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Author Topic: Strange head feeling and anxiety  (Read 10450 times)


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Strange head feeling and anxiety
« on: June 05, 2020, 06:24:18 PM »

Hi there. I'm new to the forum but believe I may be going through perimenopause. I am 42.5 years old and so far this year, my cycle has been completely out of whack, irregular in days, missing cycles, very heavy, etc. Approx 1.5 months ago I experienced some dizziness/lightheadedness. I chalked it up at first to possible anxiety or stress in light of everything going on with Covid19. These spells have been coming on periodically but gradually increasing until  this past Monday when things really ramped up. I was outside gardening and felt the sensation coming on and had to come inside and lay down. I was worried as though I might pass out. This resulted in fatigue and feeling off most of the day so I spent most of the day in bed. The next day I felt a little better although tired. Also my period was late and I started to worry that I might be pregnant but took two tests, one that day and one a couple days later and both were negative. The next day I worked in the a.m but as the morning went on I was feeling more and more anxious and started to have that awful lightheaded furry head feeling again. After lunch I was getting my 2yr old down for a nap and thought I was going to pass out. My arms got really week and I was very lightheaded and dizzy and felt completely off. I was home alone with my 2yr old at the time and called my mother in law who lives close and she came right over. It was terrifying and I was worried something would happen to me and my son would be left alone. I ended up going to the ER and was hooked up to a heart monitor for several hours. Also had bloodwork done. Heart readings came back normal, blood pressure normal, blood work was all normal with the exception of my iron being on the low end of normal. The doctor did a physical and mini neuro exam and told me I was not having a heart attack, stroke, or MS. She wrote me a prescription for vertigo medication and also iron supplements and told me to follow up with my doctor. That was the day before yesterday. Oh and I should mention that my period did come but was 2 weeks late. Yesterday I started my meds and still felt off. I woke at 5am to an anxiety attack. Tried to sleep it off. Napped off and on throughout the day. Same as today woke up feeling very anxious. I'm now having digestive issues,  feeling tired with off and on anxiety. I'm feeling like I can't do the things I normally do. I'm normally a very active person, I walk my dog daily,  play with son, do yoga, eat healthy, I'm a go go go type of person and not one to sit still. I am questioning whether I have a hormonal imbalance and whether this may be causing me to have anxiety attacks. All I know is I can't continue to go on like this. I feel miserable and my anxiety is through the roof. Has anyone experienced this type of anxiety due to perimenopause? Or any of these symptoms? Fatigue, weakness in limbs, strange off head feeling, dizziness, lightheadedness, etc. It is becoming debilitating. I have a follow up appointment with my own doctor next week and I am going to inquire about antianxiety medication and also to have my hormone levels checked. I am also not on any birth control but wondering if this may help to even things out?? Any feedback you may have would be most appreciated. Thanks so much! :'(
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 06:38:48 PM by Djangobear »


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2020, 06:34:29 PM »

Hi there. I'm new to the forum but believe I may be going through perimenopause.

I am 42.5 years old and so far this year, my cycle has been completely out of what, irregular in days, missing cycles, very heavy, etc. Approx 1.5 months ago I experienced some dizziness/lightheadedness. I chalked it up at first to possible anxiety or stress in light of everything going on with Covid19.
. -

sounds like peri menopause. The Change. Does what it says on the tin but can throw up some weird strange feelings. 

These spells have been coming on periodically but gradually increasing until  this past Monday when things really ramped up. I was outside gardening and felt the sensation coming on and had to come inside and lay down. I was worried as though I might pass out. This resulted in fatigue and feeling off most of the day so I spent most of the day in bed.   

Bending down can cause those sensations.  I have a nerve in the back of my neck which when I move suddenly can cause 'dizziness'.  Gone as soon as I say 'oh!'. 

 more anxious and started to have that awful lightheaded furry head feeling again.

When anxiety strikes we breath differently which can increase that light headed feeling.  The body can become weak, it's often adrenaline which 4 me is like hot water running through my veins.  Once I realised it didn't bother me as much.

The doctor did a physical and mini neuro exam and told me I was not having a heart attack, stroke, or MS. She wrote me a prescription for vertigo medication and also iron supplements and told me to follow up with my doctor. That was the day before yesterday.

Did U feel reassured after the A&E visit.  At least you had a thorough check up, the report should be at your GPs when you next go.

  I woke at 5am to an anxiety attack.    

I had problems with cortisol, the waking hormone.  It would jolt me awake as early as 3.30 a.m. and I would have to get out of bed, get dressed. Then I would sit.  For hours.

Hormone upheaval can certainly upset digestion etc..  As oestrogen levels drop the skin may become dry: inside and out, as well as muscles becoming lax = aches and pains.  However much this is 'normal' it can be awful.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 06:45:37 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2020, 06:44:52 PM »

Some find keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.  Do take a list to your appt of how you feel. 

Hormone replacement therapy can help as can appropriate anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication: some find that they need all 3 to keep them on a more even keel.



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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2020, 06:54:29 PM »

Thank you. I've been documenting everything and just hope to be feeling back to normal soon!


