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Author Topic: Vagifem benefits (sleep)  (Read 4232 times)


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Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« on: April 29, 2020, 01:25:51 AM »

Hi there

I have just started on vagifem, thanks to the ladies here who told me what to ask the doctor for as she was not responding to my calls!

It's now been prescribed and I notice a difference already with improved pelvic floor strength.

But while they say it doesn't enter your system, I'm finding I'm sleeping much better on it.  It's definitely since I started having it.  I'm on Evorel Sequi as well and my sleep improved a bit with that, but it's much more noticeable since starting the vagifem. 

Anyway, has anyone else noticed benefits with it, the expected ones as well as unexpected.  I'd be interested to hear. :)


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2020, 04:55:17 AM »

Hi there

I have just started on vagifem, thanks to the ladies here who told me what to ask the doctor for as she was not responding to my calls!

It's now been prescribed and I notice a difference already with improved pelvic floor strength.

But while they say it doesn't enter your system, I'm finding I'm sleeping much better on it.  It's definitely since I started having it.  I'm on Evorel Sequi as well and my sleep improved a bit with that, but it's much more noticeable since starting the vagifem. 

Anyway, has anyone else noticed benefits with it, the expected ones as well as unexpected.  I'd be interested to hear. :)
  I found that my sleep improved because my night visits to the loo reduced.  That was a benefit I hadn't expected. That benefit has reduced a bit at the moment though and I am waking up more often.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 02:31:34 PM »

It definitely entered my system - enough to make my hair fall out until I started taking progesterone. 

Haven't noticed it helps with sleep but then I'm on other medication also.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 08:10:15 AM »

The amount of estradiol that enters the system from Vagifem is absolutely miniscule! Anyone who is post-menopausal and not on any other HRT may have some mild side effects to start with but once the vaginal tissues have been plumped up much less enters the system, and especially using the standard maintenance dose of 2 x 10 mcg per week.

Like Katejo says the positive effect on sleep is likely because of reduced night time loo visits ie calming the bladder down!

Cherry SG - vagifem won't make your hair fall out! That will be due to some other cause. Progestogens are more liley to do that - well some of them. I'm glad your hair loss has eased anyway.

Hurdity x


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 04:49:13 PM »

After a week or so my loo visits improved but not my sleep. Besides its too tiny a dose to give any effect on sleep.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2020, 06:09:39 PM »

After a week or so my loo visits improved but not my sleep. Besides its too tiny a dose to give any effect on sleep.
It took about 3 months for my sleep to improve. Around the same time i went on a theatre trip and, for the first time, I didn't need to queue for the loo during the interval or at the end of the performance before taking the train home. It was a pleasant surprise. I haven't been back to the theatre since so can't say if that has continued. The benefit on sleep was solely to do with not needing the loo in the night.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2020, 11:46:13 AM »

my hair shed 5 weeks into vagifem so people can't say it dosent cause hairloss and is also listed as side effect everyone's body reacts differently to medication


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2020, 09:42:10 PM »

Thanks everyone, I've read all your replies carefully, but I'm really exhausted (again, ongoing issue for me) so sorry if I don't respond to you all individually.  But I have paid attention to each one of you as an individual.

I don't have the loo trip thing, it's thankfully one thing I don't have, but I do understand it totally because I get a lot of bladder irritation when awake and it's definitely hormonally linked. 

Re the sleep, I do understand it's not supposed to get into your system....................On that note I need to ask a few more things.  We know it's not supposed to, but I'm just querying it because I've also been having palpitations  since starting the vagifem.  They're not too bad, but I'd gone a year and a half almost without them....

It's either that, or it's that I missed 2 days of my HRT patch 2 weeks ago and my body's not forgiven me yet.  In the middle of lockdown, doctor not responding to prescription requests (lets face it they were up against it at the beginning of all this and still are), I had to wait 2 days.  Maybe it's that. 

