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Author Topic: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today  (Read 2287 times)

Blue Kingfisher

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Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« on: June 09, 2020, 02:52:01 PM »

Hello everyone,

I'm fresh back from my appointment of having a Kyleena coil fitted and thought I'd start a new string to share my experiences in case it's of interest or helps other ladies looking for lower progesterone dose alternatives. I got the advice in the first place from this forum so its important I feed back for potential others!

So, it's very early days but I debated with the consultant which coil would be the best one to try between the Mirena, Kyleena & Jaydess & we decided on the Kyleena as its towards middle ground with a nod to my progesterone intolerance. I'm very sensitive to the stuff and it takes me at least 2 weeks to recover from a 7 day 200mg vaginal dose of Utrogestan.

The Kyleena omits an average of 9 micrograms levonorgestrel per 24 hours over five years whereas the Mirena releases 20 micrograms levonorgestrel per 24 hours and also lasts for five years. This compares with an average of 6 micrograms levonorgestrel per 24 hours over three years for the Jaydess.

The consultant conducted a scan before the fitting (I presume this was a uterine scan that measures the womb lining as he dictated the measurements in a letter & he was happy that everything looked OK & ?normal?).

Anyway, the fitting itself was fine. I do admit to having a swift glass of wine prior to the appointment purely to calm my anxiety & take the edge of any pain of course! It was a bit uncomfortable like a slightly longer smear test but I did experience a little bit of pain but it didn't last more than 2 seconds which i'm delighted and relieved about as I'm a big baby! I'm back in 3 months for a check-up/review & I presume if I feel ok with the Kyleena and any spotting/bleeding subsides after 6 months... then its looking promising.

I will have to have yearly uterine scans but this is a small price to pay if I achieve what is the most important thing out of all of this which is to feel WELL. I've felt terrible for years on the swings of Utrogestan so let's see how this goes. If I do continue to spot/bleed then I guess I can look at the Mirena at that point.

The consultant has also advised moving from oestrogel to a patch of 100 strength. I'm hoping it will give me a more even flow of hormones as opposed to the sudden surge of 5 pumps of oetsrogel every morning! This is a high dose I know but it only takes my oestrogen levels to around the 400 mark. The switch to the patches will give me slightly lower dose of oestrogen & with the low does Kyleena, this might work out better. I will post a separate note about switching over to keep this post as clipped to the subject line as possible & it's also going on...for far too long?..!

So that's my update laddies, experiencing mild period type pains after the fitting by nothing half as bad as I was expecting! Fingers crossed it all works out & will update on progress in a while  :)



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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2020, 03:18:42 PM »

Do keep us posted Blue Kingfisher. I had a failed attempt at having the jaydess fitted for progesterone intolerance (a traumatic experience I've chronicled on here), so I really hope it works out for you x


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2020, 04:21:54 PM »

Thank you blue.  I will watch with great interest.

I'm progesterone intolerant and I'm on mirena since January which I've been considering removing.

It's good to know there are other options.
  I hope you find this lower dose is better.

May I  ask,  did you have it fitted at a meno clinic? 


Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2020, 06:34:30 PM »

Thank you Perinowpost & sorry to hear the Jaydess didn't work out for you, I presume it was due to progesterone intolerance or was it something else? TC - I had the Kyleena fitted at the Studd clinic in London. Sounds like you aren't getting on too well with the Mirena which is a huge shame. Can I ask what symptoms you are experiencing?

Blue x


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2020, 07:36:26 PM »

Hi there, no it was because the GP decided just before to do a pipette biopsy (this hadn't been discussed) before she fitted the jaydess. Apart from a couple of strong painkillers I'd had no numbing. Unfortunately for me I went into shock (body shaking, unable to speak, crying) and was unable to continue with the procedure.

She told me afterwards it may not have worked anyway - but I suppose I?ll never know will I. I haven't been able to bring myself to try again as it was such a traumatic experience.  it's a shame because it had taken such a lot of perseverance just to get to the point of getting someone to agree to do it x

Mary G

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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2020, 08:27:42 PM »

Blue Kingfisher, I'm so glad the coil fitting went well today. The Kyleena sounds like a good option and I really hope it works well for you.   I imagine the switch from gel to patch was for stability and/or absorption reasons.

