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Author Topic: Strange head feeling and anxiety  (Read 10449 times)


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2020, 04:55:26 PM »

When I had a small cat, if she left paw prints in the dust I knew it was time ..........  ;D


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2020, 08:17:24 PM »

I have been feeling exactly like this for over a week, had palpitations and sudden dizziness, and head feels fuzzy, and lightheaded, i suffer from Vertigo too and have had the same feeling of might pass out
Also terrible tinnitus ,
I am not perimenopausal so thats not my problem, but i wonder if it is some kind of virus [not corona]
Also now have a sinus infection, so that doesn't help, but i have exactly the same Djangobear


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2020, 09:35:25 PM »

Hi Djangobear, when I started the menopause age 52 these were the symptoms I hated the most. As you said, it leaves you unable to function. I went onto HRT and have been on it since ( now 62). The symptoms did improve but did come back now and again. I have had this again recently over the last couple of days and I hate it. I've been feeling so well of late, I now feel I am going backwards 😢. On my menopause journey I don't feel you ever get back to normal again you just learn to live with the odd blip as I call them, there are more good days than bad. Xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2020, 03:12:26 PM »

Tried to take my dog for a walk yesterday which is something I really enjoy and had such anxiety I couldn't leave the driveway. Today I went for a walk with my husband, son, and dog and managed to walk a ways before the dizziness/strange head feeling hit me again. I've noticed I've also been very emotional, feeling down and tearful. My husband is trying to do everything and it's only agitating me more as I feel like I'm incompetent despite him having the best intentions and going above and beyond. I just want to feel normal again  :'(  I'm really hoping my doctor can give me something as I can't go on like this. Open to any suggestions anyone may have. Thanks!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 06:55:31 PM by Djangobear »


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2020, 03:20:52 PM »

Hi Jaycee. Have you found anything to make you feel better? Have you had any tests done? I'm thinking mine is anxiety but maybe brought on by an imbalance of some kind... possibly hormonal. I'm going to request to have my hormone levels checked. I dont feel it's a virus as I've been having theses episodes for the past 1.5 months sporadically but have gotten really bad within the past week. I also haven't been around others due to Covid so and have no other virus like symptoms.
 My period was also 2 weeks late and symptoms started right before / during my period. It is an awful feeling tho especially to experience when alone so really want to get to the bottom of things quickly. I'm hoping that maybe getting on the pill and some antianxiety meds may help.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2020, 03:23:53 PM »

JGR so sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better soon! And yes they are awful feelings. Will be interesting to see if it is all hormone related for me. Time will tell.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2020, 04:47:24 PM »

Just a note - my hormones were all perfectly fine on the blood tests.

Don't rule hormones out because bloods show you are fine. As I understand, bloods don't show perimenopause.

I've just had to switch pill yet again because of side affects. Pills I tolerated well in my youth no longer work for me. Adds more fuel to the fire that its hormones, but just can't get sorted out. Hiwever, as I said before, I don't get the vertigo or nausea on the pill, it may well be worth a try for you. Xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2020, 05:15:31 PM »

Crispychick thanks so much! When I had bloodwork done they never checked my Estrogen levels, just iron, thyroid, blood sugars, hemoglobin, B12... the usual tests they do. The ER doc said I would need to talk to my GP about those tests which I plan to on Wed. I'm also hoping the pill will make a difference and have thought the same thing that what I used as a youth most my life may not be the best fit for me now but time will tell. When you had the dizziness how often did you have it? Was it just certain times during your cycle? Or was it just random? I do feel that I am doing better than I was a few days ago as before I could not function and spent most of the day in bed. Today I got out for a little walk and have been able to get some housework in the past couple days. Last evening I practiced yoga and it felt so good! I typically practice daily, sometimes twice a day as it really helped to keep me grounded and calm during Covid but had zero energy last week to do much of anything let alone yoga. Slowly feeling more normal but still feel emotionally low and had dizziness today on my walk which was unsettling. But baby steps... I'm hoping that it's all hormonal and that the pill will help to level me out. Thanks again xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2020, 05:20:55 PM »


Your husband probably isn't treating you like you are incompetent, you are being over sensitive.  Why would he, he went for a walk with you?

