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Author Topic: private doctors  (Read 1230 times)


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private doctors
« on: May 08, 2020, 05:36:42 AM »

I am 45, peri, got osteoporosis, I have been on utro and oestrogel sequentially for almost a year. I struggle with the utro - getting brain fog, low mood, anxiety, this is better if I take it vaginally 100mg day 14-25. The nurse I saw at my local HRT clinic is very nice but understandably cant approve the vaginal utro. I suspect I have been peri for a while as I have had irregular periods for 8 years, sometimes not bleeding for 10 months. The main symptoms i had were periods of anxiety, hot flushes, VA, poor sleep, low energy, brain fog. These have definitely improved with the HRT but still occur, esp in the prog half of my cycle.  I understand its all about the balance between the hormones, including testosterone. I would like to see someone privately a I dont feel I am getting anywhere with my local NHS clinic or GP. Now they are all doing phone consults its obviously easier!
I had looked at Nick Panay and Louise Newson who both look and sound excellent when I have listened to podcasts. Does anyone have any  opinions or experience, either of them or others? I see Dr Newson is slightly though I would be willing to pay to get it right! Thanks


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Re: private doctors
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2020, 10:37:25 AM »

I am 45, peri, got osteoporosis, I have been on utro and oestrogel sequentially for almost a year. I struggle with the utro - getting brain fog, low mood, anxiety, this is better if I take it vaginally 100mg day 14-25. The nurse I saw at my local HRT clinic is very nice but understandably cant approve the vaginal utro. I suspect I have been peri for a while as I have had irregular periods for 8 years, sometimes not bleeding for 10 months. The main symptoms i had were periods of anxiety, hot flushes, VA, poor sleep, low energy, brain fog. These have definitely improved with the HRT but still occur, esp in the prog half of my cycle.  I understand its all about the balance between the hormones, including testosterone. I would like to see someone privately a I dont feel I am getting anywhere with my local NHS clinic or GP. Now they are all doing phone consults its obviously easier!
I had looked at Nick Panay and Louise Newson who both look and sound excellent when I have listened to podcasts. Does anyone have any  opinions or experience, either of them or others? I see Dr Newson is slightly though I would be willing to pay to get it right! Thanks
I have never used a private doctor but if you go on the menopause matters site itself you can actually contact Dr Currie, by email, the NHS gynaecologist who created this size she's been really helpful for me.


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Re: private doctors
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2020, 07:42:23 AM »

Hi tbett

Sorry to hear about yourt ongoing symptoms and what a pity you don't feel you are getting the right treatment locally. You should not need to go privately. When you say NHS clinic - is this a menopause clinic? The problem is you are seeing a nurse who are fine for all the basic stuff but when you need a more in depth consultation you really need a specialist doc. Is it possible for you to organise this through your menopause clinic ( if that's what it is?), and especially as you say now that they are doing e-mail or telephone consultations?

I would suggest to try to get help this way first if you can and then you won't have to pay! Secondly follow Dandelion's excellent suggestion of an e-mail consultation with Dr Currie which is only ?30 and then you will be able to show this response to your docs locally if you wish. Here is the link:

In terms of vaginal utro, you do not need the approval of your nurse to take it this way as it is exactly the same product. You just use it vaginally. It works better that way to protect the uterus and with fewer side effects.

If your flushes and sweats have not disappeared even after using gel for almost a year then it sounds like you need a higher dose, as long as there are no other causes for your sweats. Yes some women find sweats etc increase during the prog phase and some temporarily increase the oestrogen during this part of the cycle to compensate. I haven't found this myself but I'm on patches.

Let us know how you get on!

Hurdity x


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Re: private doctors
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2020, 06:22:09 PM »

Thanks Hurdity,
My GP is very helpful and just tested my oestradiol levels, they were 269 and i am on 2.5 pumps estrogel. The local menopause clinic is not seeing people at all at the moment, when i mentionned phone consults that is the private ones (Nick Panay and Louise Newson). I dont know when ours will be up and running again.
The local specialist is Tim Hillard (his wife is the menopause nurse I see).
The main things I struggle with are the VA and the poor sleep (waking at 4). The other symptoms are only there in the prog part of the cycle. I understand I ask dr currie only one question?
Thanks again


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Re: private doctors
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2020, 11:19:15 AM »

Hi tbett

So sorry you are struggling, this whole menopause lark can take some ?fixing? !

In the absence of any menopause specialist in my area and a GP who seems to know less than I do, I had no choice but to resort to a private consultation and went to Louise Newsons clinic . I have to say I have had excellent service from them, it is so important to have unbiased evidence based advice for each individual. My first consultation was an hour in which every aspect of my menopause journey was discussed. I really feel listened too and as HRT. Is not a ? one size fits all? solution, I think that is very important. I think they are doing /Skype/zoom consults at the mo. Not cheap but well worth it if all else fails.

Hope this helps Andy. Good luck

W xx

Mary G

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Re: private doctors
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2020, 11:59:47 AM »

tbett, I have heard great things about Dr Louise Newson and her clinics.  The good news is no need to travel, appointments at private clinics are all carried out remotely.

I think you could benefit from having a consultation with a specialist who will give you plenty of time and listen to your concerns.  Well worth the money in my opinion.  You don't have to use private doctors forever if you don't want to, it could just be a one off appointment.  They will write to your GP with their recommended prescription so you can obtain your medication via the NHS.



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Re: private doctors
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2020, 09:18:38 PM »

Thanks so much, I agree hrt isn't a one size fits all and I have used this forum loads for ideas and found it so helpful. Good to hear positive stuff about dr Newson.