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Author Topic: Throat worry  (Read 8991 times)


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2020, 08:57:05 PM »

Sorry, my reply was meant for Patsie and her throat issues


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2020, 07:02:01 AM »

Glad to hear your throat is feeling better Marge.

 I still have issues.  Still have a phlegmy throat and weird feeling.  Have tried Omeprazole, Guardium (increased my resting heart rate) nasal spray, antihistamine.  Also bought something called Gastro soothe, and silicogel and using Gaviscon.  no change.  feel it could be throat tension.  after almost 6 months it would have got worse if was something bad right?

incidentally, since coming off the Omeprazole and Guardiam, I am more aware of very mild reflux.  I have been reading a bit about stopping them and it says that it can make acid worse for a few weeks, as it has a rebound effect.  It has made me very aware of every gastric, throat sensation.

Think I may give it a couple more weeks and then go back to the GP.  I feel as if I will never feel normal again.


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2020, 09:14:30 AM »

I'm cleaning my throat again this morning though not during the night when laying down  :-\ so have taken another omeparzolole [sp] this morning.  There is a risk of rebound acid as the capsule deadens it ......... 4 me it's like something is stuck that needs to be coughed up.

Donnadoobie - have the symptoms become worse?


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2020, 01:20:54 PM »

After two weeks of being on lansaprazole (30mg a day) my throat only hurts on one side when I swallow and also sometimes gives me pain in my ear.  it's weird I don't know whether my anxiety is making the symptoms worse or not. 

I try not to think about it and try to ignore the pain but easier said than done.  Have a follow up with doc in 2 weeks so will see what he says - never know I may actually get a face to face appointment and may even have my throat looked at!!


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2020, 03:19:58 PM »

My throat is sore if I sleep with gob wide open which apparently I do  ::)

I added another capsule this morning but still clearing my throat  >:(


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2020, 04:42:10 PM »

Pstsie, when l had my throat problems, my ear was affected too. I was diagnosed with post nasal drip.

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2020, 01:27:21 PM »

Hi ladies, this thread is exactly what I have been going through too! :'(

I have had a hoarse voice on and off now for over 6 months, constant throat clearing trying to get rid of the awful lump feeling and post nasal drip (which was diagnosed a year ago as non allergenic rhinitis). I too have had one side of my throat feeling weird, swollen, and also in the sides of my neck up to my ears.

I have had really bad anxiety over the last year due to my 92 year old Mum with Alzheimer's who lives on her own with carers - she is now in hospital following another fall and fracturing her collarbone.

I have been on Omeprazole all this time too, as I have all the usual reflux symptoms, constantly burping, heavy feeling in chest, have to watch what I eat, can't drink alcohol or eat fatty or spicy foods. When I suffer any calamities it goes straight to my gut which feels constantly clenched!

I'm 63 and have been on transdermal oestrogen and Utrogestan 100 mg oral daily for past 11 months. I often wonder if HRT (mainly the Utrogestan?) has made reflux symptoms worse??? I've been wondering whether to stop it for a while to see if any improvement?

I spoke to my Dr about my throat, she called me into surgery last Tuesday. She said she couldn't feel anything but immediately referred me through to ENT under the two week rule because I'd been hoarse so long. I got a phone call the next day from ENT giving me an appt for 2 days after that, which was yesterday. (how quick was that, Bolton hospital is great!!)

I also told my GP about my bad anxiety and she said after all these tests we could discuss anti anxiety meds to help me, she mentioned fluoxetine and citalopram, anyone had any good results from these???

So I had the camera up my nose (not painful at all) and he had a good feel around and shone a light down my throat. He told me I had a lazy voice box probably due to the reflux and prescribed 10mg Omeprazole twice a day and Gaviscon advance 3 x 5ml a day for 6 weeks which he gave me script for.
I told him I was diagnosed with benign thyroid nodules about 15 years ago which had never been checked since, so he said he would also send me for an ultrasound scan on my neck. So am waiting for that now.

There seems to be an awful lot of us going through the same kind of issues, anyone any other advice for me too please??
Thanks xx


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2020, 01:41:28 PM »

Hi Julia Dizzy, sorry you've got the throat issue as well.  You can see from previous posts (some of them mine) that you're not alone.  Always reassuring I believe.

I was diagnosed with post nasal drip, but nothing helped until it just decided to go away in about May of this year.  I'd had it since last June.  However, a close friend of mine also has a throat issue, which has been going on since Christmas.  No idea what it is either.  I'm sorry I can't help, but I just think this forum and reading other people's experiences is hugely beneficial.

If you do get any answers, please share!



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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2020, 03:16:29 PM »

I've had the irritating clearing throat issue for 2 days, it takes over occasionally and I haven't worked out why   Take Omeprazlole [sp] at night and added an extra capsule today and will do so in the morning.



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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2020, 02:51:25 PM »

Hi ladies

I have hiatus hernia and I do find that I get a stinging in my throat sometimes as if Im getting a cold but nothing happens I suck strepsils but it doesn’t  help I have read that it’s excess bile (acid) that causes the throat which feels like a sore throat . Stress can cause excess acid in stomach and of course not eating regularly. I was also told not to eat 2 hours before bed so I make sure I don’t otherwise I can’t sleep it can last a couple of days which is more annoying really but I don’t take any acid tablets so maybe Im not as bad as the previous posts but I know all these things are a worry especially when you can’t see anyone at this present time but if it’s really concerning you speak to doctor again and insist you get to see someone
Good luck



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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2020, 04:34:21 PM »

Did anyone manage to resolve their throat issues?


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2020, 09:10:42 PM »

not me!  :'(


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2020, 05:04:14 PM »

Still no better for me too.  Have been referred to ENT but just got letter saying it’s a 26 week wait. Still getting the uncomfortable feeling on one side of throat when swallowing like there is something there.

Not sure what to do

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2020, 01:47:37 PM »

Interesting info sparkle, seems can be related to anxiety which I can definitely say I have.
I have an ultrasound appt for next Monday on my throat so will see if anything shows up there. I'm also waiting to speak to GP again after these tests to discuss anti anxiety meds which may help the cause of the reflux? (if nothing shows up thyroid wise ....)
I'm still having the same issues, not gone yet, but my PPI dose seems very low to yours - my ENT chappie gave me 10mg Omeprazole twice a day along with the gaviscon advance - I may up mine to 30 then!
Yesterday I had a ham omelette for breakfast and it seemed to make me feel rubbish all day, so will stick to my usual no added sugar muesli with skimmed lacto free milk! Diet does have a big part to play I guess.

Patsie, my GP referred me straight away and I got an appointment within 2 weeks, because she said it needed an urgent referral because I had been hoarse for over 6 months. My scan has also taken less than a month to be arranged. Am sure you shouldn't have to wait so long, unless my local NHS trust is a better one?!

Lets hope we get some relief soon ladies xx


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Re: Throat worry
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2020, 03:49:41 PM »

There are physio exercises that can help (relaxing neck shoulders and upper body tension, and also strengthening muscles around the oesophagus area). So it might be worth seeking out a physio with a special interest.

Also, sipping hot water with a tsp of lemon and a tsp of honey and breathing in the steam*, steamy showers/baths and sugar-free throat sweets.

Avoiding late meals, alcohol and caffeine etc. (think you all have this covered  ;D )

(*A favourite of Pavorotti.)
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