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Author Topic: Very worried ...  (Read 9120 times)


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #60 on: March 14, 2020, 08:43:56 PM »

I had applied the YES moisturiser internally earlier in the day....tried to wash off as it bagan burning...,,,applied some Estriol this evening to just the outside bits to try and get some relief....but it began burning ....washed everything off....but now in so much pain...


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #61 on: March 14, 2020, 08:54:08 PM »

Get into a cool bath.  Lay and swosh the water gently to cleanse the area.  It is painful due to dryness probably and the insertion of creams may well have caused stinging.  Try to endure so the the HRT can do it's work. 


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2020, 06:19:33 PM »

beginning to feel more comfortable.
I have had to stop using the YES moisturiser as I think it was that which was causing the burning.
Left it all off for the day and then tried again with just the Estriol cream and have had a little bit of relief today!

Little by little I am managing to insert the applicator a bit further up inside the vagina....but ..... after I press the applicator which squirts the cream inside ....I can almost feel the cream coming back there a technique to it? Or is it because I haven't managed to put it high enough yet  do you think?


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2020, 07:01:38 PM »

It's the applicator removing rather than the product ;-).  Thank goodness you have some relief.  It's the Trial and Error that is so tiring.


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2020, 05:14:38 PM »

This morning I woke up with left side breast pain.....not had this since I was in my 30s.....could it be anything to do with the Estriol? I thought this cream had only a tiny ammount of hormone in it. The pain has gone off during the day but I'm a bit nervous.


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2020, 05:26:14 PM »

If the pain has resolved it may/not be related.  Any input of hormone may alter your own levels slightly.  I had breast disease in the 1990s and have never worried about using 'ovestin'.  Quality of Life ;-)


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2020, 05:37:25 PM »

Thank you, CLKD. I will see how it goes...the Estriol does seem to have soothed the VA.


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2020, 05:46:29 PM »

That's the main issue here.  Occasionally I get a sore breast but it settles. Could be my own hormones adjusting. 


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #68 on: March 21, 2020, 11:07:30 AM »

Hi kmorris and mumalmighty I've had this low left sided pain since before Christmas too. I've had ibs since my 20's and at first put it down to that and anxiety. My mum had just been diagnosed with bc so was and still am a bit all over the place. it's like an pain/ache there constantly with the occasional sting or a feeling of movement like wind Or a pinch pain. I'm taking buscopan now hoping that might ease it. Hasn't yet but only started it yesterday. Like most of you I have terrible health anxiety rearing up again and I'm petrified to go to gp. I'm scared of everything at the mo, especially thinking it's my bowel because of mum. Although she had no symptoms at all. I have VA and am on about day 6 of ovestin. Sometimes i feel a bit like I have cystitis as if I need to wee. It looks clear I think. The sting and soreness 'down there? has subsided a lot since using the cream. it's just this low left sided pain. it's between my belly button and pubic bone on the left. Sometimes moves further up towards my hip and sometimes moves to the middle with twinges to the right. Just mostly on the left. Does VA cause pelvic pain or could this be a bladder infection? I would've thought bladder pain would be more central. 🙁


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #69 on: March 22, 2020, 07:13:47 PM »

Hi Pip,
sorry to hear that you have this ache....a couple of posters here seem to have had it, too. Someone said( sorry I can't remember who it was now), but she had this ache for about 6 months and then it just went off.

The best thing is to have a word with your GP...she might book you in for an ultrasound least this will put your mind at might be your Ibs because of all the worry about your Mum, but it's really best for you to be checked out...just for your peace of really sounds like you have enough to cope with. Please be brave and see your GP.


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #70 on: March 22, 2020, 09:53:50 PM »

Hi kmorris thank you for your reply. I did take senakott last night, a stronger ibuprofen this morning along with the buscopan and the pain definitely has eased off today but I've also been very busy so hopefully whatever it is is shifting. I will make an appt with my gp though if it gets bad again it's just the anxiety I get when having to go for any test.... I can vaguely remember having the pinching pain a few years ago in the same spot. I did mention it to my gp after an examination and she wasn't concerned about it. The pain did go eventually. Maybe it is the ibs and anxiety. Xx


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2020, 07:14:26 PM »

