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Author Topic: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back  (Read 2423 times)


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Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:42:00 PM »

A "short" ;D recap: I went off birth control pills in October as I was close to turning 50 and my doctor thought it time. Soon after that it was like my body fell apart! Rampant muscle/bone pain (not in the joints) and stiffness, hot flashes, acne, extreme fatigue, then a flare of my ulcerative colitis for the first time in about five years. The worst pain was in my right shin -- one day in late January I was sitting there and it was suddenly like a knife was being stabbed into my shin. Excruciating! It has hurt ever since, to varying degrees. I saw my doctor in late January. Blood test showed I had low iron (but not anemia), a low white cell count and slightly high calcium, and was in menopause.

The doctor thought my shin pain was nerve pain related to spider and the start of varicose veins (I am highly skeptical of this). I was very worried about the high calcium, as that can be a sign of cancer, so she referred me to an endocrinologist. I had HUGE anxiety -- could barely sleep and was constantly near tears. The endo didn't think my labs were worrying, and put the calcium numbers down to my albumin levels being high (apparently they adjust calcium levels down if albumin levels are above a certain level). My mother has had similar blood levels, so he thought it possible there's a genetic component there.

I had an appointment in early March to talk to my gynecologist in early March to talk about HRT, but she called out sick that day. Then the rescheduled appointment was right when the pandemic hit around here (U.S.), so I canceled. My rescheduled appointment is in June.

I had about a month in there where things got significantly better -- hot flashes and body pain went down a lot, so it seemed like my body was adjusting to the hormonal changes. I thought things were looking up. Then several weeks ago, the bone/muscle pain came back with a vengeance. It's mostly in my legs, and it's about all the time. Still having some hot flashes, though not as bad as in November/December/January.

I was supposed to have follow-up blood work with the endo at the end of March, but I canceled because I was too scared to go out with the pandemic. (My mother lives with me, and on top of my autoimmune disease of ulcerative colitis, she has three high-risk factors, so I'm terrified of bringing it back home. I've been able to work from home since mid-March.) Because of the pain coming back, I've scheduled to go in for the blood work on Thursday. Now I am kicking myself for waiting so long, now that my state is reopening and there are a LOT more cases than in late March.

My anxiety is very high again. I'm worried about what the blood work will show, and I'm worried about catching COVID-19 at the doctor's office. I know they're taking extra precautions, but I don't know what other patients there before me and while I'm there will be doing. I've long had health anxiety, and boy does all this play into it!

I have been doing meditation for several months, and for awhile it seemed to be helping a lot. But lately it seems to have stopped lowering my worry, stress and pain.


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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2020, 02:54:07 PM »

Would really love to hear from others about any muscle/bone pain they've experienced with menopause. Was it constant? Did it come and go? Move around or concentrated in a few spots? How severe was it?


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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2020, 10:16:33 AM »

Hi Souris,
My background had hysterectomy two years ago, still got my ovaries, even though I still got my ovaries four months later I started menopause. I was 44 years old. Virginal atrophy, dry eyes, brain fog, IBS, itching skin at times. And back and muscles pain.

Last year was terrible for me with back pain, lower back pain, middle back pain and upper back pain. My back pain was more of a constant pain everyday. I would get days were it was constant other days on and off. Always changing place in the morning lower back pain by afternoon upper back pain. I can get stabbing pains in the ribs, chest, stomach and ovaries, legs.
The rib pain was on and off for three weeks get better and settle down but would come back again.

With the back pain last year I was my doctor weekly complaining, had x rays, MRI, blood test, saw a rheumatologist. My bad pain lasted daily for about 13 months.
I'm now about 90% better with my back and pain. I saw a exercise physiologist who improved my exercises for upper back pain (been doing Pilates for 6 years) . A dietitian who I saw for IBS picked up my lack of protein with my dairy, she got me on lactose free dairy everyday.
My pain can definitely move around my body in minutes it can change in 5 different places. On bad days it was constant (that usually told me I would of been due for my periods). Yes it does come and go sometimes days and other time weeks. My back was over a year. Some times it mild, and other times very painful (usually period time) I had to take medicine to cope.

I don't know if having the extra protein or exercise help, or I would naturally gotten better? But I'm just thankful to be feeling better this year.
If only I could get rid of my headaches and sinus and virginal atrophy.

I hope this helps
 ; :bighug:


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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2020, 07:20:50 PM »

Hello Souris.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010 about the same time I had my last ever period. I am 63 now and luckily have not had muscle pains though I have developed a painful shoulder which could be due to spending too much time on my laptop during lockdown!

As part of my ongoing care for UC I have six monthly blood tests which include liver function tests. This makes me wonder if your recent UC flare is responsible for your serum Albumin results. Also you are probably aware that joint inflammation can be  another manifestation of UC.

I am sure your changing hormones are playing their part but it may be worth considering the UC connection.

Wishing you well.



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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2020, 04:05:57 AM »

Thanks, Lyncola! I'm sorry you had to deal with that! Back pain is the worst. it's so hard to deal with, but I'm glad you have found relief. For awhile my pain was moving around all over, but now it seems to be concentrated in my shins and legs only. Did you ever try HRT to try to help with your back pain?

Kathleen, if the pain was in my joints I would think about the UC flare, but it's not, it's muscle/bone not at joints. None of my doctors seemed concerned about the albumin levels. I saw it can be caused by dehydration, and I was certainly feeling dehydrated for awhile there after stopping birth control pills. Was constantly having to drink something, even waking up in the middle of the night for it. That is one thing that has gotten better, at least. What meds are you taking for UC?


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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2020, 08:45:00 AM »

Hi Souris,
No I haven't been in HRT, my doctor and I talked about last year but I was getting lots of ovary pain. So she wouldn't let me.
But this year my ovaries have settled down, and my doctor and I are talking about HRT again because of virginal atrophy. But first she wants me to try Remifemin (herbal tablets containing black cohosh) if that doesn't work then HRT.


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Re: Muscle/bone pain and stiffness are back
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2020, 04:25:31 PM »

Hello again Souris.

For my UC I take a two mesalazine tablets daily which are non steroidal anti inflammatory meds. The brand I take are called Mezevant XL and are slow release. I have been taking them since 2013 when I had a minor flare which didn't require steroid treatment.  When I was diagnosed in 2010 I was given Prednisolone which was tapered over 8 weeks but I have not needed steroids or any other strong medication since then.

I consider myself lucky because I have been in remission since starting the Mezevant. My last colonoscopy  a few years ago showed a normal colon and my inflammatory markers are always below the normal range.
I will continue to take the tablets but I like to think that moving to an anti inflammatory, whole foods plant based diet has helped in my recovery.

Hope all this is helpful to you.

Take care.
