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Author Topic: Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back after 5 years  (Read 1271 times)


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Hello and firstly thank you for approving my account.

In 2009 I went through the above symptoms (subject) as well as hot flushes, irritability etc.  My Dr. put me on HRT and all was well.  5 years later I had problems with my womb so he suggested I try and come off them, which I agreed with.  I was ok, I still had hot flushes but they seemed to be getting better. 

I have been off HRT now for 5 years but a week ago the Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back with a vengeance, so much so that I'm having problems writing this, especially the spelling.  My hot flushes have more or less disappeared.  I just wondered if this is the last part of the menopause and has anyone else experienced this.

Thanks in advance


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Re: Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back after 5 years
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2020, 05:36:05 PM »

Hi MandyMooagain


Sorry to hear about your returning symptoms. Have you been to the doc about these in case there are other causes eg thyroid malfunction which can certainly lead to foggy brain (other clues would be weight gain despite plenty of exercise and not overating wrong stuff, and feeling cold a lot of the time)? Low blood sugar and low blood pressure can cause  light-headedness and dizziness ( are you on other meds?). Also various vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause dizziness eg low iron and one of the vit Bs maybe (?). ANyway I would get checked out and then maybe revisit HRT if nothing untoward is discovered.

You haven't said how old you are?

Hurdity x


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Re: Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back after 5 years
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2020, 05:59:00 PM »

Sorry Hurdity, sorry I should have put how old I was, 58.

I'm going to the Drs tomorrow to see if its not anything else.  The bit about feeling cold is interesting because I've been really really cold.  I'm usually the one that turns the heating off much to my husbands dismay, and now its the other way round.  Hopefully I will get everything checked at the Drs.

Thanks for replying xx


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Re: Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back after 5 years
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2020, 02:48:17 PM »

I sympathise Mandymoo! I would say that I've been fairly free of any detrimental symptoms for the past 6 months- and now I'm back with lightheaded ness and nausea and hot flushes during the day! I thought symptoms gradually got better over time but from reading posts I can see it's more like a rollercoaster!


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Re: Dizziness, Light Headiness and Foggy brain has come back after 5 years
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2020, 03:26:09 PM »

Hi MandyMoo, I've just posted something similar about my slurred speech issues, all related to brain fog, I too feel lightheaded and in a general state of confusion. I'm afraid I don't have much advice to offer only sympathy! I have only just started HRT and too early to tell if that is going to work for me. I appreciate that you may not want to go back down that road again so I hope you find a solution x