Thanks so much for starting this thread, the low dose coil could be a really good option for the many women who struggle with the dreaded progesterone part of HRT.

Perinowpost, I hope your regime is still going well.


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2020, 07:57:47 AM »

Hiya blue.  Thank you. I am I under c and w although I've had 2 appts cancelled now.  You asked what my symptoms are with mirena.  Part of the problem Is I had a pellet eastrogen Inplant at same time and it isnt working properly. Blood levels went down.  I started to get hormonal fluctuations and then awful PMT symptoms constantly.  .  Then I just felt increasingly progesterone heavy. Which hasnt gone away.  Exactly how I did on utrogestan. Exactly same symptoms. Depression, constant migraines  nausea,  spaced out and tired,  and just realy unwell physically.  plus it has made me very dry vaginally despite using ovestin every night (which I've been doing for over a year ) and I've had thrush 4 times since fitting at end of January. Which is why i couldnt tolerate utrogestan vaginally.

C and w have said I'm p intolerant.  I couldnt use utrogestan even for 7 days .and lower dose conti seemed to build up and made me feel suicidal.




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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2020, 12:23:14 PM »

Hi Blue

I suspect if I'd have gone private/paid I would have had a much better experience/outcome.

MaryG I've hit a wall I'm afraid, so am back to square one. I?ll PM you cos don't want to hijack Blue's post.

Let us know how you get on Blue. As you can see there are many of us prog intolerants on here, and any new options are very welcome xx


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2020, 12:34:33 PM »

Sorry to hear that perin xxx

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2020, 07:39:50 PM »

Perinowpost, there are no guarantees when you pay/go private either but it does sounds like your experience was totally awful I have to say. My goodness, you were so unlucky & as I write this I cringe - because I know exactly what it feels like to be the 'unusual/unlucky one'. The one who they say to, 'well, that's most unusual as most women feel like this' or 'most women have no issues', blah de blah de blah.....whatever!...cue feeling blinkin awful, a.g.a.i.n! All I can say is, it 'might' be worth considering a low dose coil with a different practitioner - carefully explaining your dreadful experience & just see what they have to say. I don't want to give the wrong impression here but I don't think it would have gone so smoothly if I hadn't had something to calm my nerves first. I'm not hormonally balanced enough to execute 'mindfulness' or deep-relaxing breathing techniques, on cue at any least (in fact - never) so a dose of vino was probably a bit of a savior for me & I was lucky with the practitioner of course.     

Tc I also had a failed oestrogen pellet situation and it took me 2 years to pluck up the courage to try something else (I've just tried it - the Kyleena coil.....!)...Like you, I was free-falling on zero oestrogen whilst on Utrogestan and knew if I complained about how bad I felt within 6 weeks I'd be told to "give it time", "be patient" (read: go away annoying, flakey, wimpy women, "what is it with these patients that expect to feel great within 2 weeks?!) so I silently suffered & toughed it out for 6 weeks, got my bloods done & sure enough the oestrogen implant hadn't taken (at all) but the testosterone implant had & mixed in with all that 'lovely' Utrogestan....well, it felt like a bit of a hormonal horror show. Took me months to recover.

Ho-hum, onwards we go! I'm past the 24 hours on the Kyleena now & aside from the odd 'twinge'....all good so far but very early days as the gyne said the progesterone will 'build'.... I'm still on the oestrogel as want to change one thing at a time (will try replacing this with Evorel patches soon). Will keep you posted on progress in the hope it helps....

Blue x


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2020, 10:44:07 PM »

Fingers crossed for you blue🤞  xxxx


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2022, 07:49:10 PM »

Hope this regime is working well for you x


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2022, 08:29:15 PM »

Thank you for this informative thread. Do hope  it goes well for you Blue Kingfisher xxx


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2022, 04:41:25 PM »

This was from two years ago! I looked at the date and did a double take when I saw 9th June as my computer says it's still the 8th! Then I saw it was 2020  ;D

Hurdity x


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Re: Lower Dose Progesterone Coil - Kyleena Fitting Today
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2022, 05:00:53 PM »

Oh silly silly me!! xx
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