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Author Topic: Scared to continue HRT after bad experiences - not sure what to do now..  (Read 1986 times)


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I've posted a few times as I've been struggling recently but my HRT experience has left me feeling so low and unwell I am not sure I can keep with it..
I was on Evorel Sequi for Menopause symptoms, this worked well, I felt great and used it for about 2 years then the dreaded shortages started..
6 months ago I was prescribed Provera and Estradot - the Provera drove me crazy and started a lot of symptoms I hadn't had before including Anxiety, dizziness, chest pains, etc. I was convinced I was dying after a horrendous panic attack so I came off it. I phoned my (Locum) GP who thought it was Panic attacks and Anxiety due to Covid -19  - it wasn't linked to the Provera at all, but after reading about Progesterone Intolerance I am sure that's what I experienced, and it was the only medication that had changed this year and the attack happened after my 3rd cycle of Provera following other symptoms while I was on it. I wasn't an overly anxious person before this, and certainly not anxious enough about Covid-19 for it to cause the Panic Attack I had.
This experience left me petrified but I still feel I need HRT so had to look for other options.
3 months ago I had the Mirena IUD fitted and Estrogel because it seemed the best option at the time, and less Progesterone. Unfortunately the Mirena caused terrible backaches and after using it for only a month I had to have it removed.. :-\ I was given Utrogestan 200mg for 12 days per month to use instead.
Trouble is, I have become so frightened of using HRT at all that I only use 1 pump of Estrogel daily and I am yet to use the Utrogestan (I am due to start it this week).
When I use the Estrogel I feel as if my body reacts to it - dizziness, palpitations, hot flushes, pressure in my ears,  nausea.. But does it - or am I just being anxious and expecting something terrible to happen to me now??
I think given my awful experiences this year that it may be Psychological now, but I am not sure. I feel like giving up as I have never felt as anxious and unwell as I do at the moment,  the only thing that's changed for me is the HRT, and I am not sure whether to continue or not..
Any advice would be welcome  :)
I'm 47 and Peri, all my bloods have come back normal recently  except for some low Vitamin and Mineral levels which the GP thinks aren't low enough to cause issues and I'm taking supplements for.
Thank you



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Hi Corianne

What symptoms are you trying to relieve by taking HRT? It sounds like such a nightmare for you : (

I have heard recently that evorel sequi is back in action as it were in some parts of the country.....worth checking with the pharmacist if you haven't recently?  I've also read that you can order it direct from Superdrug Doctor online.


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Hi GSP (great name btw ;D)
I have tried buying the Sequi online but can't find it yet, Superdrug only had the Conti when I looked, but I will keep looking though  :) I am seeing a Gynaecologist, but I've been to them so often to have my HRT changed recently I fear they will think I'm mad if I ask to change things again! To be fair they have tried treating me with the best they feel is available, I fear now it's just me who isn't giving it a chance due to my own anxiety over it  :-\
The symptoms I had (when I was first given HRT) were for low mood - tearful and weepy, low libido, hair loss, hot flushes and a  lot of little 'niggly' things that hinted I was probably Peri.
That was a few years ago so not sure now if I have any new Menopausal symptoms or if some of the symptoms I thought I had were side effects of the HRT..
I think I may have confused myself and my body!  :o
thank you

Hi Corianne

What symptoms are you trying to relieve by taking HRT? It sounds like such a nightmare for you : (

I have heard recently that evorel sequi is back in action as it were in some parts of the country.....worth checking with the pharmacist if you haven't recently?  I've also read that you can order it direct from Superdrug Doctor online.


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Oh lovey, I was the same as you.....deemed to be progesterone intolerant, yet very much needed it to balance out the very much needed oestrogen!

I could tolerate evorel conti ok, but my body hasn't absorbed it very well, and now my womb lining has built up too I have been changed to utrogestan vaginally (as its supposed to help with side effects) plus the oestrogel......and far so good, give it a try, but tell yourself if it doesn't work, it will be out again before you know it.

i am a very anxious person, and the progesterone has calmed me right down....i think i was out of balance xxx



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Thank you  :)
the Anxiety really started after the Provera episode, I was never an anxious person, (The last time was 6 years ago when my son was seriously ill  which I expected to cause me Anxiety) So experiencing it now and so often recently has really shaken me.
You make a good point about being out of balance, that is exactly how I feel, like something has upset my body completely. Probably the menopause in itself, but I've certainly not helped with my own Anxiety and worries over HRT.
I will try the Utrogestan tonight, I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but then if I don't try it I'll never know, and as you said I can stop if it doesn't work.
I hope you continue to feel better,

Oh lovey, I was the same as you.....deemed to be progesterone intolerant, yet very much needed it to balance out the very much needed oestrogen!

