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Author Topic: Weird "migraine"  (Read 4022 times)


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Weird "migraine"
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:53:24 AM »

Hiya. I have suffered from what I call "sick migraines" for many years and I know the build up.and path they follow, usually over 2 days. . But i had a strange experience the night before last.

Can anyone else relate to this?

 I was sitting on couch feeling o.k when I had a sudden terrific head pain. Instantly knew I was going to vomit .  As often happens with my sick migraine my legs went from under me vision went like I was going to faint. but it happened so suddenly.

i had to crawl to the bathroom , couldnt stand  and I vomited purely bright yellow bile (also usual for my migraaine) 
but as soon as I did so the head pain went as quickly as it came. I was able to stand and walk around and felt o.k again. . It was all over in 5 minutes.  This,super quick onset and resolve has never happened before. .

I was very very sleepy yesterday but otherwise no obvious other effects.

I have recently  been having occasional  sudden sort of "blasts of  pain in head which come and go in seconds.
I  had a brain scan a few months ago which was normal. For my age. So it must be migraine just it's a new one on me and wondered if anyone else has had or gets this.

Thanks for any replies. I know everyone is dealing with far bigger things at the moment. Just these things can be a bit scary  when you're on your own.



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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2020, 11:55:43 AM »

It is scary and needs reporting to your GP.  I have had sudden bursts of pain, usually around the temple areas for years.  Enough to make me go 'oh' and gone.  Leaves me wondering though  :-\.  Never feel sick with it as it's so fast.  Bile means that the stomach is empty usually.

Were you sweaty afterwards?  How's your BP do you self monitor?


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2020, 12:11:40 PM »

Hiya CLKD  I dont self monitor. The blasts of pain are very quick as you say. And on one side no vommiting. I have had this in the past but not for years but its not the same as what happend the other night. That was something I've never experienced.

. It was like my normal migraine but on fast forward. 5 minutes.  I had eaten so stomach not empty but  Whenever I'm sick with a migraine its bright yellow bile.  I felt hungry after which I never do with normal sick migraine.

I wasnt especially  sweaty after but I have been having night sweats for the last 3 nights which I put down to hormones .

Thank you xxx


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2020, 12:15:11 PM »

Hopefully a 1-off  :-\


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2020, 01:00:04 PM »



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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2020, 02:24:24 PM »

Obviously.  My sudden pains have been occurring for over 30 years ....... each time I wonder but by morning I've forgotten they happened.  Until the next time.


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2020, 04:27:10 PM »

Jay. There is a type of migraine called cluster or cluster headache.  That's what I was told when I had them years ago by neurologist. It's usually one side.  Dont worry I've had them many times and my brain scan was clear. But it may just be you were dehydrated as that can cause the type of temple pain you describe. . Xx

This new one i had was different. But as you say CLKD maybe a one off.   Very strange though. Xxx


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2020, 04:58:03 PM »

Tc....could it have been the Vit D ?
Hope you are feeling better now xx


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2020, 05:00:55 PM »

Thank you k. I was wondering that. Either that or hormonal. This is my first hormone implant so it's a bit hard to know. I used to get migraine on utrogestan but I've got a mirena now.

I am feeling better now thank you. Hope you are o.k xxxx


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2020, 08:51:31 AM »

I have had migraines for the past few years...meno ones as my mum had the same I would say.  they can vary..I have had the aura one once and that was a bit scary and couldn't see properly.  I too have had the sharp pains...luckily I don't vomit but I am not a sicky sort of person (as in vomit sick!) I take Sumatriptan for my migraines, it's excellent as long as I take it as soon as I feel the signs.  It won't help with normal headaches though and is prescription only.  I am lucky in that I tend to only get migraines at "that time" of the month or when I am stressed/tired (going round the supermarket triggered one the other day...but was that time of month also)
They are horrid aren't they....people who have never had them can't understand the pain and fatigue afterwards


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2020, 07:52:08 PM »

Hi TC, I've been suffering with palpitations for the past 2 months and also silent migraines they start with zig zag lines then loss off vision which lasts for about an hour, then I feel very tired, but for a  couple of days after that I feel like I've got a hangover. I had an ECG at the hospital which came back normal.  I think I'm suffering from anxiety but I don't know what's triggered it. Could your migraines be due to stress or what about something you're eating   :)


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2020, 11:58:08 AM »

Hiya,Emm and Margaret. Ditto the fatigue afterwards .

Margaret stress can indeed  trigger it.  It's hard not to feel anxious at the moment .

