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Author Topic: HRT, implant??  (Read 1155 times)


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HRT, implant??
« on: June 10, 2020, 11:20:14 PM »

Brief background... I'm 49, been menopausal since I was 26 unfortunately. Tried lots of different HRT combos and recently discovered estrogel and utrogestan was best. Pills didn't seem strong enough, patches itched like crazy.
I've now developed an allergy (extremely itchy rash) to the estrogel so need to rethink. What are the pros and cons to the estrogen implant?


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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2020, 09:26:24 AM »

Hi Doris47

Can't advise unfortunately, just wanted to bump your post up, before it got lost.
I'm sure someone will be on soon.



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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2020, 10:51:56 AM »


Have you tried Sandrena gel?  I think the carriers are slightly different to estrogel so it might be worth seeing if you have a reaction to that before thinking about an implant.





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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2020, 04:09:38 PM »

Hiya doris. I had the eastrogen Implant (50) in January.  Unfortunately it hasnt worked as it should have. I'm waiting to see.the meno clinic as appt was cancelled due to covid but they have said I can have a another one.

 Insertion was fine (lower tummy) didn't hurt and they numb the area. The pellet is size of a grain of rice.  There is,a risk of infection but I was fine.  You have to keep using your gel or patch for first  3 to4 weeks (I'm not sure if that's just with the first one,) .implant is replaced after 6 months but some women find it runs out early as early as 4 months and have to top up.

The strength I have is supposed to give between 300 and 600 pmol blood level (mine gave less) but it can give more and it's hard to predict with each individual so it's important to have adequate womb protection.  Gold standard at my clinic is mirena. 

I was told that with each successive implant there can be a cumulative effect which may mean my 2nd would give higher levels but this effect also means that if you want to stop HRT or decide to not have another implant you must still use a progesterone until blood E levels come down to post meno levels which can sometimes take months. 

I had the Inplant because I struggled with absorption of patches and estrogel.  I like the idea that once it's there you can forget it and I had hoped it would be a more steady delivery for me and give me the higher levels I seem to need . So I'm dissappinted . I've had to go back to using sandrena but I think I will give it one more try when i am able.

I agree about the sandrena though. I absorbed it far better than any patch I tried or estrogel.  It is also  slighty thicker and you can rub it over a,smaller area.



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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2020, 07:59:56 AM »

Thanks for the advice. I've used sandrena in the past and it was fine, but it was a pain waiting for it to dry properly. I'm not sure wether to try it again while my skin is irritated or go back to pills or an implant.
So annoying my skin turned against the estrogel, it was perfect!


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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2020, 08:34:50 AM »


I've been using Sandrena since Dec 2018 and I don't think it really 'dries? at all.  I allow 15 mins and then get dressed.  This must be OK as I'm post meno and my symptoms are well controlled.

In fact during lockdown my routine has been apply gels, potter around tidying bedroom, get dressed into gym gear, work out for 1- 1? hrs, breakfast and then shower.  I use moisturising shower gel and skin cream and it doesn't seem to effect my absorption at all, so I think the active ingredients absorb very quickly.

However, what ever I wear does tend to 'stick? a bit to the gel, so I find that I have so peel the fabric off my skin after a while, but for me that's not a big deal.



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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2020, 03:39:07 PM »

I must admit sandrena does seem to remain sticky for ages.  I find exactly the same. I leave it 15 minutes and then my clothes still.stick, especially if I'm warm. But my blood test showed I'd absorbed it far better than I did  equivalent patches  or 6 pumps eastrogel. My blood level more than doubled.

The implant hasnt worked out for me first time but it wouldve been a great bonus not to faff about with gel.  I've just had my appt cancelled but I think when I can I will give it one more try. Not having to plan my day around the gel was great while it lasted.



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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2020, 07:26:31 PM »

I found an old sachet of sandrena in my drawer so decided to try it yesterday. Today I have a huge red angry and itchy rash, so it looks like all patches and gels irritate me. Pills were ok, but not brilliant. Just my bloody luck!


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Re: HRT, implant??
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2021, 10:54:06 PM »

Doris did you get to the implant? I’m also starting to react to the gel, same thing happened with patches after 6 months :-\ interested to hear if you have tried the implant or had any other success?