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Author Topic: Has losing weight helped your meno symptoms?  (Read 861 times)


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Has losing weight helped your meno symptoms?
« on: January 12, 2020, 09:14:46 AM »

I was moaning to a friend about my constant burning pain since peri menopause
I feel like I have tried everything. HRT, Vagifem, creams
She reminded me of how much I used to like to exercise years and years ago and how it was good for my mental health.
I explained that the discomfort I was in meant the last thing I wanted to do was go on an exercise bike etc. This was my  favourite type of exercise  ( no public swimming near me) and that misery had led to comfort eating that only added to an already hefty weight.
She thought weight loss would take pressure of my delicate bladder. Not just the overall benefits of weight loss which I have my head in the sand about but specifically bladder discomfort.

I suppose it could only help my aching, it may help my brain fog...
Eating makes me feel better...


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Re: Has losing weight helped your meno symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2020, 12:03:55 PM »


loosing weight can be helpful for your bladder however you need to establish if there is any underlining cause for your pain if you have tried treatment for VA x how long were you on VA treatment as this takes some time to get under control and the burning is an obvious sign of VA x do you have incontinenece issues ? any prolapse has this been ruled out as other wise specific exercises can actually cause more harm then good. x

i sympathize with u as since i embarked on hrt have gained the weight i'd lost in menopause most distressing having battles with weight all my life and i don't exercise as i guess to scared to as i'm paranoid after hysterectomy my bladder will drop down i think it has already a little but no significant prolapse but everything feels lower and i'm only 40 but i guess i'm slowly trying to accept the new me rather then fight for the old me i have moments whereby i think i made a mistake having hysterectomy and ovaries removed although the hysterectomy was my only cure but wish i had kept ovaries and researched more and not took doctors word that i needed them removed as they were healthy and i battle this if only what if and then i remind myself the level of pain i was in and could barely walk .


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Re: Has losing weight helped your meno symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2020, 05:25:39 PM »

I was moaning to a friend about my constant burning pain since peri menopause
I feel like I have tried everything. HRT, Vagifem, creams
She reminded me of how much I used to like to exercise years and years ago and how it was good for my mental health.
I explained that the discomfort I was in meant the last thing I wanted to do was go on an exercise bike etc. This was my  favourite type of exercise  ( no public swimming near me) and that misery had led to comfort eating that only added to an already hefty weight.
She thought weight loss would take pressure of my delicate bladder. Not just the overall benefits of weight loss which I have my head in the sand about but specifically bladder discomfort.

I suppose it could only help my aching, it may help my brain fog...
Eating makes me feel better...

Hi WaityKaity - if you are overweight ( I mean above the healthy BMI range ie into the overweight section for your age) then losing the weight will have untold benefits for your general health and into the future post-menopause. There are so many health problems and cancer risks associated with being overweight that menopause aside the best thing you can do for yourself is to start on a (slow) weight loss path. From what I have read ( and can't lay my hand on anything at the moment) menopausal symptoms may well be lessened if you are not carrying extra weight - for example you will not overheat so easily. Also the pressure on the joints will be less as well as less fat around the heart so better for your cardio-vascualr system.

I can appreciate if you are very overweight it can be difficult to start especially re the exercise  but can you join a club of some sort to kick start eg weightwatchers or slimming world. You don't need to run marathons - but just gradually think if ways to introduce a bit more gentle exercise into your life until you feel a bit fitter and able to do more? Brisk walking is one of the best cadio exercises - combined with some strength training - and you can do the latter while watching the telly if you get something like weights ( I don't mean the hefty ones!) and maybe a resistance band or something - or even look on Youtube for exercises that just use body weight.

Take small simple steps and record your progress - maybe join a weight loss forum for support and you will soon benefit :)

Good luck

Hurdity x


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Re: Has losing weight helped your meno symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2020, 06:33:43 PM »


Sammie- yes everything tried for VA, UTIs etc, nothing showing up in any tests.

Hurdity- I live I the middle of nowhere  so no gyms or diet clubs without a 40 mile round trip. Not something I can face after work.
I know weight loss is good for many things, it was specifically menopause symptoms I was thinking about.
I'm in a vicious circle of eating to feel better and being miserable because I've gained weight.
The pan is 24 hours a day and I can't face any exercise.
I need it to ease off to enable me to focus on anything else.