 I had drunk a big glass of fresh squeezed orange juice earlier in evening.

I checked out whether vit d can cause migraine. Having too much can cause headache but the info I found suggested vit d might actually help migraine which is interesting.

My cousin in Holland took part in the trial for the new injection. It changed his life. It's available there now for chronic sufferers but the NHS didnt want to fund it here.




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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2020, 02:59:03 PM »

I just thought I'd add this  :) There are some migraines which relieve themselves once you are sick - I have no idea why this is though.
I used to get migraines through travel sickness, and once I had been sick the migraine would magically go.
Cluster headaches usually start around the eye and are like an ice pick being shoved into your eyeball (they aren't called 'suicide headaches' for nothing.. :-\) the pain is one sided, unbearable and isn't relieved by painkillers or vomiting (I have CH and the only thing that relieves them are Triptan injections) they can last a few days but then you can go months or years until the next 'cluster'. Mine are usually triggered by Hormones and usually happen for 3 days after my period every month.
When I was diagnosed many years ago with CH I was told by the Neurologist that women didn't get them, they were a man thing! This is rubbish, but some GPs still follow this outdated notion...  >:(
If your migraines change, or become unbearable then mention possible Cluster headaches to the GP, when my GP mentioned them to me she also said that if they were 'true' CH then the Triptan injection would work, if it didn't work then they were migraines. My first CH after this I took the injection and within 10 minutes I had gone from lying immobile on the bed fearing my head was going to explode to dancing around the room with pure joy!
Migraines and Cluster headaches are often thought of as 'just' bad headaches by people who don't suffer from them, when they aren't, they are debilitating and in my case life limiting until I got the correct diagnosis and treatment.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 03:24:50 PM by corianne »


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2020, 06:48:52 PM »

I've had migraines for many, many years. They were generally very predictable in how they presented themselves for most of the time. I haven't had the sudden blast of pain like you described, but one day about 20 years ago my vision suddenly went down to a pinhole and my left side went numb. I thought I was having a stroke. Everything went back to normal in 10 or 15 minutes, and when I saw my doctor, she said "Ocular migraine! I got them in med school." I had that particular thing happen one more time, then not again. A brain scan was fine.

Also, I never had auras with my migraine. Then one day about 10 years ago, I had only the aura, with waves and dots in my vision, but no pain. That was different!

Obviously you want to check with your doctor just to make sure there's not something else going on, but migraines can certainly change or show up differently than usual.

Interestingly, my migraines have all but disappeared after I stopped birth control pills in October. I have a lot of other issues like hot flashes and muscle/bone pains, but the migraines are better. I would often get migraines during the placebo week on my pill, so obviously hormone-related in some way.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 06:52:32 PM by Souris »


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Re: Weird "migraine"
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2020, 12:20:53 PM »

Thank you corianne and souris.  Souris that mustve been a,frightening experience.

Corianne. So sorry you had difficulty getting diagnosed and that you  still suffer from clusters. But good that the injection helps.

Years ago the neurologist said I was having a mixture of clusters and aura migraine.  He also said although clusters are short lived you can get one after the other making it feel longer.

I had injections in the back of my head.  Occipital bone area.  It's like a nerve block.  The first time it worked but second time it caused terrible pain at back of my head for months til it wore off.  At the time He mentioned botox but I didnt get round to having it for other reasons and stopped seeing him because at 49/50 my migraines eased greatly for a few years.  They only came back after surgical meno. My mum and aunt both found migraines disappeared after surgical meno but they didnt use HRT so I think it might be the culprit here.   

I've had a,migraine at weekend. Typical aura the black dots or "flies" as I call them and vommiting. But again, came on very suddenly. .and just before it came on I also had the  coloured shapes  in my vision.  Vommiting always seems to ease the pain.and then I get very listless and sleepy.  But the feeling of legs going from under me and loss of vision when I'm about to vommit  is so horrible.  I started bleeding within hours which I'm not supposed to on my regime so maybe an unexplained hormonal  shift.

New since meno seems to be the " back to back" nature of migraines. Where one doesnt completely subside before another one starts.  I will  take your advice and mention it to meno clinic.  I think I should see neurologist again but I dont think theres much hope of being referred at moment.

Interesting you mention travel sickness.  i suffer and did so terribly as a child.  I also used to get what my mum called "billeous attacks" which the neurologist later told me are childhood presentation of migraine.  So called "stomach migraine".

Thank you for sharing your experiences ladies. Hope you are migraine free todayXxx
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