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Author Topic: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...  (Read 2374 times)


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Re: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2020, 01:25:53 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop so muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  If you have receding gums go to a dentist for advice.  There are specific cleaning routines that can help, a hygienist will help.  Mine is very good and never tells me off  ;).  I opted for implants.  The bone in the jaw, like bone elsewhere, needs something to work against whilst we eat.  Any tooth loss will allow recession which may = more infection.

Blood tests are reliably un-reliable but do ask to see what your GP suggests.


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Re: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2020, 11:19:02 AM »

Hi Kg1974

I haven't read all the posts but saw you have been applying estrogen gel. Which one? Do you mean estrogel hrt?

Just curious as I had a fibroid that grew when I applied estrogel for only 3 months. Since I stopped, the fibroid shrunk.

Fibroids are estrogen dependant.

Hope this helps. X


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Re: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2020, 11:27:54 AM »

Also kg1974. I do not take hrt. Stopped periods 2.5 years ago. Tried hrt which was bad for me. Terrible breathing difficulty, changes in breast tissue and also I put on a lot of weight just as you say.

I changed my diet and adopted lifestyle/exercise change and my symptoms (hot flushes) have all but gone.

Hope this helps. X


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Re: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2020, 07:39:53 PM »

Hi kg1974

I don't think I've said  :welcomemm: if you've just joined?

Which mini-pill are you on? Strange for your fibroid to have grown when on this? Some mini pills suppress ovualtion and depress oestrogen levels. It is impossible to tell where you are in menopause if you've been on the mini pill as it stops periods and I think the only way is age, symptoms and a blood test ( for FSH).

I would definitely want a biopsy to check all is OK?

If it turns out that you have to have a hysterectomy then on NO ACCOUNT LET THEM TAKE OUT YOUR OVARIES (if they're healthy), and then you will not be plunged into sudden menopause. It will happen more gradually although perhaps slightly sooner than if womb was left in. You would not need the contraception then and if you experienced menopausal symptoms you would be able to take oestrogen only HRT at the dose needed to eliminate symptoms. Don't let Jari frighten you off HRT - which you may not need yet - most women get on just fine with it once they have the right preparation at the right dose for their menopausal stage. :).

You could ask for referral to a gynaecologist yes as well as menopause specialist to invesitgate options  - this should be part of your referral for fibroid monitoring but do ask for a second opinion if not happy with the first.
(CLKD - Louise Newson is a private clinic).

Good advice from Jari about diet, exercise and lifestyle - everyone should be optimising this at menopause (and before!).

Let us know how you get on and yes ask the doc for FSH test.

Hurdity x


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Re: New here and not looking forward to what lies ahead...
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2020, 08:19:09 PM »

I'm new here but had to pipe up. I'm peri and have 2 fibroids. They were discovered 3 years when i had a scan to investigate progressively worse mid-cycle pelvic pain. In the interim, they've grown from 6 cm to 8 cm, and are still growing.

I've also been told they're too large to be removed vaginally and have been given the choice of hysterectomy or UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization). UFE is performed by a radiologist. During the procedure, the blood supply to the fibroid is blocked thus killing the fibroid. I opted for this procedure because it's less invasive, and i can no longer handle the pain. I have done all the pre tests and will schedule the procedure soon.

When the fibroids were found, my gynecologist had offered a low dose pill to address the mid-cycle pain but i chose not to go that route because she said the estrogen in the pill may feed the fibroid and cause it to grow faster. I've been relying on Ibuprofen only. She also offered Esmya (to reduce size of fibroid) but I also decided against that because of possible severe side effects. 

Hysterectomy is a major surgery. Like others have said, please get a 2nd opinion.

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