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Author Topic: IUD prgesterone  (Read 938 times)


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IUD prgesterone
« on: February 21, 2020, 06:33:50 PM »

hi ladies

there has been some discussion as to wether or not the progesterone in the mirena is observed systemically ?

i watched a u tube video by menopause barbie a us doctor who states that it is only obsorbed locally into the uterine ie the uterus x

your thoughts on this for those of you who have used i?m asking for a friend of mine considering it who doesn't get on with progesterone x

thank u


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2020, 09:02:06 PM »

She's wrong. I've already explained several times on your posts - well definitely once to you very recently.. Do please look at what I've said. Once more to repeat. It is absorbed systemically,. The data are provided in the coil info ( well when I looked it up this info was freely available). It starts off higher and then declines over the years it's in place. Docs who say it isn't absorbed are skating over the finer points, which are that MUCH MUCH LESS is absorbed systemically from the Mirena coil than when the same progestogen is taken as part of the mini pill for contraception. It was designed originally for contraception and this is why this info is put across in this way. When used as part of HRT the approx ballpark absorption is very approx similar to Femseven patch. I said this the other day to you! I want to try and help but it is very frustrating to keep saying the exact same thing to you in answer to the same question! All the best.

Hurdity x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2020, 10:47:27 PM »

hi hurdity

no disrespect but why would a qualified doctor say one thing and u something else !

i will advise her but her gp gynecologist whoever is doing it will say it's not obsorbed into the body x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2020, 11:41:49 PM »

And yet Hurdity is right Sammiejane. I've had a mirena and had to have it removed for precisely that reason, it got into my system and was too much for me x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2020, 09:47:50 AM »

Sammiejane - if I say I have found information or evidence which demonstrates something, then I have, and it does. Doctors especially GPs do not have the answer to everything and many have not read as widely about menopause as some women on this forum. Although we are all considered equal on this forum, without wishing to reveal any personal information, some of us have the sort of background that means we can understand and make sense of some of the plethora of confusing information out there and interpret its meaning where we can on this forum, for the benefit of others who may not have the same sort of background. If you read my posts you will see that where I am uncertain I say things like "as far as I know" or "so I've read" or "I'm not sure exactly but I seem to remember reading" ....etc especially if I really can't remember where I've read it or point to the source of the info.

I understand your wanting to put ultimate faith in doctors but they are fallible and in this case - if this is what the doctor said - it is misleading. It's all in the context - which in this case as I said - is contraception vs the Mirena coil.

You may want to look at this paper here:

Here is an extract of a relevant sentence from this paper:

"The systemic absorption of levonorgestrel may have the potential to cause hormonal side effects. The LNG-IUS releases 20 μg per day of levonorgestrel and so drug-related adverse events are less frequent than with the oral preparations of progesterone, which result in higher serum concentrations."

Im this case - like I said, I looked it up in the past and posted it. The information is freely available.

Here is the info I prepared from a previous post on this:

"For anyone that wants to look up the data and info that I quoted the SPCs (detailed product info) are here:

You can see that from the start the Jaydess contains approx a quarter of the total amount of levonorgestrel that the Mirena has (13.5 mg vs 52 mg).

Mirena delivers Levonorgestrel initially at 20 mcg per 24 hours, reducing to 10 mcg after 5 years and extrapolated to be approx 12 mcg after 4 years (when it is recommended to be renewed for HRT purposes).

Jaydess delivers 13.5 mcg per day initially reducing to 5 mcg after 3 years.

Systemic concentrations with Mirena are approx: 276 pg/ml after 1 yr, 196 pg/ml after 2 yrs and 177 pg/ml after 3 years. With Jaydess the data give 162 pg/ml after 7 days and 59 pg/ml after 3 yrs - so much lower, but there is a wide variability in these levels amongst the women measured. All this info is from the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) on the web and possibly the company website (I looked it all up but then I closed the tabs - hope I noted it down correctly!)."

Posted on this thread:,33744.msg541447.html#msg541447

Personal experience like Perinowpost also adds to this - but the trials evidence is the first port of call. Not everyone will experience side effects from the known systemic absorption.

I suggest the relevant information and references is printed off to show the doctor.

Hurdity x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2020, 03:25:07 PM »

hi hurdity
thanks for that information that's a great help and i wasn't accusing you of making it up i just know myself that when raising anything with doctors they all seem to make u think it in your head and no that won't happen or no that's not correct and my friend was told that mirena was best as she doesn't get on with progesterone x

thank you


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2020, 09:23:16 AM »

No problem. If your friend didn't get on with progesterones in the pill then like I said with the mirena a MUCH lower dose is absorbed systemically so she may well be OK with it.  This could be what her doc was trying to get across. It's just important to know that it is absorbed to some extent.

Hurdity x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2020, 11:56:57 AM »

thanks hurdity. x

can i ask you a question regarding myself

i've been on gel 2 pumps and utro 100mg but im getting bad headaches which ain't relieved with pain relief seems to be mornings throughout the day gets better and my vagina is dry i don't know whether to stop progesterone as it's not needed and swap the gel to a patch as gel dosent suit me on its own x
or do i stop both gel and utro and start again x can't continue like this x


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Re: IUD prgesterone
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2020, 11:58:08 AM »

sorry hurdity forgot to add or shall increase gel to 3 pumps as also still get flushes which i think is from prog x