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Author Topic: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.  (Read 1510 times)


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Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« on: April 13, 2020, 11:03:57 AM »

Hello, it took me a while to get courage to post here. I just wanted to share my story with those who can relate and understand as I feel I'm going through it all alone and no one understands what it feels like... I'm only 40, my symptoms started when I was 38 suddenly - went to sleep ?normal?, woke up as ?new normal? I suppose. Life changed overnight. It took my GP over 18 months to diagnose me with 'sudden ovarian failure?. After numerous invasive tests, after recommending to admit myself to psych hospital, after tens of different antidepressants and calmatives none of which worked. I was completely floored with so many symptoms at once that I honestly thought I was dying, from mental issues such as sudden suicidal depression, severe anxiety/constant panic attacks and a sense of de-realization to numerous physical symptoms: severe fatigue but complete inability to sleep, migraines, hot flushes, nought ulcers, a gunslinger atrophy, severe aches and pains in joints and back, dizziness, loss of memory, vertigo, loss of hearing, bad vision, complete inability to focus/rationalize/organize, loss of proper coordination, tinnitus and many more. Those months I was pretty much ridden unable to take care of family, work and live my life. When my periods from erratic suddenly stopped for 3 months, I went back to GP begging for help; finally she did a simple blood test that showed I was very deep into menopausal journey. Gave me Femoston 2/10 and sent me off. And that's that. I've been on it for 4 months, and even though it helped (severe symptoms were just improving on their own but very very slowly prior to medication) it did not help as much as I'd like it to. I'm back at work now and I can finally cook and go out, but I still feel different, not myself, I still have mild hot flushes, still have aches and pains and insomnia that comes and goes, I still suffer from anxiety or as I now feel total lack of stress resilience, heart palpitation and dizziness, strange muscle spasms, and so on. Prior to this I had not had a history of anxiety or depression. Now I don't know what is worse: my mental health or my physical health as both seem to not be what they should be. I've contacted a new practitioner to try BHRT course in the form of troches. I fully realize the pros and cons, read everything I possibly could before deciding to switch. But I really want to restore my normality, want yo be a good mum and wife, a good friend, a good worker, daughter, sister. And I feel that I can't. I can't lift whatever is pushing me into ground and become me again. It is by far the hardest journey I've yet had to make in my life. I did not realize before until things changed overnight for me. It is a complete and utter drain of all will power and both physical and mental strength.


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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 12:20:03 PM »

Hi! Another GP with no idea!  HRT helps protect bones and heart health.  Sudden cessation of periods should be flagged up for immediate testing.  What did she think was wrong  :-\. She could have suggested you read the Daisy-web site for early menopause.  Actually, it is never 'early' as every lady is different.

You're here now.  You've been through the Mill, certainly  :hug:.   Where were your family in all this?  Hormone upheaval can cause many of the symptoms you suffered, The National Association of Pre-menstrual Syndrome is another web-site to look through.  Dr Dalton did a lot of research in the 1970s/80s about hormonal upheaval.

Those months I was pretty much ridden unable to take care of family, work and live my life. When my periods from erratic suddenly stopped for 3 months, I went back to GP begging for help; finally she did a simple blood test that showed I was very deep into menopausal journey. Gave me Femoston 2/10 and sent me off.
. sometimes they simply won't accept that they don't know enough!  >:(

And that's that. I've been on it for 4 months, and even though it helped (severe symptoms were just improving on their own but very very slowly prior to medication) it did not help as much as I'd like it to.
.  I think that the body takes time to uptake HRT, the longer it's been without hormones.  Little steps.  Do you keep a mood/symptom/food diary to chart progress.  Which there will be  ;). Those symptoms may continue for a while until the body gets some form of balance.

Like wading through treacle sometimes  :-\.  The Change does what it says on the tin and it can shock the body completely.   :welcomemm:  browse round, make notes.


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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 02:17:39 PM »

Jk79. Welcome. It's good to meet you.

Sorry You have been through such  a rough time  and it seems so unfair at your age.

You are not alone in having such a severe reaction. I am older than you but I had a surgical menopause and it hit me overnight. All the symptoms at once including a serious effect on my  mental health. 

You  put into words very much how my own experience has been. You are certainly not alone. All the ladies here will know exactly what you are talking about. Most have all if not many of the same symptoms.

When it's so abrupt  it's a,shock to body and brain.    It's good that the HRT is helping. But many  of us find we may have to tweak or try a different delivery from the first one.  So dont despair. You have options.

