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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Scared why I'm losing weight?  (Read 6602 times)


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Scared why I'm losing weight?
« on: February 11, 2020, 02:53:47 AM »

Hi Ladies,

As as my many other premenopausal problems another one 'that's got me confused is my weight loss. I've cut back on exercise, I'm eating more carbs and protein but I'm still losing weight?

I've got a doctors appointment on Monday and will asked for a blood test to see if my thyroid is overactive? But 'what's upsetting me is today I feel really hungry and I eat and I still feel hungry. I've only just managed to feel full. After eating 1 x whole meal toast, passion fruit, kiwi fruit, bran loaf, yogurt, almonds, biscuit, chicken sandwich, plus wing and stuffing.

Of course I googled and the word cancer pop up. This menopause just really is crap. As you can see I from the post before I've also got a burning bum and thighs. I'm really starting to get down, I know I see my doctor too much, but I'm just so scared and sad, dam hormones.

Thanks for reading and any advice will be greatly appreciated



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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2020, 04:26:40 AM »

It's strange I've just had afternoon tea 20 potato gems, I didn't feel hungry before I ate them, then after I eat I feel full for about 10 minutes. Then my stomach feel hungry and full at the same time?

I also plan to eat, a meat pie and vegetables for dinner and ice cream, I don't understand how I can eat so much and lose weight?


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 12:59:42 PM »

Have you seen your GP about this Lyncola.  Any unexplained weight loss should be checked out.  Are you doing any extra exercise that might explain it.

I have just seen your other thread and see you have a doctors appointment next Monday.  Do ask about your weight as well.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 01:02:29 PM by Shadyglade »


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2020, 07:07:21 PM »

Hi Lyncola,
Ive also lost weight and still losing and am down to 7 11, I'm 5 foot 2. Dr ran whole set of blood tests which were all ok. As my weight is still within a normal BMI the dr doesn't seem overly concerned, but Ive got to have follow up blood tets in a couple of months just to be on the safe side. Most of my friends are putting on weight and I have to make myself eat carbs so that I don't lose more. Tbf my appetite isn't what it used to be though I do weat 3 good meals a day and try to have snacks as well.
Do make sure you get all the blood tests when you go to the drs, better to be on the safe side.


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2020, 05:27:19 AM »

Thanks for your reply's,

No I'm not exercising more, I was before Christmas, but pulled a rib. I'm just doing my usual 15 minutes of Pilates every morning and a walk if I'm not working.

My appetite is very strong and I eat a lot. I've increased what I eat trying to put weight on, I don't understand how I can eat a lot and often and still be hungry. I've lost 4kg since September, at first I wasn't concerned because I cut back on sugar, carbs because of my husband diet and had increased my exercise. Then I hurt my ribs so exercise got cut right back. Started more carbs and protein and little bit more sugar.

The lowest I've been is 59.8kg, then I went on holiday for a week, I managed to put on 0.5kg by eating a lot and cakes everyday. Since Christmas the most I managed was 1kg put on in a week. I got very excited, and because I put weight on I didn't tell my doctor, now I've lost 0.5kg. And I've done nothing different. I've ate so much today, and right now my body telling me it's hungry?

This is what I've eaten today - 1 x toast, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, bran loaf, biscuit, almonds, hot cross bun, pumpkin scone, biscuit, dry apricot, chips, vegan veggie pizza and ice cream.

It will be interesting to see what the doctor says. My husband tells me not to worry my body just doing its thing. I'm bout the weight now as before I had my babies. So about 25years ago. I've never had a weight problem. And can have the problem of losing easily. When I had my first ovarian operation, I was wasn't allowed to eat for 4 days. Back then you weren't allowed to eat after the operation until you did a poo? I lost 8kgs.

Hopefully my doctor will do blood test, last time I talked to her about weight loss she talk about sending me to a dietitian to make sure I'm eating enough protein? I just want to make sure I don't have any health problems :(
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 05:29:19 AM by Lyncola »


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2020, 09:07:39 AM »

A pound, or about 0.5kgs, equates to 3000 calories.  So putting weight on or taking it off, is not an overnight thing.

I still think you should tell your doc but your weight loss/gain doesn't sound that extreme, now you have have described it.


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2020, 02:48:57 PM »

Hi Lyncola

Only a doc can tell you if there is a problem re your metabolism (eg overactive thyroid) - ie that you are eating a lot, being very hungry but you are also exercising a lot maybe?

However your diet is terrible if that is typical! That much sugar and refined carbs would play havoc with your blood sugar and could make you hungry as it is mainly fast-release high GI foods. You are doing yourself no favours eating that sort of food and you are likely to be deficient in vitamins and minerals! You don't need a dietitician - just read a basic website on diet and healthy foods.

