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Author Topic: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms  (Read 1760 times)


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Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« on: July 12, 2020, 10:29:45 AM »

Hello everyone first of all and Sorry if i mess up, first time using your app. 46 this week always suffered from pmt & headaches have had 3 attempts at anti depressants over 15 years but side effects were dreadful and one time when I gave them a fair chance I felt like a robot set to slow

For a few years now I've got stiffer to the point where I'm at now where I've issues with my neck and left hip/knee

My pmt is horrendous and includes anxiety now

I've really suffered during lockdown and a new problem I've acquired which started with an intolerance to faint external noises at the dead of night which stopped me from sleeping to now having a lot of hissing noises in my head, driving me mad

Also vaginal soreness two periods ago after the period ended I felt burning and sore for a few days, then I happened again on my last period, I associate soreness with thrush and spent money on Canesten products but realised they didn't really work on this occasion, which made me question did I actually have thrush as although my discharge had changed it wasn't in the way associated with thrush, it has become lesser and watery. Also today I'm now mid cycle and I'm sore again, i was wondering if anyone can recommend anything?

Also i has a phone appointment with GP and I've got an appointment face to face this Thursday about the joint pain and hearing, I forgot to mention the vaginal soreness but I will

So there you go well done for reading all this it's me in a nutshell
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 09:34:18 AM by Klt »


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Re: Hi I?m new and after some advice
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2020, 11:03:31 AM »

Hello Klt  welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Sounds like it's time to try HRT. I hope you get some good advice on Thursday, and don't forget to mention the vulval and vaginal problems. Some local oestrogen treatment should sort that out, although obviously get checked for other conditions too. A vaginal moisturiser might help as well. Lots of threads on here about vaginal atrophy, so have a read before you go. Jane Lewis put up an excellent video on here the other day.

Best wishes 
JP x


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Re: Hi I?m new and after some advice
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2020, 12:12:16 PM »

Morning!  At 46 you need to protect bones and heart which HRT can help with.    As can a good diet and regular exercise.

Take a list to your appt. so that you don't forget to discuss with your GP.  Which symptom would you like to ease first?

PMT can be eased by eating every 3 hours: I was given this advice in my late 40s by the National Association for Pre-menstruatl Syndrome [NAPS] : that's every 3 hours, 24/7  ;).  I use dried fruits and nuts, slow release foods and bananas to help stop that awful lurch when the body is hungry. 

Do be aware of vaginal atrophy: read the threads here, forewarned is forearmed ;-) and ask your GP for treatment: either 'vagifem' or 'ovestin' sooner rather than later.  Some GPs have no idea about HRT so if you feel unsupported, ask for a referral to a menonpuse Clinic.

? menopause ? even  ::)



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Re: Hi I?m new and after some advice
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2020, 08:47:57 AM »

Well I saw GP and he thinks I have arthritis and tinnitus so I have to book a hearing test and hopefully by the time I’ve do that hospitals may be doing xrays etc as he wants me to do that too

Getting to that point took 25mins so I mentioned my thrush like symptoms and HRT, he made me an appointment with the nurse but didn’t really say anything himself

I saw the nurse on Fri she examined me said I looked healthy and we took swabs so I’ll get the results next week

I mentioned HRT and she didn’t really engage but did say come on here and do research

I’ll put HRT to bed for now until I know where I stand with arthritis and tinnitus but I just got the impression over to 2 visits that they’re really not keen to even talk about HRT


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2020, 11:39:06 AM »

I saw the nurse on Fri she examined me said I looked healthy and we took swabs so I’ll get the results next week
Don't put any store by this remark. By the time these people can see VA it is advanced. It is how you feel that is important, so make sure you get some Vagifem or Ovestin before it gets even worse.

And another thing. If you decide to go for systemic HRT, don't let them tell you that you can't have the local treatment as well, cos it isn't true, lots of women need both.

It is well known that low oestrogen affects the joints. (My joint problems cleared up once I got my oestrogen levels up.)

Have a look for Dr Louise Newson's website, it's probably the best resource for menopause related conditions and info on HRT.

JP x


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2020, 08:53:05 PM »

I agree Louise Newson popping up on my instagram was the thing that made me read her site and then the penny dropped that HRT was something I may need

But I’m really struggling with the tinnitus and too much Dr Googling has made be scared to take pain relief for the joint pain as I’m blaming myself for giving myself tinnitus by taking nsaids

I’m just sick of my life right now god only knows how long it’ll take to get hearing tests and X-rays when hospitals still aren’t working properly

I don’t want to add HRT into the mix in case the side effects just add to my problems but I definitely do want to explore it


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2020, 11:20:06 PM »

Hi, I too am 46 and suffer perimenopause symptoms, one being tinnitus, it drove me mad at the beginning but I have now habituated (learnt to live with it) the specialist told me to go on the British tinnitus association, it offers a lot of great advice and help, I have to have my ears microsuctioned every 12 weeks as my ear canals are apparently very narrow and I have a lot of sticky ear wax as I suffer with Hay-fever symptoms, but the microsuction really helps to keep my tinnitus at a very low level, hope this is some help to you.


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2020, 12:10:21 PM »

Hi, I too am 46 and suffer perimenopause symptoms, one being tinnitus, it drove me mad at the beginning but I have now habituated (learnt to live with it) the specialist told me to go on the British tinnitus association, it offers a lot of great advice and help, I have to have my ears microsuctioned every 12 weeks as my ear canals are apparently very narrow and I have a lot of sticky ear wax as I suffer with Hay-fever symptoms, but the microsuction really helps to keep my tinnitus at a very low level, hope this is some help to you.

I shall mention this when I get a hearing test thank you


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2020, 06:57:55 PM »

Hi Melrose,. Any thoughts on micro suction for ear wax removal causing tinnitus?  Very worried.


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2020, 08:35:14 AM »

So a month down the line I’ve had a phone appointment with the hospital nurse regarding tinnitus (during the wait though I have realised that the initial sound I heard I thought was external it definitely isn’t it’s me tinnitus is mad isn’t it as it really did sound like the sound was coming from somewhere for six months I was searching the house lol) she warned me it’ll be months for my actual appointment, so the idea of getting the results of this then investigating the hip and neck pain isn’t ideal as some days they hurt like mad and I want a proper diagnosis and pain management so I suppose I’ll have to go back to the gp and see what can be done

I bought yes vm and it’s made a massive difference in that dept so thank you for the recommendation

I persisted with the HRT With the nurse and got femoston 1/10 to try just waiting for my period to start which could be anytime in a 12 day window lol

I’ve not been on this site 5 mins but already it’s funny looking back on my posts from last month as to how things have changed


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Re: Hi 46 Finally saw GP this week re symptoms
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2020, 01:35:14 PM »

Get thyself some appropriate vaginal atrophy treatment as 'yes' won't replace the oestrogen although it may help - our vaginal atrophy and bladder issues threads make good reading when there's nowt on TV ;-).

My tinnitus comes from the back of my head  ::) so loud sometimes that I ask DH is he can hear the buzzing.  Your Hospital shouldn't have a waiting list for X-rays, after all the health service is supposedly open for business: do ring the X-ray dept and ask what the procedure .  OA is normal wear and tear.  A lack of oestrogen may cause the muscles to go lax = aches and pains.  In the mean time an over the counter pain relief should ease symptoms.

Did the thrush result return 'nil of note'? Another reason to get either 'vagifem' or 'ovestin' to use regularly.  Once symptoms ease you can forget about how it feels ;-)

Tnx for the update. 