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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: too much estrogel?  (Read 7995 times)


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too much estrogel?
« on: June 12, 2020, 08:20:54 AM »

Hoping someone can help/reassure/advise......I've just (over the past 3 days) increased my estrogel to 3 pumps to see if it will improve my symptoms of low mood/energy etc. I have woken up today feeling very shakey, my legs are particularly wobbly and achey  I also feel really on edge. Does anyone know if this is a sign that I've gone too far or is it likely that it will settle down if I continue? It's making me feel quite tearful too. I'm not due to see the specialist until the end of the month and trying to contact her before then will be nigh on impossible as her PA doesn't seem to be very organised. I'm also taking utrogestan 100mg daily.


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2020, 08:35:04 AM »

Hi!  How long had you been using estrogel?  It can take a while for uptake, usually the body doesn't get where it is suddenly.  Why did you decide 2 increase to 3 pumps?  Maybe go back to 2 for a couple of nights and see if those symptoms ease, it's a bit Trial and Error!

R U eating regularly?


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2020, 08:37:33 AM »

Hi Ali51

I personally think it's too much. I get exactly the same if I go over board. I'm either crying all day, or depressed and angry, I've even been high on too much, like I've had an injection of energy. Then crash and get low! ......Maybe you should drop it by half a pump, not easy as it's a pump, but sometimes even the smallest amount will make a difference especially if your sensitive to it. it's all trial and error really.
As for it settling down, I don't really know, I've always dropped mine as I couldn't stand the effects it was giving me, I've settled on pills now, Femoston, and some days are hard, some are ok, so although not perfect, it's better than how I was before, and the prog in it suits me.
I'm hoping someone will be on with more knowledge than me to advise you. So hang tight.



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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2020, 08:46:03 AM »

Changed to the gel in April after no success with patches (not absorbing well) The doc said to experiment with dosage after the first month or so to see if it helped. I went up to 2 1/2 and was still feeling below par so hoped by moving up to 3 pumps I'd start to feel perkier.... I don't seem to be getting the same sort of positive results so many others do which is disappointing...but then maybe I'm being too impatient.... I'll try dropping it again tonight an case it is too much..... just not sure swapping and changing is all that good either...arrgh!!! This is not a good roller coaster!


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2020, 08:47:30 AM »

You said it yourself: too impatient: little steps.  It can take months B4 we realise that we begin to feel 'better'.  Do you keep a mood/symptom/food diary?


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2020, 08:53:27 AM »

No, I agree, changing all the time isn't good.
We need time for it to settle.
I was always tweaking mine here and there, In my case, instead of taking 2mg everyday, I drop down twice a week to 1 and half mg. taking 2 mg everyday gave me anxiety, and chest pains, this is the best for me! I find I can live my life this way with no horrible side effects.
It took a long time tho for me to find this out.
Good luck and let us know how your getting on. Xx


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2020, 08:59:53 AM »

Ali51.  I find I get those symptoms you mention from progesterone.  Particularly utrogestan.but also  I find the same as jilly that  increases/decreases in E seem to affect me greatly. 
I find small increases/decreases  are best. It can an initial reaction which settles down. For instance when I increase my breasts get sore immedistely but it settles after a couple weeks. 

I personally have found that after 4 or 5 weeks how I feel on a dose doesnt change by 3 months. I have always waited the 3 months but in truth 4 to 6 weeks usually tells me all I need to know. That might just be me though. And it's only been a few days for you so maybe give it a bit more time to see if it settles.
 If you feel 3 pumps are too much then Maybe you can drop down to 2 and a half and see how you feel on that.  It's not easy to get a half portioned I know.  I usually put it into my hand and divide it. It's far from an exact science though.  I found it easier to do with patches because you can cut them.  Maybe some other ladies have better tips than mine on how to split a gel dose.



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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2020, 09:07:34 AM »

Thanks CLKD and jillydoll

I have been keeping a diary, I think it helps, but I'm finding lots of low days. I've haven't been logging food though.... I think I'm going to start.