You need to cut right down on sugar and carbs, eat way more protein and if you want to put on weight make sure it is high in natural fats - the protein eg full fat yogurt, meat such as lamb, oily fish, coconut products, cream etc plenty of slow release carbs to fill you up if still hungry after all of that, and lots and lots of fruit and vegetables.

By contrast - this is what I've eaten today ( breakfast and lunch): brek: an orange, then porridge with sunflower seeds and a banana ( made with oat milk), followed by boiled egg; mid morning snack ( after very energetic exercise zumba class) - nuts and raisins; lunch - smoked salmon and scrambled egg on v small slice of gluten free toast ( no spread) + pear + natural low fat yogurt with tiny teaspoon honey. This eve husband is cooking lean pork chops on bed of loads of veg + veg with it. You could have similar but just more fat and spreads and full fat yog. Maybe bacon and egg for brek, and spuds for eve ( I realise it's summer where you are - so lots of salads!).

Let us know how you get on at the doc re weight by updating this thread!

Hurdity x



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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2020, 06:12:54 PM »

Hello Lyncola

A good way to fill yourself up is by including starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grain rice and whole grain pasta. As these foods contain fibre you will feel satisfied and they won't spike your blood sugar. The trick is to avoid processed carbs as they have had the fibre removed which is why brown rice is better than white rice for example.

It may be that your thyroid has become over active so a blood test to check for this would be a good idea.

Hopefully you will get to the bottom of this soon.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2020, 10:21:04 PM »

Hi everyone,

I must admit when I looked at what I ate yesterday, it even made me think, that's doesn't look good. My more usual eating is on my first two post. Bran loaf is a homemade recipe, less then 2.5g of sugar per serve, and has whole meal flour, all bran, almond milk, chai seeds and sultanas. With the potato gems only one a week, ice cream one a fortnight. Pumpkin scones homemade, with lots of pumpkin, no sugar they are vegan. I use to eat lots of fruit but cut back as IBS. Same with dairy, I now have lactose free.

Yes I probably eat a bit more crap then  I should but I'm scared if I ate totally healthy I would lose more weight. But like everything there's always room for improvement, and I will try.


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2020, 09:56:20 AM »

Thanks Jaypo,

it's funny half the people I talk to say don't worry, and the other half say check it out. I'm considering canceling my doctor appointment and moving it back one week. Just to see how my weight goes over another week (I only weight myself once a week on Tuesday, as my doctor told me too).

If I delay another week it also allows me to do my three week virginal atrophy check up, plus I can complain about my sensitive butt cheeks (which I know if I complain now she will tell me to give it longer to see if it goes away). I've been talking about my weight with my doctor since November. She was the one that told me 6 weeks ago, to weight myself for one month on Tuesdays, and  I reported back that I had put on a 1kg. So it will be interesting to get another weight in to see if I go up or down

But I would definitely delay only one week. it's a new thing I'm trying this year, to get as close to a month apart with my doctors appointments. If it was up to me I sure I could go weekly with some problem. But it's killing me to pay my doctor bills, as well as medicine.

Since premenopausal January last year it's been a costly year with doctors, medicine, rheumatologist, dietitian etc.

Thanks for everyone reply's and I will let you know how I get on at the doctors either on the 17th February or 24th February.


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2020, 09:36:13 AM »

Hi everyone,

After canceling my doctor appointment midday on Friday, by Saturday morning I've booked it again. I
Went in with a lot of stupid problems, my doctor was wonderful, I started crying.

I'm now on half a tablet of antidepressants. I question my weight loss then gain, then loss so on. My doctor said it's my hormones, and there's not much I can do about it, and that's normal. So it looks like I meant to be 60-61kg for a while. I will still keep an eye on my weight but hopefully it will start getting more stable.

Thanks for everyone reply's


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2020, 02:10:53 PM »

Lyncola. my weight varies a lot, and early last year i wanted to put weight on, i was told to eat peanut butter, and now i want to lose some, i put a stone and a half on, i need to lose a stone
I was dog walking a lot then though


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2020, 12:20:51 PM »

I wonder whether anxiety can plays a role in weight loss. When ever I was particularly stressed in the past at work I'd lose half a stone, without changing my diet.


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2020, 01:21:43 PM »

It does for me Shropshirelass and as we all know anxiety is quite a feature of menopause.  I struggle to put weight on, in fact I weigh less now than I have ever done.  But I do have digestive issues just to throw into the mix 😲

Snap Sparkle! x


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Re: Scared why I'm losing weight?
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2020, 07:00:38 PM »

My weight fluctuates more since I hit peri and I'm lighter now than I've been most of my adult life, I'm now under a dietitian to try and put weight on, but as the anxiety rises the weight drops off again which isn't helped by the ibs x
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