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Author Topic: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT  (Read 1000 times)


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The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« on: June 08, 2020, 03:48:25 PM »

Hi all

I have today realised that you can order HRT from Superdrug Doctor Online, even without a prescription (and all the kerfuffle that that entails with the current shortages etc). 

To be brief - my wife is almost 50, has had approx 4 periods in almost 2 years (currently at month 6 for the second time - had period in December after almost 8 months).  She has every symptom and it's absolutely bloo*y grim and completely life altering for her.  We've desperately tried to avoid HRT for a number of reasons but I'm tired of seeing her suffer so terribly and I've started to think about a combined HRT option (she still has a womb).  Her GP wrote down the name of this website and tested her thyroid and nothing further ref meno.  So, I've been doing my own research for years. 

In short - which HRT is best for her?  She's clearly not post meno yet but has been in peri for at least 7.5 years.  We have a great supplement regime but I need a backup in case these low estrogen symptoms get worse.  She's reluctant but perhaps relenting ever so slightly.  I'd like to avoid an oral tablet due to clot risk but appreciate that patches and gels are as rare as rocking horse plop at the minute.......

Premarin not an option.  Mirena completely unnecessary - she's never had a heavy period in her life, either pre/during peri. 

Any suggestions please?  I couldn't think of any better place to ask!

Thank you  :)

EDIT - to make it clear I'm also a female and in peri so I'm "allowed" to post here if those are the rules!


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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2020, 04:58:39 PM »

Hi! your Wife requires professional advice.  Buying from the internet may mean that the product isn't pure which can cause it's own problems.

Is there a menopause clinic within travelling distance, if so ring and make an appt..  I suggest that you both keep a mood/food/symptom diary  ;) which can be discussed at the appt. so that nowt gets missed!

Mirena isn't simply for heavy periods, maybe put it into the search box on the Forum and see what pops up?


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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2020, 06:05:38 PM »

Hi there

She should be able to have a phone appt with a GP - sometimes they say what their specialisms are on the website. She will need BP checks etc before they will prescribe.

Patches are available - I take estrogen patches and separate utrogestan to provide the sequential progesterone. It is indeed a grim time. I work very long hours in a senior role and couldn't manage without HRT.

CKLD is right tho - she does need medical advice and supervision. Good luck with it all. Maybe you need to start a forum for husbands damaged by the fallout from menopause.



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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2020, 07:51:05 PM »

Let us know how you get on.  Begin at the GP Surgery.   There may be a Nurse Practitioner who can advise, some GPs still don't understand menopause  >:(.  Blood tests don't tell much because hormones alter all the while.  Or contact a Pharmacist, they have private rooms these days .......

Decide which symptom she needs to ease first.  It can be Trial and Error to find something that helps.   But usually the body doesn't get where it is suddenly so it may be a while B4 she feels benefit.


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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2020, 05:53:24 AM »

Hi again

Sorry about my incorrect assumption Getstuffedperi!
I am almost 50 and started with hot flushes, severe palpitations and mood swings at 42. Not all the time, but intermittent symptoms. Battled on, was prescribed beta blockers for the palpitations but would have episodes of crying and not coping which would last a few days at a time.

I was offered HRT at 48, after I finally went to the GP (before then they thought it was stress) but didn't start taking any until 6 months later as I was nervous about such a major decision. Eventually I just needed to try something, anything that might help.  I immediately regained a sense of who I am, then upped the dose after 3 months and am now more or less ok.

It doesn't fix everything, but I am ?me? again and I can function without worrying about sweats or being tearful or angry. It has risks, and I recently needed an endometrial biopsy as I wasn't bleeding on schedule, but the results came back clear and I do feel the GP is looking after me.

No-one likes taking meds, but I need mine if I want to function in my job and avoid alienating my friends, colleagues and my husband and 2 grown up daughters.

I hope things improve for you both soon.




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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2020, 05:31:30 PM »

Nope.  HRT - hormone replacement therapy - easing symptoms that can be awful.  Some need a few years of treatment, others carry on for Life.  It depends on individual symptoms. 

If she were diabetic?  Or had a heart problem?  Or ............

What's the main worry?


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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2020, 08:58:32 PM »

Most of the scary figures are from oral hrt. Being overweight, drinking or smoking put you at greater risk than transdermal hrt and quality of life is important. You can see what is available from the Treatments option from the menu but it really isn't something you should be getting online, it should be done under medical supervision.
No one know a how long symptoms will last but I don't think taking hrt makes it worse. You can try coming off it to see and go back on if you still have symptoms. There is no time limit for it now.
59 late peri, undiagnosed by gp age 55 & 56, hrt at 57 changed my life (insomnia, anxiety, depression, bad temper etc etc). If I'd been my OH I'd have run for the hills. It sounds as though your wife is suffering so much there isn't much to lose by trying it and probably a lot to gain.


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Re: The first time I've ever enquired about HRT
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2020, 05:03:25 PM »

Hi again, before HRT I could be 4 months between periods or they could be more or less on time - no pattern really. Until an individual is in confirmed menopause ( 12 months bleed free) you need a sequential regime, which is meant to induce a bleed every month. I don't bleed every month even on the sequential HRT which is why the GP referred me for ultrasound then hysteroscopy. I am all fine, but that is why you do need a doctor, as if the womb lining gets too thick(by not bleeding properly) it can turn cancerous. Now that it is all confirmed ok up there I only need to report any changes. If continuous HRT (no bleed) is prescribed too soon the body may bleed randomly and the lining can build up, so a monthly cycle is prescribed until menopause.

I would say though, after being undecided for nearly 6 months before starting HRT, she could try it and then stop if it doesn't suit. I was blown away by how much better I felt within a couple of weeks(a few days of dizzy and nausea soon went).  it's no-one's place to encourage or decide for anyone else, but for genuine indecision it may be worth trying it to see.

