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Author Topic: Side effects of HRT  (Read 2251 times)


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Side effects of HRT
« on: June 15, 2020, 02:20:01 PM »


I tried the Evoril Conti patch late last year, but was unable to tolerate even half a patch due to severe period like pains. I left it for a while and then spoke to my GP a couple of weeks ago and she prescribed Kliovance tablets.

I have been on them for almost 2 weeks and seem to be getting quite a few side effects - abdo/back ache, nausea, painful boobs if touched, headaches, looser bowels, jittery 'on edge' feeling and just generally feeling 'off'.

I know you're supposed to give HRT 3 months to see how it works for you, but I'm just wondering if all these side effects should go away, or is it likely that some of them will continue?

I haven't felt any benefit yet (I know it's early days) but obviously don't want to continue if the side effects outweigh the benefits.

Any advice or experiences greatfully received.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2020, 02:37:51 PM by jennyb »


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 10:31:52 AM »

Hi Jennyb

You sound like your having a similar experience as me ... I have been on HRT 5 weeks and have side effects ; tired , bloated and heavy swollen boobs 😐 .... let's hopw we feel better soon ... maybe I was hoping for a miracle 🙄X


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2020, 12:32:04 PM »


That's interesting that you say that. I've been on hrt for two years, and have been suffering lots of digestive problems in that time.

I've had loads of tests including a CT scan, colonoscopy, endoscopy and loads of blood tests in the last year, and have not had any diagnosis.

I'm now wondering if it could be the hrt. I very recently went from 3 to4 pumps and things have flared up again.

It could be a coincidence , it's hard to know

Jeepers xx


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2020, 01:24:03 PM »

Yes, I had bloating, terrible flatulence, boobs sore, acid indigestion, stomach aches, similar to period pains, headaches, which were quite bad tbh, but after about 6/8 months, they settled down.
I've been on Femoston conti for roughly, 2 and half years ( I think)🤷‍♀️ and everything has settled except for the occasional bloating I get. But that could be the food intolerances I have since being post meno, the foods I used to eat before, I find I can't anymore, and if I do, I get bloating, wind, and diarrhoea.
I never thought in a million years these would go for me, but it seems they have.
If they get so bad for you that you can't live with them anymore, I'd change to something else. I only endured it all because the rest of my symptoms were easing. You?ll know yourself if you can carry on or not, but gaviscon  and bisodol were my friends whilst suffering.



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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2020, 02:23:29 PM »

Hi Smolls - it's rubbish isn't it?! Hopefully things will settle down soon for us x


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2020, 02:25:14 PM »

Hi Jeepers - I had loads of digestive issues whilst on the contraceptive pill (I didn't realise this until I came off them). Just hoping that HRT doesn't do the same x


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2020, 02:26:52 PM »

Hi jillydoll - gosh that's quite a long time to get side effects! At the moment, they are manageable, but will have to just wait and see how it goes x


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2020, 02:44:20 PM »

Hi Jennyb

It really is awful , here's hoping things settle down soon. One of my friends has recently started HRT (approx 3 months) and she feels great , so fingers crossed for you and I X


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2020, 04:20:35 PM »

Hi Jeepers - I had loads of digestive issues whilst on the contraceptive pill (I didn't realise this until I came off them). Just hoping that HRT doesn't do the same x

Thank Jenny..

At the advice of my Meno specialist, I increased my oestrogel in the last month. I wonder if it is affecting this latest flare up.

Jeepers xx


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2020, 04:39:58 PM »

I suffer really badly with digestive problems with taking hrt.  I've tried lots of different regimes and always get stomach pain, bloating and all the rest of it.  I've tried all sorts of otc remedies but none really help.  I try to manage it so that when it gets unbearable, I stop taking the hrt until it all settles down and until my meno symptoms return and then start taking it again.  it's a vicious circle for me and not ideal to keep stopping and starting but it's the only way I can seem to manage it 😏

Does anyone know if stomach problems can go along with phlegm at the back of the throat ?  I'm wondering if I've got an acidy stomach, that could be causing the phlegm stuff 😱

Rosie xx


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2020, 05:01:29 PM »

Hi Rosie

I don't know the answer to your question, but have you tried the burp test? It will tell you pretty quickly if you have acid stomach. I think it's 1/4 teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water, but if you Google it, you'll definitely find it.

