had no problems with it at all and I suppose it has made life easier tweaking the oestrogen or not.

I am in a really poor place with depression and anxiety even tried the samaritans on Saturday and no one answered!!!  I fired off all sorts of emails to Menopause Clinic, paid for a question with Heather Currie and email to Diane Danziebrink another menopause expert.  They have all come back to me today bless them.

They want me to stick to the patches and not add in gel as I have been doing as this dosent help the fluctuations apparently .  I am also on testosterone which was great at first but has shot up from 0.4 to 9 far too high so have to only use that once a week or I may come off it.  I am also going to come off sertraline  been on it for 6 months and it has done nothing even at 200mg.  The meno clinic think its a good idea to try another one escitalopram.  So here I go again but it has giving me hope again................we shall see!.  I can recommend Heather Currie at £30 emailing a question and she will let you go back to her.  Diane will give you an hours appt for £75 and she is smashing.  I havent taken her up on this as yet but will if this lot dosent work.  I heard her speak and met her a couple of years ago at the 2018 Megs Menopause Conference a lovely lady.

Dont give up hope, dont be terrified of asking for help and dont let them change things if your gyne has told them not to mess with parts of your regime.

Good Luck.  I got better after a horrendous 2017 and stayed well for 2 years I have blipped but will get there again and so will you!!!!

Take good care of yourself I will report back.


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Re: Terrified to go to doctors
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2020, 06:55:24 PM »


I am so sorry this is really stressing you I can hear it in your writing.  Please dont be scared to go to the gp, take a copy of the gynies letter with you or point it out when you go.  You need to talk about the bleeding.  I had a hysteroscopy in 2019 as I was getting lots of bleeding as you describe and was scared and I was on the mirena coil but it was all fine and the lady said it was just surges of my own hormones still kicking around despite being post menopausal.  But I can understand you are worried we have to go through so much.  Could you take someone to the drs with you or even have a zoom call or telephone.  Our drs wont see anyone at the moment in the practice.  I think you should speak to them though as like you said the stress is worse that you are putting yourself under and im sure it will be fine.  At the end of the day they want you to be well too.

Dotty makes a good point about changing hrt regimes all the time which I have been guilty of this year (part because I couldnt get the patches they changed me too due to covid)  I dont think its a good idea to swop and change all the time but to take time to stabliise easier said than done when you feel shite.  As I am still on the mirena cail (3rd one) I dont know anything im afraid of other ways of getting progestorone.  I just went on this as a contraceptive around 40 ish and to stop my periods.  I have had no problems with it at all and I suppose it has made life easier tweaking the oestrogen or not.

I am in a really poor place with depression and anxiety even tried the samaritans on Saturday and no one answered!!!  I fired off all sorts of emails to Menopause Clinic, paid for a question with Heather Currie and email to Diane Danziebrink another menopause expert.  They have all come back to me today bless them.

They want me to stick to the patches and not add in gel as I have been doing as this dosent help the fluctuations apparently .  I am also on testosterone which was great at first but has shot up from 0.4 to 9 far too high so have to only use that once a week or I may come off it.  I am also going to come off sertraline  been on it for 6 months and it has done nothing even at 200mg.  The meno clinic think its a good idea to try another one escitalopram.  So here I go again but it has giving me hope again................we shall see!.  I can recommend Heather Currie at £30 emailing a question and she will let you go back to her.  Diane will give you an hours appt for £75 and she is smashing.  I havent taken her up on this as yet but will if this lot dosent work.  I heard her speak and met her a couple of years ago at the 2018 Megs Menopause Conference a lovely lady.

Dont give up hope, dont be terrified of asking for help and dont let them change things if your gyne has told them not to mess with parts of your regime.

Good Luck.  I got better after a horrendous 2017 and stayed well for 2 years I have blipped but will get there again and so will you!!!!

Take good care of yourself I will report back.
Hi Bring me Sunshine

Sorry for the late reply, you sound really empathic.
Sorry you are in a bad place with depression, its a sad thing when no one answers your samaritans call, I remember ringing them in 1995 and being on 4 hours.
I don't have a copy of the gynaecologist letter sadly.
I don't like the phone and have no one to take with me.
I've now been on same dose of gel for 3 months.
Dr currie has helped me too, never known Diane Danzebrink
Again, sorry for late reply, and thanks for giving me Diane Danzebrink
