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Author Topic: Vagifem benefits (sleep)  (Read 4231 times)


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2020, 01:24:05 AM »

Hi KaraShannon,
I just wanted to let you know that when I first started Vagifem I had palpitations, nausea and felt very anxious. I think I got hot flushes as well, which I wasn't that prone to. It settled after a while. My understanding is that if your tissues are very thin then it's possible that the Vagifem will be absorbed slightly, but as the tissues plump up there is less chance of absorption. It took quite a while for the Vagifem to work for me but I think the side effects lessened before the two week mark.
I hope this helps.

Sheilasue, thanks for this.  I think some of my symptoms have been that I've not been well with a throat virus or something (most likely not covid, because I believe I had that 6 weeks ago already)..............but the palpitations I haven't seen in over a year.  Maybe as you say, the tissues were very thin and there was absorption. 

I only did 11 days and then gave it a rest.  I noticed a lot of improvement in pelvic floor strength, would have liked to continue for 14 days but the amount of sleeping was so excessive and unusual.  However I think that might have been due to a virus now.  We'll see as I'm taking vagifem tonight.  I hope the benefits continue for a bit longer before plateauing, even though I've stopped the daily doses now.  Will take every 3 days and see. 


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2020, 12:26:19 PM »

Cherry, sorry for more questions, but how long have you been using the Regaine,and  what strength, i read that it only gives a bit of growth, and sometimes  more hair can fall out at first
Have you seen noticeable growth, also read that it is only good for male/female pattern hair loss,
I think a bit i lost at the front, [hardly noticeable] has grown back, and thicker, just wish the back would
I really have too much hair for a wig, at least what hair i have left,at the front and one side,the other side is much thinner
It is strange that you are ok on the Evoral Conti as it was the norethistrone progesterone in that ,which made my and my daughters hair fall out, suddenly,it was floating down onto my dinner too.and my laptop,


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2020, 07:48:45 PM »

Hi Jaycee, I've been on Regaine since January this year. I use regular strength and only once a day. Last year I was using Extra Strength Regaine but I had a bad reaction, think it interacted with a supplement I was on, hence the cautious dose. Yes the regrowth has been noticeable, baby hairs around hairline, crown a little less sparse-looking. Not as dramatic as extra strength, when it looked like a pixie cut was growing under my existing hair. Regaine takes 4 months to see a difference due to it affecting hair growth cycles.

I don't take Evorel, I just said it put me off ever taking it if it causes hair loss! I took Utrogestan and Oestrogel for a couple of months but couldn't tolerate the Utro so after a break I'm on Provera which seems fine so far and reduces Vagifem hair loss.

I recently had a bad VA flare up so did 2 week load, during which there was still some hair loss. I'm trying to wean down to  twice a week but this week it's 3 times, but no noticeable hair loss. Hope this helps, it's rather a long post.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2020, 07:52:33 PM »

BTW I had diffuse thinning on crown not the wide parting of female pattern hair loss.   :)

Meno related hair los can alse present like this.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2020, 08:03:26 PM »

Cherry thank you, i rarely use vagifem now, i have more or less stopped it,and hair loss seems to have stopped,luckily i never had much trouble with va,i was prescribed it really when i had a bad uti, had antibiotics from Dr and it didn't get any better but was in so much paib i rang 111,nd a Dr rang me back and sent a stronger AB straight through to my local chemist,had no problems since
I never feel dry  or sore down there for some reason,
Thanks for your welcome and informative reply
I think i will risk it and get some, worth trying anyway,i will try the normal strength to start with anyway
The dermatologist said my hair would be back to normal by the end of summer, but apart from the front hasn't ch
He said it isn't the right pattern for androgenic hair loss
I don't know with all this virus stuff going on if i will even get to see him at the end of summer
Thanks again x
Sorry i misunderstood, i thought you were on E C
PS; I dont have the wide parting hair loss either, but i am well past menopause,so can't blame it on that either
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 08:07:43 PM by jaycee »


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2020, 12:21:26 PM »

Sorry another question, can you use hair colours with it, can't bear to think of my hair being white, got white roots now, but the rest of it is blonde :-\


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2020, 11:33:31 AM »

Hi Jaycee, you certainly can, although I always washed it off the night before colouring.  :)

I'm growing out my grey during this period of not going anywhere much, nor access to a hairdresser. There's a strong possibility I'll end up dyeing it as I usually fall off the wagon!


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2020, 11:11:22 PM »

Well update from me, I think the excessive sleeping was part of the viral infection.  I'm now taking the vagifem every 3 days so I'm feeling better, but who knows if that's the lower amount of vagifem or that the virus has gone.

I took vagifem last night and was very annoyed when my neighbour woke me (he always does with his noise) as I was in a very deep sleep, I also had palpitations a bit when I woke, but I think I was just in very deep sleep and dreaming, so that's why. 

So I still have a slight suspicion that it's making me sleep more deeply and only time will tell.  I know what the doctor's say, that not enough would be absorbed for other effects, but I'm just reporting my experience.  Will see if it continues.  In some ways it's nice to sleep more deeply.


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2020, 07:29:50 PM »

Thanks once again Cherry,for your reply, i am also letting my grey[well white really] grow through, but i was worried i wouldn't be able to use a colour on my hair with minoxidil, although i still have a few dark strands of my own
May i ask what the bad reaction was that you had? although i think maybe its best to start lower
Also can't remember now if i asked, but i believe some hair can fall out initially,and then regrow


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2020, 07:27:06 PM »

Hi Jaycee, I had worsened acid reflux but also occasional clutching feeling of muscles around heart. Don't know what it was, was ltoo scared to go and find out. But this was on the extra strength, which I applied very liberally. I was also taking phosphatydylserine at the time, so maybe that was the culprit, not the Regaine. It went away when I stopped taking them both. It's true that some hair falls out at first which can be distressing but it's just because the Regaine changes the hair growth cycle. Not a massive amount falls out.

No such problems on the small amount of Regaine I use now, plus the guys in my house both use it without any side effects.  :) But start slow for sure!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 07:31:24 PM by CherrySG »


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Re: Vagifem benefits (sleep)
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2020, 11:00:36 PM »

*Hi Cherry* thanks for your reply,i only need to use it in one place, as the rest of y hair is ok in general, not noticeable thinness
I have to see the Dermatologist at the end od summer ,and he said it will have grown back by then,i don't think it will have,
I have been told if it's stress related it will grow back, but how long do i wait,it has been almost 2 years now
Also read Regaine is only for female pattern hair loss and wont work for anything else
Apologies if i have repeated myself, can't remember if i mentioned this before without checking my posts
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