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Author Topic: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57  (Read 1265 times)


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Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« on: March 05, 2020, 02:06:47 PM »

Hi everyone I'm new on here and new to HRT.
Since the age of 50 I've battled against going on HRT . Why because my Mum died of Breast Cancer .
I'm now 57 and have finally given in to the horrendous symptoms I've had for the past few years. At the age of 50 I had mood swings, anxiety and was placed on anti depressants the dose was increased with little benefit after 2 years I weaned myself off them and made the decision to soldier on.
I've not had a period now for over 4 years  but my symptoms continue. Mood swings ,Anxiety, Night Sweats,Lack of sleep, fatigue. Aching joints which is a recent new symptom I'm experiencing and absolutely no energy .
I've just come back following a holiday in Thailand where my husband begged me to get help on my return . I just felt so flat and tired the whole holiday despite having looked forward to it for weeks☹️
My Gp has started me on Kliofem and not the patches I would have preferred due to the HRT shortage .
Yes I'm nervous, reading the long list of side effects is terrifying but I honestly could not carry on any longer and my marriage of 30 years definitely needed help .
I'm now 2 weeks in and have not noticed any improvement but I know it could take weeks and as yet no side effects .
Hoping you lovely ladies can reassure me that I've made the correct decision and wondering if there is anyone out there like me at my age still struggling or who have taken Kliofem and had a positive response to the drug .


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2020, 02:51:00 PM »

Hi luvleeju.
Glad you've found us.  :welcomemm:

I'm so sorry to read your struggling so much. We all know what that's like.
I'm 55 now, and been on HRT since I was 50 on and off.
it's early days yet for you, so keep going.
I think it's a personal choice, quality of life, to me is more important than struggling everyday with new symptoms that seem to appear from nowhere. it's a bloody nightmare.
The hrt will make you feel better, although it's not a miracle worker, and it will give you back your life. I still suffer anxiety occasionally, even though I'm on Femoston  Conti, but it's helped me enormously.
Hang on in there. I'm sure it?ll start to kick in soon.
I'm hoping someone will post soon whose got some experience of Kliofem, I know there are some ladies on here that use that one.
Keep us informed how your getting on.
Wishing you the best,
Jd xx


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2020, 03:27:34 PM »

Hiya luvlee ju.

I dont have experience of kliofem but I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the forum.

Its recommended to give any new regime about 3 months to be able to get a picture of how it's working for you.

You are certainly not alone in your symptoms of menopause. I hope things start to look up for you soon. Xx


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2020, 05:38:31 PM »

Thank you for your kind replies I'm definitely going to give it more time I'm not due a review for 3 months so will stick with it until at least then . In the mean time I will continue reading posts on here and will report back on how I'm coping or fingers crossed improving xx


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2020, 10:40:13 PM »

Hi luvleeju. Lots of help and support on here. I hope the Kliofem works well for you. I'm so sorry to learn about your mum.  :hug:

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2020, 08:41:59 PM »

Hello lovely. It was my second HRT regime, didn't get on with it as subsequently found I was sensitive to the progesterone in it ( but others get in with it ) so you ideally should give it up to 3 months to see how it settles.
You could try a patch for oestrogen with a separate progesterone to see if this makes a difference.
it's horrible, been where you've been. Unfortunately it's trial and error. Try and keep your chin up and insist on alternatives if this regime doesn't work for you x


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2020, 11:06:50 AM »

Hi everyone just a update on how I'm feeling since starting HRT 4 weeks ago. I've just finished my first pack of Kliofem 2 more to go before my review.
I can definitely say the night sweats have gone . I'm sleeping great . No longer up in the night running to the toilet and no more tossing and turning watching the clock go round. Obviously I'm less tired and I've started running again 3 times a week.
The down bits are my mood is still very low and anxiety remains ,not helped with what's happening in the world at present. Been very tearful and what seems to be affecting me more is the total selfishness of people in this country the panic buying is ridiculous. I'm a front line worker and no doubt will contract the virus at some point this doesn't bother me but the thought of having to go out and struggle to park and search for food is a huge nightmare for me. Not sure if I need anti depressants also or to give it more time.
The only side effect I've had is breast tenderness but that comes and goes and I'm hoping in time this will settle. I've had no bleeding or nausea but I have gained a couple of pounds of weight in the last month which is disappointing seeing as I maintain my weight with the 5-2 diet and have always battled against weight gain all my life. Just hoping it's water retention and now I'm back running the weight will come off and not increase any more.
If anyone can give me a positive encouraging reply I would be very appreciative I'm delighted I'm sleeping better but just wish my mood would improve too. Thanks for the support xx


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2020, 12:08:59 PM »

Hi luvleeju - thanks so much for the update and it's wonderful news that only four weeks in you are finding such a difference in your symptoms. Over the next couple of months I am sure things will improve further.

I have found that the anxiety and low mood are the most stubborn of the symptoms to go. Only you know whether you would benefit from adding in an anti-depressant and, even without meno, this horrible time we are living in is taking it's toll on a lot of us. Many members on here find they need both to maintain good mental health even in calm times. Keep posting!

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Newbie started on HRT at age of 57
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2020, 05:00:45 PM »

Hi luvleeju, I am glad it seems to be going well for you. It's hardly surprising youn are anxious at this very difficult time for everyone. My gyn told me it can take 3-6 months for the beneficial effects to kick in. I'm just about to start. I have to say your symptoms sound similar to mine but I have also had awful heart palpitations. I think you have made the correct decision. The only thing I'd add is that it does seem the bio identical progesterone might be safer in terms of breast cancer.
Wishing you well x