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Author Topic: Blood test results  (Read 1121 times)


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Blood test results
« on: July 18, 2020, 07:35:52 AM »

I managed to get sight of my Estradiol(?) result from June yesterday... it has been difficult to get! And I only saw the number there were no ranges. It was 582, which is up from 59 before I started patches in November. That sounds quite high? But I feel good. My consultant is on long term sick and my GP looked and said I wasn’t menopausal- I had to point out this was the result after starting patches...  ::) 

does anyone have any idea if it is good or not? I feel good but I’ve now moved to gel as the patches gave me a rash.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2020, 08:04:26 AM »

I've never been offered a blood test for my levels but I would say don't worry about whether the number is good or not but just go by how you feel. If you're feeling good then I would say this level is right for you.  :)

Taz x

Mary G

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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2020, 11:50:09 AM »

That is a good level of oestrogen and most women would have complete symptom relief on that dose.  There is no point in reducing your oestrogen level and feeling worse.  59 pmol is extremely low and unlikely to do anything useful.

This is why blood tests are particularly important when post menopause, it's the only way to establish how well you are absorbing your HRT.

By the way, I sent you a PM.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2020, 12:59:34 PM »

Thanks Mary I did get the PM. Sorry meant to send an email but it’s all been chaotic here as usual!

I was so pleased that my estrogen showed such a low level as I felt dreadful and finally had the bloods to prove it! And now I am happy with how I feel now too so good that 580ish is not too high or anything. Just wasn’t sure what a ‘normal’ range would be. I’m used to thyroid blood results so maybe I overthink it.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2020, 01:04:55 PM »

To clarify for years I have been telling the GPS that I think I am peri meno but I was still having a cycle (despite an ablation for heavy bleeding 9 years ago!) so they wouldn’t consider it. And only ran random bloods without specifying which day in my cycle. Hence the FSH(?) was never ‘peri’ the consultant I was finally referred to is amazing but also had me down as PMT as the bloods were done after I saw her initially in Nov and I’ve not seen her since thanks to covid and now she is on long term sick... no other meno specialists at the clinic so I’m back to trying to work it all out myself. Mirena was fitted yesterday which was horrific as my uterus spasmed it was not a sympathetic dr and I already feel miserable and tearful.... I’m hopeful it is a hangover ... but feels like progesterone to me. So it won’t be in long if I stay this way. Then it is back to trying to find a gynae who will take it all out... I just can’t tolerate progesterone in any format and I want my life back


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2020, 08:01:06 AM »

Hi 3isenough - I hope the symptoms you describe pass soon. Yes to agree with the others if you are feeling good on that level of oestrogen then that's all that matters for the time being rather than test results though good to have endorsement of what you feel. It is a slightly high-ish level to be on maybe all the time for years and years, but concentrate on the here and now. Hopefully the initial symptoms from the Mirena will ease and you feel better.

Hurdity x


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2020, 08:54:39 PM »

Thanks Hurdity, the bloods were on patches and now I am on the gel so I expect the level will change anyway by my next appointment. Feel better today, bleeding more but feel less trembly. Fingers crossed it settles.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2020, 08:10:26 AM »

I have just had my results back they were 127pg/ml. This is on Everol50 patches. I had a test beginning of the year when on 4 pumps Oestrogel and specialist said I wasn’t absorbing! I presume this truly means I’m not absorbing? Should I try increasing the patch? I’ve tried tablets and they make me feel ill although did relieve some symptoms and the gel the same! Any advice welcomed


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2020, 09:12:41 AM »

Hi Flan747

In Britain oestrogen results are sually given in pmol/l. To convert from pg/ml you multiply by 3.671 so in your case this is  approx 466 pmol/l which is perfectly acceptable. If you were post-menopausal it woould be very good indeed and higher than expected. So having said that, if you are peri-menopausal then your oestrogen levels will vary throughout the cycle with the HRT from the patch adding to it, and you probably don't know wher ein your natural cycle you were when the test was done?  What were your levels on the gel when they were last measured? This is why blood tests are really not useful nor recommended in most circumstances. The main thing is how you are feeling not what the levels say, and how you feel throughout the month too.

Hurdity x


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2020, 01:03:59 PM »

Hi Hurdity
Thank you for your interesting reply! On the gel they were 147! I am in the UK and that’s how they came back I hope I’ve got that right ? I feel better in a lot of ways since my meltdown June 2019 but nowhere near how I want to be! Finding the patches a lot easier than the gel regime! My specialist has advised I increase to Everol 100 and also recommended a supplement called Lions  Mane! To be honest I will try anything to help


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2020, 10:36:31 AM »


so i’m at a loss don’t know what to do

my estrogen reading was at 1238 pmol
i recently decreased from 2.5 pumps to 2 but don’t feel as good in myself although boobs are not as heavy and bloating not as bad but i was also getting water dripping from armpits exessive sweat on the higher dose but the watery discharge improved however on the lower dose the above isn’t as bad but sweating still remains and watery discharge back is this because i’ve also started taking progesterone alternate nights instead of every day  x the medication is also causing my hair to thin


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2020, 08:46:42 AM »

Hi Flan747

Where are you in menopause though. Really there is no need to worry about levels. It's how you feel that is important. I am assuming this is a private consultant because they tend to do lots of blood test measurements and tweaking and charging for this too!

How are you feeling? What symptoms are you experiencing that makes you think you need to increase the dose?

As for supplements - never heard of that but I am always sceptical of these especially if they cost a lot!

Hurdity x


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2020, 12:38:19 PM »

Hi Hurdity
I’m peri started HRT June 2019, severe anxiety, palpitations, low mood and insomnia! Sleeping better, mood low at certain times of the month, palpitations are decreasing and anxiety is better! I just do not gee myself, nauseous for most part of the day, very low libido and no energy ! I have a wonderful specialist who requests the blood tests and am fortunate to work at a surgery where my GP is willing to do them! When things are bad I do think maybe I should go for a lower dose but due to results I presume I need higher? It’s all trial and error I know but this has gone on so long now and want my old life back soon!
Thank you for your reply always appreciated