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Author Topic: Isolation and C-19  (Read 1972 times)


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Isolation and C-19
« on: March 29, 2020, 09:30:27 AM »

I read long into the night - some articles are saying that in South Korea people have been whisked to hospital immediately they show symptoms.  Because there has been no keeping people together in the home, there have been less deaths and less contamination.

Takes me back to when people were sent to Isolation Hospitals with TB or Polio to prevent the spread across the Nations.  If the NHS had made particular Hospitals in each area the basis for C-19 admissions - those testing positive and those negative could have been kept separately but treated by Staff - rather than having each possible case spread across the UK .

Apparently the current 'expert' advising the Prime Minister was wrong about F&M and BSE saying that over 5,000 people would be affected by the latter.  He was wrong.  How these people suddenly becomes 'experts'?


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 11:15:51 AM »

Unfortunately viruses don't read date.


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2020, 11:57:54 AM »

 :thankyou:  of course I'm older than most in Government so they won't have a clue.   Iron lung machines for those with polio  :'(

Data don't prove anything at this point as there is nothing to judge it against - it's a new virus.  Apparently.


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 01:12:37 PM »

Am I the only one hoping BJ gets a nasty dose of it? It's not that I want him to die, just for him to think he's going to. Then see if he still thinks we should still let it spread to build up herd immunity.  :cuss: 'experts', maybe he'll learn to question their advice especially when the WHO and every other expert think the opposite.

It was over 100,000 who were supposed to die from BSE. One bright spark suggested we should kill every sheep in the country too - even though they don't get it (they do get scrapie which shows similar symptoms).


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 01:50:15 PM »

Without a revolution you mean?

What I cannot understand is why anyone would believe another so called 'expert' who has little knowledge of this field?  This is a NEW virus so no one will have knowledge in order to build a what-ever-they-call it!

Too late for BJ - he is apparently well enough 'to write a letter to every household' ...... and I haven't heard him coughing in any of the interviews, DH and I had a cold virus in Nov 2018 and I coughed every day/night for a month.  Hacking, bending over-type non-productive cough.  Didn't feel ill but very tired  >:( if I went to speak I coughed.  Not So Boris   >:(


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 01:58:31 PM »

Bet he won't be paying for the enterprise from his own pocket .......... talk about a sense of his own importance.  I will be voting elsewhere next time!  That money if available should be going to essential services!


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 02:08:24 PM »

Oh my gosh.  His 'honeymoon' hasn't last long has it? ;D

Have never vote Tory in my life and probably never will.  It's not my government and I totally disassociate myself from it.  Strange how things can change in a few short months.  You never know what is around the corner do you.


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2020, 02:10:42 PM »

Most get Power Crazy within weeks  >:( and stop listening to the Public who voted ........

This Government is already full of it's own importance ....... like the public are stupid.


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2020, 04:57:10 PM »

On this one I think he did listen. He started off letting it spread to build herd immunity. He changed his mind with the help of public opinion but now he's playing catch up. We're doing now the things we should have done a month ago. Maybe the letter will clear up the confusion on what we can and can't do (I live in hope rather than expectation).


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2020, 06:02:59 PM »

It takes years to build herd immunity.  The danger is that people will shield, isolate and then appear in the open and the bug will think YIPEEE! and get a grip again.

Same as in 1918 and after: flu came and went in pockets for a couple of years.  There was an interesting programme about it a couple of years ago but can't remember the production company or name of the programme  ::)



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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2020, 05:36:36 AM »

Well just look how tempers are getting frayed on this forum and we have only just started.

As for cheating the police would never cope if it became widespread.  They have already indicated as much. Our population size is similar to Italy but our police force is half the size so unless public opinion is behind the rules it can't last.

As serious as all this is health wise, the effect on our society as a whole has the potential to be extremely damaging.


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2020, 09:22:42 AM »

Police have broken up several parties and BarBQs in recent days, 1 in Coventry - can't remember the other incident.

Again, as with the NHS Governments of the day cut back Army, Navy, Police Force budgets .........  >:(  :'(.  One reaps what one sows!

I don't think this will ease until at least October as there is a danger that re-infection may occur.  I do anticipate riots though  :-\


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2020, 09:28:13 AM »

Did you read the one about the chap who drove over 200 miles to pick up a window he won on eBay, police stopped him and then discovered his wife was in the boot as couldn't fit in the car with the window. He was from Coventry and travelled to Salford x


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2020, 09:29:01 AM »

I just read that, how much would he have saved anyway?  Going to catch up on DIY Chores was he  >:(


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Re: Isolation and C-19
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2020, 09:54:54 AM »

Doesn't it seem a bit pointless to chase people out walking in rural locations and then allow plane loads of people to land here daily, no quarantine, as in other countries or temperature checks. Worrying.

I have read about people arriving from the USA and are getting through border ?control? very quickly as basically there is no control of who comes in. I am not talking about immigration but basic health precautions.  Madness!
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