Hi pip16
Sorry for obvious reasons (corona panic ) at the mo I've not been on here but mainly Cos the pain I had disappeared as soon as I had a kind of period. I say that Cos there has been barely anything there just a bit when I wipe but nothing in my underwear. I think I may have already said i hadn't had a Period since early January then a few days ago this ever so light something. Anyway whilst that was happening and a week prior I only had the usual obvious period pain but my lower back and hip pain went away and sorry to be graphic along with the slight Period I was very gassy whereas for a while now I haven't been infact I've often wondered if it was trapped wind causing the pain. Just yesterday I noticed the pain was back and can't get the gas out like it's trapped but when I wiped nothing there like I had finished this light Period. It does seem odd that I only had the pain when I started to miss a few periods then it went when my period if you can call it that started. Now it's gone and the pain has come back left lower back and on the top of my hip like a stabbing pain! It seems to be hormonal although I must admit I haven't been worrying about it either due to all this awful stuff that's happening at the moment my mind has been on other things 🤔 i did put it down to either anxiety or trapped wind , I do think it's trapped wind as when I do break wind (sorry) I get relief from it slightly so anyway I'm stuck now with the pain again and don't feel the time is right to get it checked out so am just taking paracetamol. I Also suffer with ibs and my mum died of lung cancer when I was 20 she was 44 and so this is why I think I have terrible health anxiety the same as you. ☹️  The pain Also was on my front left side but  that's gone now my very small Period has stopped I've got pains here there and everywhere that are characteristically hormonal if you know what i mean. What I mean is I felt well when having this Little period  so surely its hormonal hope I haven't confused you too much 😂 hope you are ok xx


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2020, 09:10:24 PM »

Hi mumalmighty I'm so sorry about your mum. So young!!! I've not really had the pain today and no ibuprofen either. I've taken paracetamol regularly though as I have a sore throat. I've been taking senakot at night so maybe that's helped to shift the wind or whatever it was. My ibs always flared up around my periods. Constipated for days before then on the first day I practically lived in the bathroom. My pain is/was a dull ache low down in abdomen on the left then every now and then a pinch throughout the day. Sometimes I could feel movement in that area like a baby moving. Definitely not! Lol. I also think a lot is anxiety as I'm so worried about my mum and all this started when she was diagnosed. It does help to be a part of this forum and I'm so glad I found it. X


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Re: Very worried ...
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2020, 10:15:44 AM »

Pip16 bless you I completely understand what you?re going through and for you it's worse as when I was 20 (I'm 51 now) I didn't know the word anxiety. In the days before the internet we were all oblivious to a lot of things and being so young at the time my nieve mind didn't worry like I do now I knew she was Ill but thought she would be ok. Medicine has come a long way since then and your mums chances of getting through this have quadrupled so try to be positive all the way it will get you through this difficult time I wish her and you all the very Best 😊 your pain does sound bowel related as in trapped wind  I get that pinching feeling. The funny thing is mine all started with UTI 2 weeks before Xmas last year I had a terrible time getting rid of it with a 3 day course of abs no joy then dmannose tablets I tried everything powders you name it my back ache and side ache was terrible but definitely bladder related at that point. So it cleared up then came cystitis it was so bad I hadn't had that for years and I thought why now everything was wrong yet no soreness down below but I was very dry. My last period in January lasted 12days again something I'd never experienced then after that nothing but my problems were happening all the while when not having a period then I had that small one and in those 3 days apart from having slight pain in my ovaries my other pains were gone as if I had had a surge of estregon or whatever it is that balances you out. Then the Period stopped and I'm back to feeling like rubbish everywhere including this darn back and side pain 😫 sorry I may have missed it but are you still peri ? I just think whether it be bowel related or bladder related it's probably your hormones as I'm finding they do the strangest things to us which makes us fear the worst as it's so alien to have all these things wrong. The bladder had bowel can bring on symptoms that are very similar to each other and I'm pretty sure I've read that Va can cause pelvic pain and I reckon That aswell has been contributing to my never ending problems. it's a minefield and a nuisance at this moment in time when you don't really want to be going to doctors or chemists for any reason. I hope you continue to feel better and I really hope your mum is doing ok no point me saying don't worry that's perfectly natural for us habitual worriers. Yes this forum is a godsend and it's so good to talk. I live in a house full of men 3 Sons husband and one daughter who is only 12 so it's lovely to be able to come on here and pour it all out take care 😊
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