I could tolerate evorel conti ok, but my body hasn't absorbed it very well, and now my womb lining has built up too I have been changed to utrogestan vaginally (as its supposed to help with side effects) plus the oestrogel......and far so good, give it a try, but tell yourself if it doesn't work, it will be out again before you know it.

i am a very anxious person, and the progesterone has calmed me right down....i think i was out of balance xxx

Shell babes

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I had the same experience with Provera and the mirena coil which I had to have removed last week. I gave each 3.5 months but both made me have low mood, anxiety and insomnia. The GP says I am progesterone intolerant. Like you, I have been given Utro but not started it yet. Hope it works and you are feeling better soon. This really is a maze and it's hard to know what is causing what x

Shell babes

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Corianne - how did you get on with the utro?


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Hi Shell babes,
I did try them the same day - 200mg vaginally with mixed results  :-\
My head felt wonderful the next day, no migraine or 'fuzzy' head feeling and I was in a good mood, my anxiety also seemed lower but I had a horrendous pain in the right hand side of my abdomen which spread round the front and back waking me up, I also felt nauseous - It was like extremely bad IBS. I did read this is quite common to begin with, and a quick check on the Forum I found other ladies who'd had the same problem and it did wear off mostly by the evening, but once again it's scared me a bit  :o I have the 100mg Utrogestan tablets here, and I am really not sure whether to try one of those instead of the 200mg which may have been too much to start given how my body seems to react to Progesterone? - I am just worried they are only licensed for oral use and I really wanted to use them vaginally as the side effects will hopefully be lower, but don't want to do this without asking the Gynae first.
So a bit of a mixed bag I'm afraid - some definite positives in terms of the head, but the body seemed to say otherwise (for now) - Bloody Typical!!  ;D
Have you tried the Utro at all? And have you ever tried the patches?  Evorel Sequi worked well for me, and didn't have any side effects at the time, so even if Utro doesn't work for you the patches might be a more tolerable option.

Corianne - how did you get on with the utro?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 10:26:21 AM by corianne »

Shell babes

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Corianne - thanks for reply and feedback. Not used utro yet. I am on estradot patches 75. Waiting to see gynae doc for advice. Feel very cagey about prog but will see what he says. I tried the combined patches but not good. My body is prog intolerant. Shame I, as many others, have had to go they this nightmare to find out and wasted 10 months x


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Utro is only licensed for oral use in yhe UK but it's licenced both ways in the rest of Europe. The 200mg which are same except for the dose are licensed for use vaginally for IVF but not for hrt. It seems to a beurocracy problem rather than a medical one. Many people are intolerant of a particular type of progesterone rather than progesterone per se so it's worth trying different sorts. Unfortunately you have to try it to find out.
  If evorel sequi is unavailable you could see if you get evorel 50 and evorel conti patches separately. IMO if you find one that suits you it's worth some effort to stay on it if you can.


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thank you  :)
I am going to give it another go, it's just so frustrating when you find one that works, then you have bad experiences on others, it makes you so wary of trying anything else, or giving it a chance when it could work, it's ridiculous the license for vaginal use doesn't cover the UK as well, but the whole HRT 'thing' is a minefield and so confusing  :o
I have noted the Evorel 50 and Conti suggestion,  it's another option, so Thank you for that xx  :)

Utro is only licensed for oral use in yhe UK but it's licenced both ways in the rest of Europe. The 200mg which are same except for the dose are licensed for use vaginally for IVF but not for hrt. It seems to a beurocracy problem rather than a medical one. Many people are intolerant of a particular type of progesterone rather than progesterone per se so it's worth trying different sorts. Unfortunately you have to try it to find out.
  If evorel sequi is unavailable you could see if you get evorel 50 and evorel conti patches separately. IMO if you find one that suits you it's worth some effort to stay on it if you can.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 05:46:15 PM by corianne »


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 I am sorry you are still worrying  and reluctant :(  (but I completely understand why!)
I am going to try it again, I don't think the stopping and starting is helping me, but each time I get a symptom, however slight or unrelated it may be it sends the anxiety into overdrive and fear sets in that I am going to make things worse by carrying on.
I do hope you get some help and advice and find something suitable for you, and please let me know how you get on with whatever you decide to do. 
Good Luck, and fingers crossed for you!!

Corianne - thanks for reply and feedback. Not used utro yet. I am on estradot patches 75. Waiting to see gynae doc for advice. Feel very cagey about prog but will see what he says. I tried the combined patches but not good. My body is prog intolerant. Shame I, as many others, have had to go they this nightmare to find out and wasted 10 months x