You are now hard wired to except to feel 'bad' whilst out.  It happened to me in the 1990s, I couldn't leave the house for weeks.  DH had to walk my dog ....... as soon as I left the house I would feel sick, light headed, weak in the legs ......... a natural reaction to stress but knowing it's natural didn't help.  Remembering to breath was incredibly difficult but when anxiety hits our breathing becomes shallow which self perpetuates anxiety.

Go outside and breath.  Don't go any further.  Don't put pressure on yourself.  Back inside B4 the anxiety kicks in.  Little steps further and further each day.  I was prescribed specific medication to get over this. 


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2020, 06:51:05 PM »

Thank you CLKD. And yes my husband has been wonderful which makes me feel even worse that I haven't been able to do the things I normally do to help out. I've struggled with anxiety on and off since I was a teenager but it's been a long time since things became so debilitating. I'm a very independent person normally and hate to burden anyone. But... I will say today was better than yesterday and yesterday was better than the day before. Taking things one day at a time and yes breathing is so important. I'm a yoga teacher as well and practice breath work often. Sometimes in the moment things are easier said than done but I have been practicing breathing through the panic. Today on my walk when I felt the dizziness/strange feeling come over me I did manage to breathe through it and I made it back home. It still wasnt pleasant but I made it home, I feel better, and nothing bad happened. I think some medication and maybe hormonal birth control will help to give me the boost that I need. Thanks again xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2020, 06:52:57 PM »

...... and breath ;-).  Yoga needs practice - so choose appropriate exercise to help!


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2020, 03:55:05 PM »

I read this and oh my gosh I could have written this expect I've got two very young kids. I'm 44 and been feeling like this for the last few months. My doctor isn't taking me seriously and actually said to me I need to calm down 😬. I've kept a diary of all my symptoms and if it wasn't for lockdown and the support of my husband I don't know how I would have coped.
My periods have been like clockwork 28 days but since February they are all over the place and I got a period after five months, then every few weeks very heavy.
We have a history of early menopause in the family  but the doctor isn't taking me seriously. I've finally got the gp to do full bloods for everything to see if they can shed any light.
I can't go through this for the next few years. :'(


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2020, 04:14:19 PM »

Take note from my earlier post - I have been going through this torture for 2 1/2 years. Noone suggested it could be hormones. Noone!!! I'm 99% sure it is.

I'm still no where near balanced, but trying different combined pills. I know what's wrong now though. I no longer get sent for mri and ct scans or to a neurologist.

You know what you think it is. Do not lose sight of that. Take any other tests, by all means, just don't let them fob you off by saying you are too young. I was 42 when this started. Xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2020, 04:59:54 PM »

No one is too young!  Some girls have 1 period then nothing, a few have no bleed at all.  Some ladies begin as early as 35 .......


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2020, 06:05:02 PM »

Hi Djangobear. I have been going through this since Feb 2019. Started with mild morning anxiety which got worse over time and is still bad. I have days when I only get up to eat because this is so important at this time of our lives. I have had every sympton except hair loss. I think I have had such a bad time because my periods went from 28 30 days to six months three months and nine months. No early ones or being a week late kind of thing. I only work two days instead of five now. Luckily we are mortgage free. I have tried various HRT and am in my fifth month of gel and utro. Have increased to six pumps and last week had three good days when the most I had before was one and half. I dont make plans ahead now just half a day at a time. It must be so hard with a little one luckily my two are grown up and my daughter is my rock. I just wish men could live one day in my shoes when I am at my lowest then there would be more help for women. One promise I have made to myself is in the future when hopefully I get all of my old self back I am going to set up some local group to help others because I never imaged it would be this bad.
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