I'm beginning to think my problems could be hrt now. I upped my oestrogel recently, and I've had a flare up of all the digestive problems I had at the beginning of the year.

I wonder if there are any Meno doctors who will treat you , but without systemic hrt. I always feel talked out of any suggestion by me that maybe I should stop.

Jeepers xx


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2020, 06:58:24 PM »

Thanks Jeepers. That's interesting about the burp test. I?ll definitely look that up and give it a go. I've always suffered with digestive problems and I think my system must be sensitive to certain chemicals.  it's the oestrogen that seems to affect me rather than progesterone.  It sounds as though you could be the same 😏

Rosie xx

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2020, 07:17:13 PM »

Hi ladies, I had been on eostrogel 2 pumps/utrogestan 100mg oral conti for 8 months starting at age 63.
I finally decided to come off it 5 weeks ago, as it didn't seem to be making me feel much different after having a grumbling stomach and upper abdominal issues for some time - I thought it was maybe affecting my gallstones (I have multiple small ones I have been told), as the pain was central around sternum and just to the sides where my bra sits?
I was also having breast pain and strange twinges behind the nipple area like an aching tingly burn, I thought this might stop when I stopped HRT but I still have the same symptoms now, so am wondering if it is still too early for it to settle again or shall I contact my GP? I also have muscle aches under armpits to side of breasts which is tender to the touch and feels muscular?

My hot flushes have returned unfortunately along with the stinging when I need a wee, (yes I have VA as well for which I am on Vagifem - now upped to every other night) so I guess HRT was helping that side of things but maybe making others worse? I would like to try Femseven patches when they are available as an alternative to the usual "gold standard" treatment for us older ladies, but seems it will still be along time and have to wait until nearer to the end of the year?

Has anyone ever been started on oral HRT around my age if they haven't been on it before and how have you gone on with it? Which brand did you take?
I had Indivina 1mg/2.5mg tablets two years into postmenopause in 2011 and I was great on that, but stopped after a year on GP advice of side effect scares at that time. Dr Currie said in a recent email consultation that I could try oral but there were more risks of DVT?

I also suffer from GERD which I am taking omeprazole for, and that can cause the throat issues with the phlegm / lump in throat sensation. Also constant clearing the throat? Initially caused by a bout of prolonged stress and I still have anxiety issues too.

Any advice ladies or similar stories to share?
Thanks, stay safe 🥰


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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2020, 04:37:47 PM »

Hi Julia

I can relate to nearly everything you've said here. I get zippy pains in my breasts, and also pain all around my ribcage, where my bra sits.  There is one place in particular that hurts which is the left side . I wouldn't say it feels muscular though, I can also get pain in my armpits. 

I've already mentioned all the digestive things I'm experiencing at the moment.

Do you think it could be gallbladder related?

Jeepers xx



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Re: Side effects of HRT
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2020, 05:48:03 PM »

It turned out Omprazole brought on my digestive issues. I've been on it 4 years.

I was referred to gastro professor. After colonoscopy and endoscopy he deemed it to be IBS and said PPI's like omprazole are notorious for causing issues.  Lowering the stomach acid can have an effect further down the digestive tract.

The best my bowel has been in ages was when I had to stop omprazole before the tests but I paid for it with evil acid rebound.

Interestingly after following the pre colonoscopy diet and taking the clear out meds my bowel felt the best it had in years. I actually felt better all round.

Does anyone else get the bloating higher up. The top of abdomen. Pain on one side.  This started since meno and it's so uncomfortable.  Gp examined me last year as it looked like there was a swelling there. She  wasnt sure so sent me for an upper abdo scan and it was clear. Apart from fatty liver.  Which gastro guy said is more common than not "at my age".