I've taken around 11 vagifem so far, because they say take 2 week's worth at the beginning.  I missed it last night because trying to avoid the palpitations, as it was I woke up with them!  So maybe missing it made things a bit worse.  Not sure what to do tonight.  I had decided taking 11 was enough and then I'd just start on the 2 a week.  Felt crap today, can't put my finger on it.  I believe I might have already had coronavirus starting 4 weeks ago, so I don't think it's that, but I can't work out what's wrong.  I should have had a period a week ago and it hasn't happened yet.  My body seems to be 'trying' to do something hormonally (lay an egg perhaps  ;D), headache....

Would value your views anyway.  You really don't think it's the vagifem in all this?  could it be when I missed a patch for 2 days?

Re the hair loss, I am listening as I've heard this before, funnily enough there's always loads of hair in my brush these days, but so far not noticing a problem with what's left.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2020, 08:47:53 AM »

Thanks everyone, I've read all your replies carefully, but I'm really exhausted (again, ongoing issue for me) so sorry if I don't respond to you all individually.  But I have paid attention to each one of you as an individual.

I don't have the loo trip thing, it's thankfully one thing I don't have, but I do understand it totally because I get a lot of bladder irritation when awake and it's definitely hormonally linked. 

Re the sleep, I do understand it's not supposed to get into your system....................On that note I need to ask a few more things.  We know it's not supposed to, but I'm just querying it because I've also been having palpitations  since starting the vagifem.  They're not too bad, but I'd gone a year and a half almost without them....

It's either that, or it's that I missed 2 days of my HRT patch 2 weeks ago and my body's not forgiven me yet.  In the middle of lockdown, doctor not responding to prescription requests (lets face it they were up against it at the beginning of all this and still are), I had to wait 2 days.  Maybe it's that. 

I've taken around 11 vagifem so far, because they say take 2 week's worth at the beginning.  I missed it last night because trying to avoid the palpitations, as it was I woke up with them!  So maybe missing it made things a bit worse.  Not sure what to do tonight.  I had decided taking 11 was enough and then I'd just start on the 2 a week.  Felt crap today, can't put my finger on it.  I believe I might have already had coronavirus starting 4 weeks ago, so I don't think it's that, but I can't work out what's wrong.  I should have had a period a week ago and it hasn't happened yet.  My body seems to be 'trying' to do something hormonally (lay an egg perhaps  ;D), headache....

Would value your views anyway.  You really don't think it's the vagifem in all this?  could it be when I missed a patch for 2 days?

Re the hair loss, I am listening as I've heard this before, funnily enough there's always loads of hair in my brush these days, but so far not noticing a problem with what's left.
  I can only say that I have had no side effects from Vagifem at all. I am also on Evorel Conti and have had no hair loss with that either but my hair is particularly thick and fast growing anyway. So glad that I just squeezed a haircut in before lockdown! 😁


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2020, 11:24:40 PM »

Katejo, well I've just had 2 nights without vagifem and this evening still had the palpitations.  They are the type I used to get before a period, but it all stopped (the palps, not the periods, though they were more erratic) over a year ago.

I think it might not be the vagifem therefore, but it might be where I messed up my evorel sequi.  About two weeks ago on the last patch, it fell off 2 days early and I didn't have anymore, and due to the lockdown, etc, there had been a mix up at the chemist and they'd been unable to get it.  I got it after a 2 day gap and put it straight on, but I think I then behaved as if I hadn't lost 2 days.  In other words, I kept it on for 4 days, instead of just I think I've thrown everything out by 2 days, plus my body was without a patch for 2 days......

Will have to sit down tomorrow and work out what the heck I've done, lol.  And get it back on track. 


