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Author Topic: Kyleena coil update  (Read 1312 times)

Blue Kingfisher

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Kyleena coil update
« on: June 16, 2020, 06:39:47 AM »

Hello ladies,

I just thought I'd give an update on how this regime is bedding in. Well I'd be lying if I said it's been plain sailing unfortunately! I started off by sticking with oestrogel as I didn't want to change too many things at once but then the insomnia and night sweats were dreadful so I tried Evorel 100. This stopped the night sweats but my concern is I feel like I'm in a coma. I'm also starting to feel more and more hypothyroid as I don't seem to be able to utilise my thyroid hormone medication as well. That will be the progesterone from experience of a sequi regime with Utrogestan 7 days a week. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case on a lower dose.

I only had the Kyleena fitted a week ago today so I know it's very early days but it's difficult not to worry that things won't improve because if I can't utilise my thyroid body starts to basically shut down and I start to live a quarter of a life, if that!

My symptoms are a mixture of hypothyroidism and menopausal with groggy head, hot, nausea, headache, feeling low and fatigue - even walking the dog for 20 mins is hard and I'm starting to struggle at work.

I will have to try to find my way through this and I'm praying that things will settle down but giving this update in the meantime & hoping for some words of wisdom from other women who struggled with a new regime but glad they persevered and what their symptoms were.



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Re: Kyleena coil update
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2020, 01:33:45 AM »

Hi Blue Kingfisher I had the Jayden as Mirena and Utrogestan didn't work for me. Unfortunately I'm waiting for removal which I'm hoping will be the end of this month as my mood has not lifted bloating on and off feeling nausues  but the mood and laying in bed all day unmotivated and weepy is getting worst% mine was put in feb 14 .its not settling for me. However they say the first few weeks you get a surge of progesterone and then settles down so maybe yours will settle. X

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Kyleena coil update
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2020, 05:41:28 AM »

Thanks for replying Kballinger, sorry to hear you haven't got on with your coil, if you?re laying in bed feeling dreadful that's really not good and I hope you feel better once it's removed. I might be joining you in the removal camp in a few months time (if not before) it depends on how well it settle down or not and how debilitating the symptoms become.

Meanwhile I'm heartened that you think the progesterone levels given off initially will be higher for the first few weeks. I did ask if this was the case at the time of fitting but the consultant said that wasn't the case and that it actually ?builds?? it's that that really worries me to be honest because I feel nauseas now and wouldn't want it to get any worse that's for sure! Hopefully he is wrong and it will lessen rather than increase......

Meanwhile I'm going to try and find a way through whilst things ?hopefully? settle down.

Blue x


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Re: Kyleena coil update
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2020, 07:41:47 AM »

Really sorry to hear it's looking like your respective coils haven't worked for you ladies. I remember when I had the mirena fitted I felt fine for the first 2 weeks and thought I'd got away with it- I remember posting about it on here. However, after 2 weeks it kicked in and I felt awful. I stuck with it for 6 months as I was advised it may settle after that, but it never did for me so then I had it removed. Maybe it will for you if you give it a bit longer.  Only you can decide. Hoping it gets better for you both and do keep us posted xx

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Kyleena coil update
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2020, 06:37:26 PM »

Hi Perinowpost,

That's interesting that you say after 2 weeks you felt like it really kicked in.....there is conflicting advise on how these coils work. There are some posts on this forum & out there generally that women find it gives them an initial surge of progesterone & yet my gyne told me it would 'build'. This leaves me wondering if my situation will get better or worse?! I guess everyone is individual & I will just have to wait & see....difficult to feel relaxed about this!

I have upped my oestrogen since last night & although I don't feel brilliant, I feel a bit less rubbish so that's a step hopefully in the right direction. I don't feel good by any means with this nausea but I'm hoping it will abate & the progesterone will ease off after a while rather than 'build'!! I may have hit the panic button too early but again, time will tell & its tricky not to panic when you feel rough & you are limited in what you can do about it. I just need to remind myself how awful I felt on Utrogestan though. I got about one week a month when I didn't feel really ill.....Hopefully I will gradually move towards a more balanced place & be on here assuring others! I hope I am that lucky!  :)

Blue x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Kyleena coil update
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2020, 02:18:34 PM »

Hi ladies,

Just giving an update on how the Kyleena option is working out for me - it will only be 3 weeks on Tuesday since I had it fitted but thing's hopefully might be moving in the right direct, but early days!

What has been interesting and totally took me by surprise is that I seem to absorb from the patches much better than oestrogel. I was on 5 pumps oestrogel so thought I'd find Evorel 100 (equivalent to 4 pumps oestrogel as recommended by my gyne) too little oestrogen but the opposite is true and I'm trying now to work out if I'm better on Evorel 75 or need slightly less. I was having terrible insomnia and felt very hot on Evorel 100 and 75 seems much better.

I'm hypothyroid and thyroid meds not going in fantastically at the moment but much better than when on Evorel 100. I need to keep plugging away to find a way through with the thyroid meds but I'm feeling like I have a more stable base to work things out on than being on the monthly roller coaster of sequi Utrogestan.

Will keep you updated and appreciate I need to give things up to 6 months to settle down x