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Author Topic: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?  (Read 2410 times)


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Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« on: April 24, 2020, 09:50:17 PM »

Don't know if anyone can help/reassure but it's start of a weekend in lockdown so . . .
I had a trans vaginal scan yesterday ,and an internal exam  for bleeding ( I'm 2 years post menopause)
I've also been on continuous HRT for 3 months.
I was found to have 3 cervical polyps which need to be removed.
I was fine last night but earlier today had very bad period like cramping,plus back ache. I'm assuming this is an after symptom of my scan. The consultant had a really good look around so it must have caused it.
Just wondered if anyone else has ever had one done and this had happened ?
I was never warned this could happen, but have done some internet reading - not always a good idea 😮


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2020, 10:25:59 PM »

Hi - yes I've always had abdominal pain after a transvaginal scan. Think it stirs things up a bit for a few days.
If it's really painful give them a call, if not hopefully it?ll settle over the next couple of days   :)


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2020, 08:26:09 AM »

Thanks for replies both of you .
I have had one of these scans before and don't recall this amount of pain but this one was a lot longer 😑
I will take the pain relief and see how it goes.
Won't be able to call anyone until Monday anyway unless I contact weekend out of hours !
Thanks again



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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2020, 09:26:43 AM »

Hi Orba,

I've had 13 trans vaginal scan in three years so I'm a pro. But no I've never had unusual pain after. But the reason I've always had them is because of ovarian cyst and endometriosis. So I was always I pain so I probably wouldn't of picked up on it anyway.

The most painful time for myself is then the lady doing the procedure went to stick it up my ass :'(
true story and that hurt me that day and the next. I mean just bloody look, i don't care if you see my virgina it better then having a sore bottom  >:(

Give it a couple of days, if still having problems give them a call, and tell them, asked is this normal?

Hope you feel better


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2020, 10:23:31 AM »

Thanks for reply x
Up your ass - omg , you'd think a medic would know the difference between the two 😮
I now have an appointment to have the polyps removed next week so will have to more internal work done ! Great to be a woman. . . X



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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2020, 05:27:44 AM »

Hi Orba,
It definitely sucks being a woman, I've had three ovarian cyst operations, two endometriosis and one hysterectomy operation. Four months after my hysterectomy even through I still got my ovaries I went into menopause (only 5% chance) which brings on a whole new problems 😭


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2020, 03:15:44 PM »

Thanks for reply x
Up your ass - omg , you'd think a medic would know the difference between the two 😮
I now have an appointment to have the polyps removed next week so will have to more internal work done ! Great to be a woman. . . X
   Hi Orba
Have you had the polyps removed yet? Did you need a GA? I had a hysteroscopy in February. No polyps/fibroids were found but I still have to have another one under GA to take a biopsy. I don't think they will find anything. The bleeding which led to the scans has almost stopped and was almost definitely caused by Evorel Conti patches.

I'd really like to hear how it went. I am dreading having it done because I prefer to avoid GA's as far as possible.


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2020, 08:56:04 AM »

Hi Katejo,
Thanks for asking.
Well went a week later to a colposcopy clinic ,ready to have a biopsy and polyp removal. .  And had nothing done !
I saw a different consultant who disagreed with the first one. He showed me my cervix on the camera it looked healthy ! Apparently I had scar nodules from a previous treatment for pre cancerous cells ( cin 3 ) and they were mistaken for polyps. He was definite that my bleeding was being caused by Utrogestan .
He recommends using a mirena coil instead " if I want to continue with HRT " ( his words) I can't have a coil fitted until after lockdown . SO after another week of bleeding and horrible cramps I made the decision to stop HRT and see what happens .
Hope it goes ok for you. Like you I was sure the bleeding was caused by HRT but these things have to be checked. Maybe trying to suppress a natural process causes more problems than it solves x


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Re: Bad cramping after transvaginal scan - normal ?
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2020, 01:45:57 PM »

Hi Katejo,
Thanks for asking.
Well went a week later to a colposcopy clinic ,ready to have a biopsy and polyp removal. .  And had nothing done !
I saw a different consultant who disagreed with the first one. He showed me my cervix on the camera it looked healthy ! Apparently I had scar nodules from a previous treatment for pre cancerous cells ( cin 3 ) and they were mistaken for polyps. He was definite that my bleeding was being caused by Utrogestan .
He recommends using a mirena coil instead " if I want to continue with HRT " ( his words) I can't have a coil fitted until after lockdown . SO after another week of bleeding and horrible cramps I made the decision to stop HRT and see what happens .
Hope it goes ok for you. Like you I was sure the bleeding was caused by HRT but these things have to be checked. Maybe trying to suppress a natural process causes more problems than it solves x
Hi Orba

I am going to a different hospital this week (probably caused by the Covid 19 issues). At the original hospital I was told that I had no polyps etc and that it looked pink and healthy. The nurse said that I didn't need a biopsy but, later that day, a consultant overruled her and still wanted the biopsy done. Perhaps the doctor there will think differently and say that I don't need a biopsy. My bleeding now is almost non existent and the cramps have stopped. A Mirena coil was suggested to me but I really don't want one. I don't like the idea of something put inside me which I can't remove if it causes problems. I want to continue with the patches to give the bleeding a chance to stop on its own.