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Author Topic: Postmenopausal bleeding  (Read 1064 times)


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Postmenopausal bleeding
« on: July 19, 2020, 08:01:47 PM »

Hi, I have already introduced myself on the new members section, so I'll just say what's worrying me.

I'm 50. Last period was April 2019. Have the night sweats, brain fog, crying at absolutely anything, grumpy, sleep issues and now the weight gain. I thought it was odd when my boobs felt a bit odd and then I started with brown period time discharge and then a normal period. I knew this wasn't normal so rang my GP. She did the two weeks referral thingy. I had the tummy scan & was offered the transvaginal ultrasound at the same time, so I said OK. This was on the Thurs. I then received a hospital letter on the following Tues, so very quick. The appointment is for this coming Tues. Cue utter panic and tears. The letter told me nothing, just an appointment. I rang to be told it's probably nothing to worry about, maybe just a thickening of the womb or a cyst. but I'm first on the list. I googled (I know!) and I know what it could be. I just needed to post. The fear is like nothing I have ever experienced before. The waiting is just torture. I can't eat properly, I can't sleep... Any wise words for this stressed out lady would be good. Thanks, T..


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2020, 08:21:30 AM »

Hi DelicateButterfly69

Firstly  :welcomemm:

Sorry to  hear about your bleeding. The reason there is a 12 month cut off date for referral for any such bleeding is to make sure any potential cases of abnormal hyperplasia that could lead to cancer if untreated, are referred. This is a good thing but I can underrstand it can cause worry. The good news is firstly that you are still very young at 50. It is also not that long past 12 months since your last period. Finally the fact that you had odd feeling boobs is also a good signe of hormonal upheaval. This points to a late ovulation as being a resonable explanation. Remember we don't all fit into neat boxes and many women have ovluations past the 12 month mark and this is more likely the younger you are. You are only just on the cusp of the cut-off point for needing to use contraception which is two years following last period if under 50 - implying that late ovulations are more likely.

Please do try not to worry. If it is thickening of the womb then you may be offered a hysteroscopy and biopsy just to check nothing is amiss. If it is a cyst or polyp or fibroid this may be treated.  Find something to take your mind off it and hopefully all will be well after your appointment. Did they tell you what the thickenss of the womb is at the scan appointment? Do you have access to online records? I can go and look at the write-up of mine online and see what they said!

Anyway all the best and do let us know the outcome.

Hurdity x


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2020, 09:42:23 AM »

Hello Hurdity. Thanks so much for your post.  :)  When I went for the scan, before the lady started I asked if she could tell me anything, she said no. She said she passes the results to the gyno and it might take up to two weeks for me to hear anything. It took 5 days!  :o I got the letter which just said the time and date. It's the hysteroscopy I'm having as the booking lady said I'm first on the list and to take some painkillers beforehand.

I have looked on Patient access, but nothing is showing, so what's the point of it?

Do you mind saying what your issue is/was?

I will post when I know anything.
T x


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2020, 02:57:54 PM »

Hi, I am 58, my last period was 362 days ago, then yesterday, I had a smear of blood and the same today with  a little discharge, panicking , now do I treat this as a period of some sort and start counting again,, had scan last year told had fibroids which I knew, hoping this is just a one off, but still a worry all this lot, hope you get sorted soon though.xx


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2020, 08:13:31 PM »

Hi Jaz, I don't honestly know. It could be something and nothing... I do know that I would speak to my doctor to double check. It's all about peace of mind isn't it? Thanks for posting.. and good luck x


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2020, 12:45:39 PM »

All a big mystery all this, one from day to the next, don't know what is going to happen, take care.xx


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Re: Postmenopausal bleeding
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2020, 08:33:07 AM »

Hi Delicatebutterfly

Sorry only just seen this, Did not visit forum for a couple of days. Mine was for post-intercourse spotting occurring at the "wrong" time in the month. I was on cyclical HRT but it was during the oestrogen only part. However I was 60 so well post-meno! All was well though. Glad your hystersocopy went OK (I answered on your other thread). :)

Hurdity x