 It does take at least 3 months to see how well a new regime is going but from my own experience I would say after a few months,  dont struggle on if you feel the regime you are on  isnt  working for you.  I personally found if it wasnt working after 6 months it wasnt going to. And tried something else.    I'm not sure you can increase the dose of the tablets I think 2/10 is highest isnt it?  If not you may be able to try something else.  gels and patches should be available through your gp as should other forms of progesterone. .Some of us take testosterone too.  Some GPS will prescribe it and some will not . That's where meno clinic can come in.
My first thought was to suggest you ask for a a menopause clinic through your gp. Obviously most are closed atm.   The clinic I go is an NHS menopause and POI clinic . I had an implant in January with them.

Obvs at moment none of these appts are easy to arrange but these are all things to be thinkng about for when you can. If you feel that doc isnt very good with hormones/hrt (sadly some aren't) then could you see another one in practice , there might be one with more of an interest in menopause. But i suggest you push for a referral to clinic. you deserve the right support in this.

Please post as often as you like. We're a good bunch. Some of us are even very knowledgeable not that I include myself in that😆 but I've learned a lot and gained support from being on here. I hope you will too.

Finally, Have you heard of  "the daisy network"  you might find some interesting info on there for ladies with POI.

Take care xxxx
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 02:21:36 PM by Tc »

Sophie Jane

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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 07:42:08 AM »

Hi JK 79!

I'm quite new to this site too and like you it took me a while to pluck up the courage to post. Once I had I was so glad as it really helps to feel you?re not alone and the responses I had were lovely and helpful. You've made a huge first step! I'm 46 and the menopause was brought on by chemotherapy (finished treatment last year) and I now take hormone therapy which causes side effects but for a while I didn't know what was causing what! I can't take HRT because of the particular type of breast cancer I had so I've had to investigate other options. I can't give advice on HRT (there will be other much more knowledgeable ladies to help you on this!) but from my own experience CBT has helped me hugely.

I had had episodes of depression and anxiety in the past and I was introduced to CBT then. All I can say is that it really prepared me for how I was going to cope through the cancer and it is now helping with the menopause. Whatever the physical/emotional/mental problems you experience and whatever the medication you try, the WAY you THINK can make such a difference! When physical symptoms get me down I pause and think yes, the menopause can be absolutely dreadful but it's not life threatening.

My advice... slow down, take a breath and know you will get through this. And don't be so hard on yourself. If you have a supportive family and friends tell them how you feel and allow THEM to support YOU as I'm sure you support them. Most importantly, be kind to yourself and don't underestimate the power of the simple things in life like walks in the fresh air, the odd massage (tricky at the moment I appreciate!), soaks on the bath, painting your toenails... whatever brings you joy! Remember also that what you?re feeling now is temporary and WILL get better! You and your body have gone through a big shock and you need to recover and re wire!

Take care and take advice from the lovely ladies on this site! 🙂 xxx


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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 11:17:48 AM »

Thank you, lovely ladies, for your kind supportive words. It means the world. Just knowing that I'm not going crazy and it is all natural. My husband is extremely supportive through all of this, but he works away most of the time and I do feel lonely going through it on my own (no close family, immigrant) and having to take of the child on my own plus the very stressful job. My GP put me through a lot of invasive tests and eventually came to conclusion I needed psychiatric care, stayed I was over-thinking and inventing my illnesses. It is only when my periods completely stopped she tested my hormones that showed I was deep into menopause. Because my symptoms changed overtime, I really didn't know what was happening to me, I just knew I was not myself and was suffering greatly. Well, still am, but not to such extent. I think about the time I was stress resilient and proactive, it seemed I changed now and I feel extremely...sensitive to any triggers and most definitely do not have much drive in me to participate in life much. I miss my old self a lot... I will look into menopausal clinic referral, certainly don't feel I'm in good hands at the moment which adds to my stress. Just can't believe how long this process is, how ever changing it is. One day I think - ok, I'm almost over it, only to wake to new symptoms the next. I've got Hashimotos  thyroid too which went crazy after being stable for years, one hormonal issues leads to next I guess... developed ulcer at I've colitis along the way. Keep wondering - what's next, what's the next surprise in order for my poor beaten up physical and mental state... thank you again for responding, it really means a lot.


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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 11:35:23 AM »

Hi jk79. This is a terrible time for hundreds of ladies. Anxiety and sleep problems are the worst. I have to take a sedative to sleep and still not good. I am on gel and utrogestan.  Am a little better but it's hard to say if we all didn't have this virus going on whether I would feel even better. Never been a strong person mentally. I work in a hospital as a domestic and my daughter is a nurse.x


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Re: Want to say hello, new to site, struggling.
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2020, 07:24:10 AM »

Good morning JK79


Sending you a virtual hug.

Lanzalover x
