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Author Topic: Crying and increasing estrogen  (Read 4392 times)


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Crying and increasing estrogen
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:37:23 PM »

Do some of you lovely ladies still get days with very low mood and crying, even when you are on HRT?

I've been peri since 39/40 and I was 49 in January 2020. I'm now on 4 pumps estrogel and have a mirena that was fitted 3 years ago. I started estrogen 4 months after having the mirena fitted.

Today has been one of those "can't stop crying" days.
I thought I may have been ovulating again as I'm feeling a bit dry, nipples a bit sensitive, quite bloated in last couple of days too.

Can you still have big drops in estrogen even when taking quite a high dose of estrogen??

Trying to decide if I need to use another pump of gel.
Not easy trying to speak with a doctor at the moment, so was wondering what you ladies have experienced and any advise would be very welcome.

Thank you
S xx


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2020, 05:53:19 PM »

Yes, I still get down and cry sometimes, and I'm on HRT.
I'm post meno, 5 years now, and still I get down and have moods sometimes.
HRT isn't perfect. BUT, I'm a million times better than I was before, so I?ll settle for this.
Most of the time I'm ok, but sometimes it hits me.
I often wonder if it is actually hormones doing it, OR just life! 🤷‍♀️

If your still peri, you?ll be making hormones, plus, put that together with what your using, it will cause an upset somewhere, I suppose.




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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2020, 10:00:40 AM »

Jillydoll,  you're 5 years post menopause and you"re still experiencing low mood?  Does it happen often?  I would have thought that at this stage the hormones have settled down.


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2020, 01:00:12 PM »

Hello ladies.

 I also had mood swings and some emotional symptoms whilst taking HRT.  Since coming off it almost a year ago I've noticed that the jangly, jittery feelings are a  little milder but my tearfulness has gone up a notch. My moods can still change very quickly.

 My GP reassured me that it all settles down eventually and older female friends have confirmed this. I just wish I knew when lol.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2020, 02:09:56 PM »

Kathleen, which stage are you in?  Are you in postmenopause?


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2020, 02:30:15 PM »

Hello KarineT

Yes I am post menopause and most of my symptoms have resolved. I wasn't on HRT to begin with and when I did try it I experimented a lot so my experience may be very different to that of other ladies.

  I am waiting to see what happens now I have been HRT free for almost a year.  So far I've had a bit of VA, and the return of some flushes but they are very mild. My mood swings still bother me but  I'm hoping that these too calm down soon.

Take care and wishing you well.



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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2020, 08:00:43 PM »

Yes, I still get very hormonal days. Like you I started getting peri type symptoms almost 10years ago aged about 42. 51 now and have had mirena with oestrogel since July 2017. I'm still cycling and get very noticeable symptoms in the luteal phase of cycle; breast pain, low mood, lethargy, anxiety. I still get a slight bleed/spotting when it's my period. I'm gutted that HRT hasn't been the miracle cure that it seems to have been for some folk I know. I fear that I've still got some way to go yet.... maybe years? HRT has helped lessen anxiety & hot flushes and calmed the rages I was getting, but until all the ups & downs of my slowly, winding down, taking its time, gradually shutting down of ovaries reaches the end, I think I'm stuck with this....... :'(


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2020, 08:10:45 PM »

Although, I must say, I'm not on a very high dose of oestrogel like you. However, I believe it to be a high or high enough dose for me if you know what I mean? I'm on one pump. When I've increased to 2, I have felt it has improved mood a little, however my breasts have almost  "exploded" with the discomfort... Ouch! And even waiting it out for over 3 months, they didn't settle, so I've taken that as my body sending me a clear "nope, that's too much oestrogen"message and reduced back down again.


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2020, 07:25:01 AM »

Thank you for your replies everyone.
As they say, everyone is different, and from why I've read I've been very lucky compared for some.

I didn't really have ?period? signs from mid last November to mid April, but we were buying a house and planning to move and then all this Virus kicked off. We did move end of April to Somerset and life is so very different with the lockdown.

This is the first time for about 9 months that I've had any sort of nipple discomfort, no boob soreness though which I always suffered from! Had the odd crying spell but that seemed to be stress rather than normal PMT type tears.

I guess the ?end? is not quite here yet.  I might try adding some extra gel on the days I'm struggling with tears, see if it helps, but also I guess with the stresses of what's going on at the moment with the virus, it could be down to that too.

Life is not quite what it should be and I guess the stress is getting to me a bit too. We?re very happy in our new home but unable to fully enjoy the new life here. Hubby has new job he's waiting to start and I'm looking for work, again not easy at the moment.

Oh well, onwards and upwards. I?ll keep taking my 50+ vitamins and my sea buckthorn oil, magnesium at night and keep slapping on the Estrogel.
Try to lose some weight and one day the old ?bun factory? will finally close its doors and switch off.

Good luck everyone and keep well


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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2020, 09:54:18 AM »

Same to you seu666.

Let us know how your getting on. 😉



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Re: Crying and increasing estrogen
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2020, 12:24:57 PM »

I'm the same. On high dose oestrogen and waiting for mirena to be fitted (on Provera in interim). I have down days every few weeks where I literally can't get out of bed or stop crying. it's crippling. But it's a hundreds times better than it was before HRT. it's just getting through these next few days xx