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Author Topic: Stomach issues/health anxiety  (Read 8469 times)


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2019, 08:57:01 AM »

Hi ladies.... jumping in on a slightly old post but had forgotten about this forum as a place for support and info  ::)
I have POI diagnosed at age 35 after a long road of wondering what the hell I was going through and I'm now 39. I've been on Femoston for about four years but recently my anxiety is creeping up and I know I need to do something about it.  I'm also a bit of a worrier when it comes to health issues (never used to be before the menopause!!) and recently my bowel movements have been rather on the loose side... yikes, it's horrid! I am making an appointment with my Dr to address several menopausal things and I'm about due a review of my prescription anyway.... wondering if the Femoston is just no longer ticking the box for me and if I need to look at another option although the thought of changing doesn't fill me with joy - it took months of repeated visits to my GP to find the most suitable for me the first time round!

It's a little reassuring to know that an upset stomach during menopause is not uncommon.... easing my anxiety over it a little bit. Has anyone found any changes to their diet help? Any tips of what to eat more of and what to avoid? I hardly drink anything but I am making an effort to cut out caffeine and swapping to Redbush tea as it's naturally caffeine free as opposed to de-caff.

Thanks for reading ladies...I should take to this forum a bit more often for support and the opportunity to offload to those who understand.

PS. Anyone else want to crawl under a rock at the thought of going anywhere on a hot bank holiday weekend?!?! My 7 year old wants to go the the beach but I'm mostly thinking “yeah, but that means people...too many people!”


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2019, 04:56:22 PM »

Hi Alikat

Sorry to hear you've got a gyppy tum. I'm also on Femoston (first month) and so far it seems a lot kinder than the norothisterone I tried before!! Do you remember if you used to get this with normal periods? I know that in the few days leading up to my period my tummy could be a bit on the active side. Anyway this is what I would say it feels like to me on the progesterone part of my HRT.

What kind of things do you eat at the moment? Can you keep a diary for a bit and see if anything particular triggers it? I found from my mid 30s that dairy became a problem, so although I can tolerate butter and eggs, milk is off limits unless in tiny amounts. I have intermittent IBS so I have to be careful of how much fibre I can have. I used to love beans on toast but that's not a good idea any more lol!! You could try looking at the low FODMAP food lists to see if they could be relevant?

I know many of the ladies here swear by a good probiotic as well.

Hope this helps x


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2019, 06:10:05 PM »

I have experienced stomach issues too, which I wasn't sure was aggravated by HRT or not. However, when I upped my HRT patch to a whole one, my stomach problems improved dramatically. I'm surmissing from this that it was insufficient estrogen that was causing the problems.


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2019, 09:57:08 AM »

I've been having tummy issues too. Every now and then I get the crampy pain and diarrhoea but not all the time. Sometimes I get cramps but nothing else. I've decided to monitor this and the last time it happened was 6 weeks ago then again twice this weekend. So it's quite random and not that frequent.

I've Been dieting and stopped eating bread and funnily enough the last two times I had naan bread and tortillas so maybe that's my trigger. I can also be funny with eggs and milk at times. And tbh my eating habits are not great as I can go all day on hardly anything then probably overload in the evening.

I suffer with anxiety and health anxiety as well and know stress can set things off. A year ago I was really upset and stressed over my VA problems and had a bit of an upset stomach at the time and mentioned it to my doc and she said something about if it goes on for either 4 or 6 weeks (can't remember) then they would look into it.

I shall get it checked out if it continues of course and as I've just turned 55 I am expecting an invitation for bowel screening as this is the age it happens in our area.


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2020, 10:36:39 AM »

Apologies in advance but thought  I would resurrect this thread.

I'm still having bowel issues but saw the doc yesterday. She examined me, I've had bloods taken and did the fit stool test and I'm actually having a flexi sig tomorrow as part of the normal bowel screening that we have in this area. However she wants to do another poo test but told me that basically I have to wait till it's ?loose? before submitting the sample. I think it's to test for bacteria.
Problem is, my diarrhoea is intermittent and random. I can't predict it or make it happen, and when it has happened it has been in the evening (except once) which is no good as it has to be fresh. So I don't know how I'm going to sort that one out. Sorry tmi.

Anyway, I go back in 2 weeks so shall see what she says. Doc was a bit vague and didn't say much tbh so here we go again!


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2020, 11:16:33 AM »

Hi Blot, sorry to hear you're still having tummy probs.  Could you maybe ask the gastroenterologist tomorrow when you have your flexi-sig, how best to get the meaningful sample your GP's advised is necessary?  He/she may have different ideas & should certainly have more expert knowledge about stool testing.


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Re: Stomach issues/health anxiety
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2020, 10:04:50 AM »

Hi everyone,
I hate my stomach issues, it started in September went for three months everybday :'(
Did the poo test, blood test, wee test and saw a dietitian, cut out dairy and excess fruit for me. Was fine for 5 weeks, then back again. I'm on day 9 now. And I'm really not sure why I got these issues again?
But I never had stomach issues before premenopausal.
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