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2020, 07:00:58 PM »

Little steps. It's The Change.  Does what it says on the tin  ::)



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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2020, 07:18:50 PM »

If it is the change, how long will it be this debilitating? I'm just constantly lying down. I need to be there for my 2.5yr old son  :'( I expected to have hot flashes and I have had the odd one but hasn't been for quite some time and I have had night sweats but just laying in bed and not being able function when I have a full time job and a toddler isn't an option. Any suggestions?? I'm hoping my doctor will agree to run some more tests and give me something that will help with the anxiety on Wednesday.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2020, 07:27:42 PM »

And yes I did feel reassured after having the EKG and seeing the doc in emergency. I chalked it up to low iron possibly where my periods are so heavy, anxiety, and possibly perimenopause. I just hate how this hit me like a brick wall. I'm scared to walk my dog and be home alone with my son at the moment. Thankfully my hubby was able to take a couple days off work and be home to do everything as I've felt useless. He goes back to work on Monday so I'm just hoping my symptoms will improve by then. Maybe after a few days of iron supplements, and once my period comes to an end, things will begin to level out again.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2020, 08:02:12 PM »

I started with vertigo, light-headedness, constant dizziness and severe nausea at 42.

2 years down the line, a lot of tests later, and I'm 99% sure it's hormonal. I'm currently trying to get stable on a combined pill, but each one I try brings me bad side effects. Whilst on the pill, no nausea or vertigo!! I'm pretty sure it's hormonal.

I wish you luck. I just want to get on a pill that works for me to even me out. Xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2020, 08:04:38 PM »

How did you feel during your menstruating years or is this a different pattern?  Did U have post natal depression?

Also you have 2 year old to chase after.  They are either up and at it or asleep?  R U able to sleep when he does?  Do you work from home?  Maybe time to readjust your life style? 

......... and breath.  Half a day at a time.  Try to delegate chores as much as possible and if there's dust, leave it ;-).

Talk to your GP about blood loss and low iron levels.  Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2020, 08:32:42 PM »

Crispychick. That's reassuring thank you and sorry you've had to go through that. How often were/are your symptoms? Was it just around the time of your period or certain times during the month?? I've had some nausea too but it's mostly the light headedness, fatigue, off head feeling which makes it hard to function. Also the anxiety is awful. I'm also thinking of going back on the pill as well to see if that may help. I went off it when trying to get pregnant and haven't been back on it since. Was worried about being on it for so long and also didnt like how it made me feel. But anything is better than this! I welcome any advice or suggestions you may have. Hopefully you've been able to get some relief! xx


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2020, 08:56:18 PM »


Before my son my periods were regular altho I was on the pill. They were longer and 28 day cycle. Over the past few years they shortened to a 21 day cycle and became very heavy. My son is 2.5yrs. He was actually born on my 40th birthday! Best birthday gift ever  :D

I never had post partum depression or at least wasnt diagnosed with it but had a very difficult and traumatic delivery that resulted in an emergency c section after hours and hours of labor. I also lost my Dad to cancer the year before and he and I also share the same birthday so three generations born on the same day has been very special and my son has helped to heal the hole that was left in my heart after my Dad passed. I do work from home currently due to Covid19. I think the pandemic also has not helped my anxiety and the stress of having to juggle work and childcare and maintaining the home all became very overwhelming. I just started taking an iron supplement since my ER visit so will see if it helps. I may be able to nap sometimes when my son does but will depend on the meetings I have that day. My work can be demanding at times. I am also trying to lower my expectations on housework which is a tough one for me haha as I've always made that a priority, second to my son, and unfortunately, I've put my needs on the back burner. It does make me feel better knowing that others have experienced these symptoms and I'm not going crazy  :)


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2020, 08:01:14 AM »

My symptoms seemed constant at the time. The dizziness and nausea were horrific.

After a bad first month starting the pill, I came back off it, but my symptoms returned, with such bad vertigo I was in bed with it. That's why I went back on the pill, but like I say, still trying to find one that works for me.

I've been on the pill on and off since my teens, never struggled with side effects as much as I am now. It just feels like my hormones have changed.

The realisation for me at 44, is that this could last years, I just want something to stabaliise me. I have a 10 and 11 year old and it is very hard going through this whilst trying to be a good mum. I empathise.


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2020, 09:18:40 AM »

Oh belated Happy Birthday  :cake:  my friend had her son on her 40th, many years ago ;-). Another friend shares her Mum's birthday .....

We have to remember too that we are ageing.  Add to that hormonal upheaval ......... my head says 18  ;D , body however  ::)

Does your son go down for a regular nap, if so arrange your work around that so that you can rest too.  Otherwise it becomes more difficult. 

Housework - well apart from being cheaper than a trip to the gym, I have made avoiding the duster an Art Form ;-).  I've never ..... because I prefer to be in the garden or out walking.  Don't forget that 2 year olds love to weild a duster 'to help Mummy'.

Little steps. 


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2020, 12:53:38 PM »

Crispychick have you had anxiety as well? I find that makes everything so much worse :( I'm hoping the pill will help level me out. I'm even starting to feel a little better today than what I have the past 5 days but just been resting a lot. My period is almost done too so that could be why if hormones are leveling out somehow. I dont really know much about all that but would be interesting to see if my symptoms are worse during the beginning of my cycles. Will be keeping track of that.  Thanks for the support and hope you find something that works for you. It's no surprise with everything we have to go through from PMS to periods to childbirth that perimenopause would be equally as tough. Hang in there!


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Re: Strange head feeling and anxiety
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2020, 04:03:54 PM »

Thanks CLKD. Yes I've been napping when he naps when I dont have to work. I think dusting is likely my fave household chore as I find it relaxing but have been letting that slide lately and sticking to tidying up for now... I guess a little dust won't hurt anyone. Thanks for your support  :)
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