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Author Topic: Advice re: migraine treatment  (Read 1597 times)


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Advice re: migraine treatment
« on: July 28, 2020, 08:59:45 AM »

Hi there, I’m just looking for some advice regarding migraine treatment, what has helped others?  I have always from my teenage year suffered from headaches, chronic tension headaches and the odd migraine.  Regular exercise has always helped.  However since starting peri menopause my migraines have become more severe and frequent, literally feel like I am being stabbed through my left eye, and the overwhelm in fatigue can stay with me for a few days.  I have a telephone appointment with my GP tomorrow as I am now considering some kind of preventative treatment, this has been a difficult decision for me but my attacks have now become weekly and really impacting my wellbeing.  My question is what have others found helpful?  I have a healthy lifestyle, and tried supplements such as magnesium, hence why I am now considering medication.

Mary G

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Re: Advice re: migraine treatment
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2020, 11:39:31 AM »

Sorry to hear about your migraines, I'm a fellow sufferer.

Unfortunately, migraines often become more frequent in peri menopause due to hormone fluctuations.  Generally speaking, migraines with aura are caused by oestrogen spikes and migraines without aura are caused by progesterone spikes and withdrawal.   

My migraine specialist's first line of treatment for hormonal migraines is continuous combined HRT to eliminate fluctuations as much as possible.   Other preventative treatments are propranolol and escitropram.   I know that many of her patients need both the hormonal stability and propranolol.

It might be worth your contacting the National Migraine Centre for a telephone consultation with a migraine specialist.  They are a charity organisation and you donate whatever you can afford after the appointment.   

I hope that helps and please let us know what your GP recommends.


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Re: Advice re: migraine treatment
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2020, 05:09:57 PM »

Thankyou Mary G for replying, that’s really helpful.  I will post how I get on, and if I need to I will call the migraine centre for further advice.


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Re: Advice re: migraine treatment
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2020, 07:31:30 PM »

You have my sympathies. It is horrible and wears you out. I have always suffered from hormonal headaches / migraines which got worse as I approached the menopause. The last year has been particularly difficult. I was on a sequi HRT which did seem to work initially but then my headaches seemed to get more constant so I swapped to conti HRT (about 5 months ago) and I have been so much better. Also my GP suggested I may have a neck problem causing / aggravating the headaches so I had a physio appointment. She said my posture was really poor and there were issues with my neck (not serious) she gave me a program of exercises to do which I have done for the last 4 months and also coincides with the change in HRT so its difficult to say which is helping. I am just thankful of every headache free day.

The GP also prescribed a triptan to take at the onset of a headache, but I haven't needed to as they have not been severe.

He also said if there were no improvements then I should consider a beta blocker or low dose amitripyline.



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Re: Advice re: migraine treatment
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2020, 04:49:37 PM »

Thankyou, I spoke with the GP today, she never mentioned physio, but I will definitely pursue that. 