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Author Topic: New to hrt  (Read 751 times)


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New to hrt
« on: May 26, 2020, 02:37:54 PM »

Hi everyone,

I'm a new member. I have been struggling with menopausal symptoms for 2 years now. Main concerns have been the impact on my MH, mainly anxiety and panic disorder. I tried ssri but they made this worse. I am currently having 1-2 periods a year. I finally decided to bite the bullet and go on HRT as I cannot cope with the natural route any longer. My nurse has prescribed indivina 1-2.5mg. However after reading leaflet I have not taken any yet and awaiting call back from Nurse. It says you should be post menopausal for 3 years before taken?
My question is whether anyone else has taken this HRT perimenopause and also whether this is a good HRT. I am worried about taking HRT and would appreciate any advice anyone could give me?
Many thanks in advance 🤗


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Re: New to hrt
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2020, 06:42:00 PM »

Hi Annabanana


Well I must say that's a new one on me! I have just checked the leaflet and the product info and it does indeed say that. However it is normal here in UK to prescribe continuous combined HRT once you have been without a natural period for 12 months at least. Occasionally some docs will prescribe it earlier than this but breakthrough bleeding can occur if you are still having a cycle now and again.

When was your last actual period? Unless post-meno as above, you should be prescribed a cyclical HRT unless there is a good reason for giving you this one (the Indivina) unless eg she was trying you on it and your last period was say 10 or 11 months ago? Also if you have had endometriosis it (ie conti HRT) is often prescribed sooner than otherwise.

It is annoying if you have been prescribed the wrong one without good reason.... there is no actual equivalent cyclical preparation but Femoston 1/10 would be a good one as the progestogen is well tolerated judging by reports on here.

Good luck and let us know the outcome!

Hurdity x


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Re: New to hrt
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2020, 08:01:43 PM »

Hi hurdity,

Thank you for your reply :) I had a period in January. I'm having approx 1-2 periods per year for the last 2 years. I'm still waiting for practice nurse to respond back. I haven't taking any yet as I'm concerned with it being my first time on HRT and want to ensure it is the correct fit for me. I will let you know the outcome once I've spoken to her x


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Re: New to hrt
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2020, 07:56:18 PM »


So just to update I spoke to the practice nurse today. She reassured me indivina is okay to take as I'm only having 1 period a year. I'm still trying to get my head around the differences with hrt so hope this will work for me  :)


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Re: New to hrt
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2020, 09:00:11 AM »

So, after lots of consideration and research on this site. I contacted the nurse again today. I spoke to her about how uncomfortable I was with going on indivina when I'm having 2 periods a year (last one in Jan). I asked if I could a sequi hrt instead as indivina states you should bepost menopause for at least 3 years.
The nurse Informed me there was a shortage of all hrt across the country. There are no patches or gel, so unable to try these (my preferred choice, after research).
I asked for femoston 1/10 but was informed there are none available. The only hrt available for sequi that she could prescribe is novofem.
I now have a prescription for this.
This is my first experience of seeking hrt after 2 years of symptoms and trying to brave it out. I am in completely bewildered at the the lack of support in this area within NHS.  The symptoms for some women are so scary and debilitating. I want to thank this site as if it wasn't for the information on here, I have been able to access, I would not be any wiser ❤️. Thank you ❤️