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Author Topic: blood readings levels  (Read 797 times)


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blood readings levels
« on: March 13, 2020, 05:06:03 PM »

hi ladies could i have some advice so i have had my blood results back and have been taking 2 pumps gel applied to arms and utro 100mg daily orally for 5 weeks now had bloods done tuesday just gone and have had hysterectomy and ovaries removed.

readings are :

serum estradiol 435 pmol
FSH 34.4 iu / L
LH 20.7 iu / L
serum progesterone 10 nmol
serum testosterone 0.7 nmol
SHBG 115.1 nmol

so i have been feeling a little progesterone dominant i guess we?ll since adding progesterone improved mood aniexty but given me constipation and made my discharge very watery and pelvic floor feels weaker and due to family event have been crying last few days a lot and think i may of leaked a little to urine not sure and still been having odd flush at night

so i don't know if i need another pump of estrogen just to offset progesterone and i know i need testosterone or should i stick to the two pumps and add in tesosterone as i know this can help Va pelvic floor energy libido etc i finally feel that i?m getting somewhere with estrogen /prog combi and just need a little tweak but not sure which direction x

thank you 🙏🏼


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Re: blood readings levels
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2020, 04:54:36 PM »

Hi Sammiejane

The hormone results are only a snapshot at that particular moment.

The oestrogen results will vary according to which arm you had the blood taken from compared to the arm you last applied the gel to - hopefully it was a different arm? Also the time since last gel application and how soon afterwards the blood was takn.

Anyway that seems a good reading if it is dealing with your symptoms. Not sure why FSH was mesured and also why it was this high because oestrogen usually suppresses it I thought? In your case it is the oestrogen that is most important and possibly the tesosterone too as you are in surgical meno.

Progesterone is totally irrelevant. I am puzzled why the docs recommended this was done? It is only needed to be measured to see if a woman is ovulating. Otherwise not needed. You don't need to increase oestrogen to offset progesterone; you don't actually need the progesterone although I realise yuou are using it more like a drug rather than a hormone ie for its sedative effect maybe?

You don't need testosterone for VA and pelvic floor as this should be controlled by systemic oestrogen and local oestrogen and if you still have some VA then maybe more local oestrogen needed?

Testosterone may help with libido but I wouldn't want to take it along with progesterone all the time as progesterone can suppress libido, so I have read. I would reduce your progesterone eg to every other day or even every 3 days if you really feel you want to continue with it, and then add in a small blob of T depending on which preparation you have been prescribed.

What does your doc advise?

Hurdity x



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Re: blood readings levels
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2020, 11:22:52 PM »

hi hurdity

thanks for the reply

i?m seem to be doing ok on progesterone it's just this pelvic floor situation feels weaker and more watery discharge but hair isn't shedding and mood is better aniexty gone it was terrible on estrogen on its own . but i would say my mood is on the low side so wondered if more estrogen is needed.

the other thing i've noticed is that i don't seem to be having massive wees since starting hrt .

i apply the gel to my arms at night both arms one pump on each so is that why the reading is higher ? so maybe i could get away with more estrogen

the ovestin i?m using but i do get quite a bit of bladder irritation still i don't get it .



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Re: blood readings levels
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2020, 09:22:37 AM »

If you're applying the gel at night then it shouldn't affect the blood reading I don't think? I only mentioned it because some women have eg applied to arm in the morning and then had blood taken a couple of horus or so later from the same arm which can artificially inflate the readeing. If you are feeling OK on that oestrogen dose then I would continue as you are doing. Lower mood could be due to the continuous progesterone like I said. You could cut that back a bit but if you are taking it then make sure it is regular eg if every alternate day rather than now and again.

Hurdity x


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Re: blood readings levels
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2020, 12:04:32 PM »

hi hurdity

my menopause have said to continue on my regime till our review april even though i've explained i feel it needs tweaking as down below seems no the issue with this watery discharge or adding progesterone has giving me incontinenece as it relaxes stuff down there unless i though the progesterone maybe cancels out estrogens effects down there which i why i thought i need perhaps another pump x