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Author Topic: Do I need Progesterone?  (Read 880 times)


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Do I need Progesterone?
« on: June 08, 2020, 09:45:51 AM »


Despite being a member for 7 years, this is only my second post.

I am 7 years post total hysterectomy. I suffered with PMDD and had my op done privately due to a very long NHS wait list.

I currently take 2 sachets of Sandrena and a 'pea sized' amount of Testogel daily. Other than to obtain Testogel from a private consultant; different to my Surgeon; he didn't see the need for prescribed Testosterone for women, I have never had a check up.
I have two daughters; a 12 year old with Autism & a 10.5 year old with Dyslexia. At the time of my op, we were going through the process of getting DD1 assessed and diagnosed with Autism & everything that that entails, including changing schools etc etc & then once DD1 was settled; HA!, I suspected DD2 was Dyslexic, I don't seem to have had the time to have an HRT checkup.

I am now 45 years old, my hair has thinned considerably & I had put on a considerable amount of weight. At my heaviest I was 106kgs, I'm now 84kgs; its taken me 4 years or so to lose 18kgs, I'd like to lose another 15kgs, but really don't want to wait another 4 years!
Prior to PMDD, I had been diagnosed with PCOS for 10+ years, but I suspect I had it for much longer prior to diagnosis. I therefore know that I was and still am heavily insulin resistant & have been a carb addict for most of my life. I could easily eat a loaf of bread on my own and still be hungry 30 minutes later. So, I have amended my diet considerably and I am now low to zero carb; which is working really well.
However, my query/question is, is the amount of HRT holding back my weight loss, should I take more or less? I recently read that Progesterone should be taken alongside Estrogen to balance out the effects, I thought Progesterone was the 'devil'?!

I think I probably should get an HRT check up, I live in Mid Sussex, can anyone recommend someone please?

Thanks for reading.




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Re: Do I need Progesterone?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2020, 01:29:13 PM »

Hi cruisemum,

If you have had a total hysterectomy, cervix removed and everything gone...then there's no need for any progesterone. This is me and so I know this to be the case.

I think it is common for weight gain when on hrt and so we just have to try and guard against it as much as we can and keep as physical as we can. I try to be mindful of what I'm eating but like most others I easily give in to treats and ?naughties?  when faced with temptation  ;D

Sorry I'm not a huge help but just wanted to say Hi and I am sure others will be along to help you out.