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2020, 01:57:46 PM »

Hi KaraShannon,
I just wanted to let you know that when I first started Vagifem I had palpitations, nausea and felt very anxious. I think I got hot flushes as well, which I wasn't that prone to. It settled after a while. My understanding is that if your tissues are very thin then it's possible that the Vagifem will be absorbed slightly, but as the tissues plump up there is less chance of absorption. It took quite a while for the Vagifem to work for me but I think the side effects lessened before the two week mark.
I hope this helps.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2020, 03:16:21 PM »

*CherrySG* i think it is strange you have said that,as sammijane had that experience and so have i, also though with Evoral Conti ,even more fell out,
Mine still hasn't grown back,sick of it now, after you have also said this i am definitely not using anymore,

Edited ;to say i am even more convinced after a call from my daughter,she started vagifem about 3 weeks ago, her hair had settled down, after she also lost some after using Evoral Conti
She rang me as it happens just after i posted,and said lots of hair came out after just washing it today
Mine has stopped after stopping vagifem, but still not growing back,am also stopping my livial again, as mine started just after being put on vagifem and livial 2years ago,so can't be coincidence i'm sure, never had hair shedding before then,and i'm in my 70s, so not menopause
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 05:59:38 PM by jaycee »


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2020, 02:01:48 PM »

*Jaycee* Yes, like you, I found lots of hair in the basin when shampooing, and it also fell out onto my desk at work.  :(
I knew it was that, because nothing else had changed with my regime. Sorry to hear about Evorel Conti doing something similar.
As *SammieJane* says, it's a listed side effect.

Any night when I don't take it, and I wash hair in the sink the next day- like today, for example, hardly any hair came out despite a vigorous scalp massage. 

So I was all about the oestrogel but it's giving me gastric issues and acid reflux. Oh dear!!! I did find both the Utrogestan and now the Provera reduced the hairloss somewhat, but not totally. It took minimising Vagifem (which I still need for VA) and starting Regaine to help my hair grow back. Maybe you could try Regaine? I was shopping for wigs, seriously, as I was so desperate.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2020, 06:39:36 PM »

Cherry.i have read about so many ladies with this hairloss problem when taking vagifem, not only on MM but other sites too that i think it must affect some more than others
Like you,i have looked at wigs and hair enhancers,just the ones that clip in, as i have loads of hair at the front and no one could tell looking at me that i had any hairloss, i did lose a little at the fron, but that does semm to have grown back since stopping the vagifem,
I have thought about the Regaine too, but i believe if you stop it ,the hair falls out again, and sometimes when first started as well
I have tried everything under the sun, biotin which i i have been taking for a year now, but now read it has to be a high dose for it to do any good,it did make my nails grow,and much stronger
I have now bought a very high strength one, and taking zinc,which you need for hair growth,and Vit d 3
I have tried Viviscal, but very expensive, didn't work, also various sprays, but there are so many false claims
I am using a plantur 39 one,now, but most don't work unless it's female pattern hair loss which the dermatologist i have seen 3 times says it isn't that , and reckons it will grow back before the end of summer when i have to see him again,
My hair has always been thick, but did thin a bit generally with age i expect, but not enough to show my scalp,i now have a large almost bald patch at the back from crown down, but still have hair right at the bottom above neckline,and a wedge of hair from the top,if that makes sense,which kind of flops over the bald bit,and helps up to a point to cover the bald bit
It is getting me down, because i need to wear a hat, so lockdown means i don't have to go out,
Have you started to use the Regaine,?
Please let me know how you get on with it,hope it works for you
Have you now stopped the vagifem?


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2020, 06:41:53 AM »

Hi Jaycee, yes, I still take Vagifem because the only reason I saw the doctor over menopause was the recurrent utis that started last November when I was 55. Turned out to be VA, and Vagifem helped but only if used every night, and also made hair fall out dramatically.
Unlike you, I never had thick hair. Like you, I tried various shampoos and supplements.
 The Regaine is a miracle. My hair has always been thick enough at the front but it's the sides and crown that thinned. It's recovered somewhat. I'm still using vagifem and still losing a bit but progesterone has really helped.
I do hope you find a solution, it is really horrible to lose hair.
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