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Author Topic: Referral from GP to consultant- not sure what to do about the treatment advised  (Read 608 times)


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I started Femoston 1/10 last year with perimenapausal symptoms: anxiety/depression/irregular periods/migraines/insomnia. I have been on it since 27th June 2019. It has helped with my migraines dramatically. I suffer badly with depression and was discharged from an inpatient psychiatric unit after an 8 month stay in march 2020. My depression hasn't improved on Femoston 1/10 and neither has my anxiety. I am taking sleeping tablets at the moment.
I have absolutely no idea when i am going to get a bleed- infact i have to wear some form of sanitary protection every day :(
The bleed can last anything from 3 days to 17 days. I have had a bleed after just 14 days since the last bleed and February I had no bleed at all.
The femoston contains 1mg oestradiol white tablets for 2 weeks then 1mg oestradiol and 10mg dydrogesterone (progesterone) grey tablets for 14 days. You then start the next packet immediately.My specialist I couldn't see due to the coronavirus- but she did a telephone consultation at the start of April. Her recommendations for the time being are to take for 14days of the grey tablets an additional tablet  5mgs Medroxyprogesterone Acetate ie the last 2 weeks of the blister pack. She says this should help regulate my cycle. I do have osteopenia( not quite osteoporosis yet- but am due my two yearly DEXA bone scan this year. I know that oestrogen levels falling cause a reduction in bone density. The consultant suggested perhaps at some stage increasing to Femoston 2/10 ie extra oestrogen. I am absolutely fine with this treatment plan. Long term however-she suggests the fitting of a mirena IUS along with he use of Estradiol patch or gel. The consultant can't see patients at the moment- but once the coronvirus situation has settled I am to book an appointment with her to discuss the fitting of a mirena IUS. I am not keen on the mirena coil idea. i don't want to go through the procedure of having one inserted (for personal reasons). Can you feel it once it is inserted? Can they drop out? Do they have to be replaced regularly?  It will be around 6 months that she suggested I rang her secretary. I need HRT to mainly settle my irregular periods and control bone loss to the point of developing osteoporosis. My musculoskeletal consultant recommends HRT above the classic osteoporsis drugs such as bisphosphonates. my migraines are v few now. I fear HRT will not help depression in my case.
I would be grateful for any of your ladies experiences or advice regarding the above post. Many thanks. NRGEE


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You can not feel a Mirena, they last 4 years for HRT but I have been recently advised that has changed to 5 years.