Thanks Tc, I definitely had the sore breasts initially too, but that seems to have settled down, so proof that its good to have patience! I'm definitely absorbing the gel better than patches, I'm due a blood test next week to check levels.

I really want to make this work but worrying about it not doing, which then makes me feel more anxious -a vicious cycle! x
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 09:10:37 AM by Ali51 »


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2020, 09:33:04 AM »

Ali51.  I understand that worry completely. It's hard not to let it take over your life. Waiting for something to change. Going into each new regime with such high Hope's and then feeling bitterly dissapointed when things dont go as expected.   I've had several "panics"  which the ladies on here have helped me calm.  Every so often I have been at the point of throwing my proverbial toys out the pram and giving up altogether. I stopped for 4 weeks recently and realised that I do need eastrogen. It's getting the balance right that can be tricky. .  I've been impatient at times, it's only natural when you just want to feel better.  But the message of patience comes through loud and strong on here time and again.and for good many ladies find it takes time.  But I would say that from my experience if something isnt working after several months dont struggle on indefinitely , adjustments can be made, other options explored (for instance I found sandrena gel absorbed far better than eastrogel) and it might take several tweaks until you find what's right for you personally.  It's so individualised. 

So try to look at it as an ongoing process. And a learning curve. There are those ladies out there who find their balance straight away but most of us here are going through that learning curve or been through it.  I try to look at it that its giving me information as I go along on how my body reacts and what it needs .

You might find 2 pumps isnt enough but 3 is too much so the half dose could be worth trying in the future. 

You will get there. Xxxxxx


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2020, 09:38:14 AM »

Thankyou Tc,  just knowing that there are people out there who have had similar experiences and knowing that what I'm experiencing is 'normal' helps so much. It's easy to start to feel like you're going mad and get frustrated with yourself, which is totally unhelpful. xx


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2020, 10:00:24 AM »

For me any change up or down on HRT gives me bad symptoms & a few days is not long enough for your body to get used to the change of increasing. it's takes a couple of months for things to settle for me when I change, increase or decrease. it's so hard but you have to give yourself time for your body to settle


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2020, 10:15:45 AM »

Hello Ali51 and welcome to the forum.

I agree that many of us have been in your position and it is very frustrating. We all want to be the one who finds the perfect regime first time around and goes skipping off into the sunset feeling like a twenty year old lol.

There were times when I fiddled with various doses but also persisted perhaps longer than I should have.  I am post meno and stopped taking all HRT almost a year ago to see what my hormones were doing naturally.  I still have some symptoms but I don't feel any worse.

I am sure even more ladies will be along to comment as  your story is very familiar.

Take care.



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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2020, 10:23:25 AM »

For me any change up or down on HRT gives me bad symptoms & a few days is not long enough for your body to get used to the change of increasing. it's takes a couple of months for things to settle for me when I change, increase or decrease. it's so hard but you have to give yourself time for your body to settle

thanks Paisley, I am a bit concerned about switching up and down too much. Maybe I'll try sticking for a few more days and see what happens...


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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2020, 10:25:56 AM »

Hello Ali51 and welcome to the forum.

I agree that many of us have been in your position and it is very frustrating. We all want to be the one who finds the perfect regime first time around and goes skipping off into the sunset feeling like a twenty year old lol.

There were times when I fiddled with various doses but also persisted perhaps longer than I should have.  I am post meno and stopped taking all HRT almost a year ago to see what my hormones were doing naturally.  I still have some symptoms but I don't feel any worse.

I am sure even more ladies will be along to comment as  your story is very familiar.

Thanks Kathleen.
I'm keen to make it work for the long term health benefits as well as the shorter term symptom relief. My mum had osteoporosis and I really don't want to go down the same route......

Take care.



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Re: too much estrogel?
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2020, 11:42:37 AM »

Hormone upheaval can cause the body to lack energy = anxiety.
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